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Who should i vote for in Hackney?

BarryB said:
If you think im interested in being a careerist politician you have misread me completely.


just noticed this!!! :D :D :D

the question remains then! .. what are you?? a trot infiltrator ?? or a new labourite??
GarfieldLeChat said:
who gives a fuck let's face it with ghosts false voters and many other things there was no chance of labour not 'winning' hackney was there...

barry people voted for you to do a job go and do it not piss about on a bulletin board doing fuck all, i mean i know you are a hackney councillour but still that doesn't give you the excuse to be bone fucking idle (even if that's the pipe culturall ethic...

Whats the point of having a bulletin board if people dont contribute to it! Twat.

haggy said:
i'm not sure what divcotton meant by that trotsky ref, but i think it more likely he was comparing you to stalin or mercader!

Well lets hear from haggy what he meant- assuming he knows.

BarryB said:
Whats the point of having a bulletin board if people dont contribute to it! Twat.


but not answer straight questions?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: so what were they again ?? oh yes ..

were you happy that your qoute was false??
did you come up with the 'they are more interested in dalston theatre' bullshit??
did you come up with the 'HI arn't interested in anti social crime' bullshit??
did you come up with the idea of putting independant in apostrophes??
and continually implying we were a front for the tories??
that we were all outsiders?? (irony there methinks!! you live further out of the ward than anyone!!!)
did you tell your colleagues you are a Trotskyist??
in fact are you a trot or are you now new labour??

and you know i'll add some more for now

what do you think of your new colleagues work at Luther Pendragon? (it pays well apparently 150k a year so thats nice) ..

and they advise companies on PFI deals .. you in favour of that??
how will you vote if labour group tells you to support the shit development at dalston?
how will you vote if there is a further vote to develop Lea Bridge CZ?
BarryB said:
Whats the point of having a bulletin board if people dont contribute to it! Twat.

sorry didn't i make myself clear barry b... your consituents are asking you to get on on with your real job and not to piss about on bulletin boards.... lovely turn of phrase... i wonder what the standard would make of some wabbie poltico slagging off their constituents on a public bulletin board for asking them to get back to work....
GarfieldLeChat said:
sorry didn't i make myself clear barry b... your consituents are asking you to get on on with your real job and not to piss about on bulletin boards.... lovely turn of phrase... i wonder what the standard would make of some wabbie poltico slagging off their constituents on a public bulletin board for asking them to get back to work....

Oh grow up.

u know the answers to those q's durruti, its typical party political behaviour and the sort of shit-stirring that HI was formed to get away from. tbh, being completely honest and non-shit-stirring in the election arena is very difficult. it taints everyone who jumps in to an extent. personally, i think we should try not to rise to the 'sleeze' tactics employed by the mainstream parties. is that realistic/naive? ho hum...

but one q for barry, will you be representing the needs of your constituents (pushing hard and publically for the opening of haggerston pool, for example), or just doing what the nu labour machine in hackney tells you to?
you know what really makes me laugh about bb ( apart from an ability to shit stir and then pretend he didn't!) is how he goes on about getting the tories out and HI being a tory front :rolleyes: .. yet he lives a couple of hundred yards from a tory ward .. with a large block of essentially disenfranchised council estate voters .. who one thinks would vote labour ..

yet did he want to stand in this ward ?? to try to represent those people?? no no no no no .. far to much hard work!!
durruti02 said:
you know what really makes me laugh about bb ( apart from an ability to shit stir and then pretend he didn't!) is how he goes on about getting the tories out and HI being a tory front :rolleyes: .. yet he lives a couple of hundred yards from a tory ward .. with a large block of essentially disenfranchised council estate voters .. who one thinks would vote labour ..

yet did he want to stand in this ward ?? to try to represent those people?? no no no no no .. far to much hard work!!

Not sure why you are so concerned as to who should have been the Labour candidate for Springfield ward. After all wasant Arthur supporting the Tories or Lib Dems here? However the electorate of Haggerston preferred the Labour candidates to your mates in HI. Isnt it time for you to get over a bad case of sour grapes?

Divisive Cotton said:
actually yeah let him get back to work I'm sure he's got a committee to sit on or something

Quite right. Since being elected ive been to several Estate Committee meetings in Haggerston.

BarryB said:
Not sure why you are so concerned as to who should have been the Labour candidate for Springfield ward. After all wasant Arthur supporting the Tories or Lib Dems here? However the electorate of Haggerston preferred the Labour candidates to your mates in HI. Isnt it time for you to get over a bad case of sour grapes?


so you think the voters of haggerston have done well to elect a pfi privatiser???

it is preferrable to have you who have done nothing in the area than people who have been supportting tenants for many years??

or a sitting councillor with maybe the worst record in the borough for supportting her constituents??

as i said before NOT ONE PERSON I OR ANY OF THE REST OF US FOUND A SOUL WHO HAD COME ACROSS THE COUNCILLORS BEFORE outside of tenant committee members .. and most of these had not seem Cllr Bright ..

is i have told you before HI is not like the labour party .. which if you attempt to come out as a Trotskyist you would be soon thrown out.. (we still do not know if you are a trot or are not!!:D although your infantile behaviour is indictative of one!!) .. where people shock horror have differrent tactics .. !

personally, before you immersed yourself in the shit stirring that was your election campaign, i on the basis of who and what i thought you were, would have supportted you in springfield to get out ollerenshaw tbh ..

this thread though is about who to vote for in hackney ..

you have still failed to say what you believe in .. all we can do is judge you by
1) your colleagues .. various blairite yuppies
2) the lies and shit stiring that you ( you haven't denied it .. and lets be honest Trots are almost a by word for shit stirring in politics) produced during the campaign
3) the policies of the Hackney Labour Party .. privatisers, pro luxury development etc etc

sour grapes?? mate i've been taking like this since i could talk!:D
get over it?? they used to say that at school!! .. and i'd be a rich man if i'd took all the 'one way tickets to russia' i was offerred!
Divisive Cotton said:
actually yeah let him get back to work I'm sure he's got a committee to sit on or something

he does love a committe! though now i think of it he's not so keen on the work that comes from them!! ;) leaves that for others!!! :rolleyes:
Well, at least Barry knows that he's being watched like a fucking hawk in his every move. Perhaps he should set up a blog to report his intense level of activity on committees and on the doorstep, and to seek to give voice to the inner Trotskyist.

It's a shame that the same can't be said for Cllr Bright who no one seems to have seen in the flesh for several years and who appears to have no voice at all, inner or otherwise. Except perhaps for The Lord himself...
durruti02 said:
he does love a committe! though now i think of it he's not so keen on the work that comes from them!! ;) leaves that for others!!! :rolleyes:

Before the election someone said of me on the Springfield Park Users Group "much as I respect your work for SPUG...". Durruti you dont know by who chance who said this? But I freely admit the person who said this of me done far more work than me and everyone on SPUG appreciates the work that person done.

durruti02 said:
so you think the voters of haggerston have done well to elect a pfi privatiser???

it is preferrable to have you who have done nothing in the area than people who have been supportting tenants for many years??

or a sitting councillor with maybe the worst record in the borough for supportting her constituents??

as i said before NOT ONE PERSON I OR ANY OF THE REST OF US FOUND A SOUL WHO HAD COME ACROSS THE COUNCILLORS BEFORE outside of tenant committee members .. and most of these had not seem Cllr Bright ..

is i have told you before HI is not like the labour party .. which if you attempt to come out as a Trotskyist you would be soon thrown out.. (we still do not know if you are a trot or are not!!:D although your infantile behaviour is indictative of one!!) .. where people shock horror have differrent tactics .. !

personally, before you immersed yourself in the shit stirring that was your election campaign, i on the basis of who and what i thought you were, would have supportted you in springfield to get out ollerenshaw tbh ..

this thread though is about who to vote for in hackney ..

you have still failed to say what you believe in .. all we can do is judge you by
1) your colleagues .. various blairite yuppies
2) the lies and shit stiring that you ( you haven't denied it .. and lets be honest Trots are almost a by word for shit stirring in politics) produced during the campaign
3) the policies of the Hackney Labour Party .. privatisers, pro luxury development etc etc

sour grapes?? mate i've been taking like this since i could talk!:D
get over it?? they used to say that at school!! .. and i'd be a rich man if i'd took all the 'one way tickets to russia' i was offerred!

Durruti im a bit surprised that you havent referred to what the Hackney Independent webiste says of me. For those interested its at www.hackneyindependent.org They say that im a "Trotskyite infiltrator". Note those words. They are the words straight out of a Stalinist tract. Considering the struggle of the real Durruti in the Spanish Civil War against the Stalinists I find the fact that your group uses these words somewhat surprising. But perhaps I shouldent be surprised at anything HI does.

BarryB said:
Like i care what you do.


Yeah, so you don't keep coming back here to *not* respond to many serious questions about the election campaign or your own background.

And you claimed to care very much about what HI were up to before the election, so you'd be even dafter/more confused than you now appear, to ignore them now.
Sean said:
Yeah, so you don't keep coming back here to *not* respond to many serious questions about the election campaign or your own background.

And you claimed to care very much about what HI were up to before the election, so you'd be even dafter/more confused than you now appear, to ignore them now.

If you are going to contribute anything to this forum make it sensible and interesting. If you can.

BarryB said:
Durruti im a bit surprised that you havent referred to what the Hackney Independent webiste says of me. For those interested its at www.hackneyindependent.org They say that im a "Trotskyite infiltrator". Note those words. They are the words straight out of a Stalinist tract. Considering the struggle of the real Durruti in the Spanish Civil War against the Stalinists I find the fact that your group uses these words somewhat surprising. But perhaps I shouldent be surprised at anything HI does.


the problem is you are being dishonest all the way along .. you have not said you are or are not a trotskyist infiltrator ..

you imply it is oid someone might suggest it!!! why?? you have been active in academic trotskyist circles for many years and still edit a trot journal ( which was good for about 5 issues before it sunk into the usual alienatated/anal minutiae)

if you said ( as a trot would ) that new labour are scum but you are part of the LP cos it is 'the party of the w/c' and you are dedicated to driving out the blairites and war mongers and neo liberals that infest it etc etc .. then we would know where you stand ..

equally if you confimed the appearence that you are a big fan of jules pipe and jessica crow and all that crew .. we would know where you stand

it is simple though isn't it?? are you a new labour toady or a trotskyist??

only to someone dishonest would this seem like a strange question?? why not be honest about it .. ok unless you are a trotslytist infiltrator blah blah blah and we are blowing your cover:rolleyes:

the thread is about who people can vote for in hackney .. shouldn't people know????

and historically that was the trouble with trotskyism .. it took far far more from stalininism than it lost .. including a culture of hypocrisy and dishonesty
BarryB said:
Before the election someone said of me on the Springfield Park Users Group "much as I respect your work for SPUG...". Durruti you dont know by who chance who said this? But I freely admit the person who said this of me done far more work than me and everyone on SPUG appreciates the work that person done.


tbh not sure i know what work of yours, they could have been referring to ...

but i do now what sort of person they are ... they hate dishonesty, bullshit, lying etc .. especially for the neo liberal cause .. and have fought it all along the line .. i suspect they are disappointed that you are on the other side ..
What's interesting Barry is that Socialist Unity have labelled you as a 'left-winger' - in fact the only Labour left-wing councillor in London!


Not at any time have demonstrated this on these boards, or more importantly, during the election campaign when your whole appeal and politics were submerged into the New Labour electoral machine - to the point where quotes from you were used by other candidates in their election material and vis-versa.

In fact, your whole contribution to these boards is in attacking other left-wingers.

This profile by you was created on March 23 last year - you clearly idenitify yourself as on the editorial board of Revolutionary History, an academic trotskyite magazine.


You were previously a member of Gerry Heally's lot, off which came Workers Action which is still active within the Labour Party.
durruti02 said:
the problem is you are being dishonest all the way along .. you have not said you are or are not a trotskyist infiltrator ..

you imply it is oid someone might suggest it!!! why?? you have been active in academic trotskyist circles for many years and still edit a trot journal ( which was good for about 5 issues before it sunk into the usual alienatated/anal minutiae)

if you said ( as a trot would ) that new labour are scum but you are part of the LP cos it is 'the party of the w/c' and you are dedicated to driving out the blairites and war mongers and neo liberals that infest it etc etc .. then we would know where you stand ..

equally if you confimed the appearence that you are a big fan of jules pipe and jessica crow and all that crew .. we would know where you stand

it is simple though isn't it?? are you a new labour toady or a trotskyist??

only to someone dishonest would this seem like a strange question?? why not be honest about it .. ok unless you are a trotslytist infiltrator blah blah blah and we are blowing your cover:rolleyes:

the thread is about who people can vote for in hackney .. shouldn't people know????

and historically that was the trouble with trotskyism .. it took far far more from stalininism than it lost .. including a culture of hypocrisy and dishonesty

You still havent said why Hackney Independent use the Stalinist term "Trotskyite infiltrator' about me. Do you defend use of that term? But where is HI going? In todays Hackney Gazette Peter Sutton says "... Labour's electoral machine turned its fire on the real opposition provided by maverick Lib-Dem David Phillips in Hoxton, Tory populist Andrew Boff in Queensbridge and Hackney Independent in Haggerston". So clearly HI is in a de facto alliance with the Tories and Lib Dems in south Hackney at least. How can you talk about independence in these circumstances?

Didnt you notice we turned our 'fire' on the Greens in Clissold and the Tories, Greens and Respect in Leabridge? Previously you bleated on as to why didnt I stand as the Labour candidate in Springfield ward. But if you were so concerned about the working class in Springfield you could have always stood as a Hackney Independent candidate there. Mind you if you had you would have added one more to the tally of Hackney Independent defeats in the last year- Hoxton 2005 and Haggerston 2006. The overwhelmingly working class estates in both these wards decisively voted for Labour and not for you. But you just dont get it.

BarryB said:
You still havent said why Hackney Independent use the Stalinist term "Trotskyite infiltrator' about me. Do you defend use of that term? But where is HI going? In todays Hackney Gazette Peter Sutton says "... Labour's electoral machine turned its fire on the real opposition provided by maverick Lib-Dem David Phillips in Hoxton, Tory populist Andrew Boff in Queensbridge and Hackney Independent in Haggerston". So clearly HI is in a de facto alliance with the Tories and Lib Dems in south Hackney at least. How can you talk about independence in these circumstances?

Didnt you notice we turned our 'fire' on the Greens in Clissold and the Tories, Greens and Respect in Leabridge? Previously you bleated on as to why didnt I stand as the Labour candidate in Springfield ward. But if you were so concerned about the working class in Springfield you could have always stood as a Hackney Independent candidate there. Mind you if you had you would have added one more to the tally of Hackney Independent defeats in the last year- Hoxton 2005 and Haggerston 2006. The overwhelmingly working class estates in both these wards decisively voted for Labour and not for you. But you just dont get it.


Yeah, but you still haven't said if you support Blairism.
Divisive Cotton said:
What's interesting Barry is that Socialist Unity have labelled you as a 'left-winger' - in fact the only Labour left-wing councillor in London!


Not at any time have demonstrated this on these boards, or more importantly, during the election campaign when your whole appeal and politics were submerged into the New Labour electoral machine - to the point where quotes from you were used by other candidates in their election material and vis-versa.

In fact, your whole contribution to these boards is in attacking other left-wingers.

This profile by you was created on March 23 last year - you clearly idenitify yourself as on the editorial board of Revolutionary History, an academic trotskyite magazine.


You were previously a member of Gerry Heally's lot, off which came Workers Action which is still active within the Labour Party.

As for Socialist Unity describing me as a Labour left wing councillor well obviously they know what they are talking about. As for me being the only such one in London well I really dont know if thats the case. Perhaps we should all read Labour Left Briefing to see if this is the case.

There arent many right wingers on this forum. So of course I criticise left wingers. Or are we all supposed to refrain from criticising each other? And make out we all agree with each other? If so there arent going to be many people posting.

As for 'Revolutionary History' its hardly a stunning revelation that im on its Editorial Board. An internet search months ago would have revealed that. As would looking at the journal (available frtom Porcupine Bookcellar, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1) By the way I wish you would not refer to the journal as 'trotskyite'. Its a stalinist term. On second thoughts if that is the political trajectory that HI is taking you might as well continue using the term.

As for Workers Action does it still exist? I havent see an issue of their journal for over a year.

Anyway it would be slightly interesting to know what you think of HIs de facto alliance with the Tories and Lib Dems in south Hackney,

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