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Who will be the next Tory leader? Cast your vote!

Who will be the next Tory leader?

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Remember last time around when some tories were saying Stephen Crabb was gonna be their next leader...till he was caught...
Remember last time around when some tories were saying Stephen Crabb was gonna be their next leader...till he was caught...

What was it he did? Too many disgraced tories to keep track of, was he the porn one or the sexting teenagers one?
what you people on this forum fail to grasp is the fact that the Establishment, and the main Remain players are all Tories as well - so you'll still likely end up with a Tory government regardless
what you people on this forum fail to grasp is the fact that the Establishment, and the main Remain players are all Tories as well - so you'll still likely end up with a Tory government regardless
'you people'
Classic heuristic
Tory bashing does seem to be flavour of the month here ....so it's a fair comment from me

but you do realise that most Tory MP's and a sizeable chunk of their voters are in fact REMAINERS, so you are actually arguing against yourself here
what you people on this forum fail to grasp is the fact that the Establishment, and the main Remain players are all Tories as well - so you'll still likely end up with a Tory government regardless

The establishment can't find its dick to take a piss these days. Even with a unified and relentless onslaught against Corbyn they failed to buy the election result they wanted.
Rees Mogg definitely isn't shooting blanks - have you seen how many kids he has?

Seriously though, I reckon Gove or Hunt, but those two being the favourites says something about the state of the party and it isn't good.

Gove’s too weird.
Too weird for what? you're talking about a field of candidates that includes Jacob-Rees Mogg. Weird is relative.

I don't see JRM as being in the running at all. Yes he's obviously weirder than Gove.

Gove is a bit geeky and odd isn't he? He's actually an old-fashioned ideologue in some ways. He fancies himself an intellectual and isn't afraid to wear that on his shoulder. I can't see the Tory party at large (the members) favouring him. Plus he shafted Cameron and Boris so isn't exactly loyal.

Hunt on the other hand is smooth, managerial, has managed to stay popular (within the Tory party I mean) even whilst in charge of the hot political potato that is the NHS. He's earnt his stripes and hasn't pissed off either wing of the party. I reckon he'd walk it.
It's all academic for now anyway, as there'll be no leadership challenge til next year.

When it finally happens, whichever of the last two is the hardest brexit zealot will win. I don't think they can legitimately try to have another coronation.
Tory bashing does seem to be flavour of the month here ....so it's a fair comment from me

but you do realise that most Tory MP's and a sizeable chunk of their voters are in fact REMAINERS, so you are actually arguing against yourself here

Plenty of Labour-bashing here too, muppet.
I hope it's Chris Grayling ,Andrea Leadsom or Lis Truss.One of the Tory intellectuals.

Raab or Javid would be dangerous .

Boris Moseley would be very dangerous but probably to the Tories.We would of course get a new airport.
But of a lack of talent there, really. I vote for some up and comer. One of those people occasionally mentioned in news stories as "touted as future leadership material", who'd normally be expected to grind their way through junior ministerial posts before getting anywhere near the cabinet, but gets some momentum when they finally oust May and realise all the main contenders are just shit.
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