why should we? ... it clearly was not our party policy .. we supportted hettie for mayor .. i did not agree with it mind and said so .. but the elctorate on the door are not that interested .. they were interested in what HI or labour we talking about .. and we talked straight ..about the local councillors records and the hackney council record ..
labour resorted to lies .. that HI were more interested in daltson theatre than local issues (
) .. that we were a front for the tories ( who plays the role of the tories in hackney?? ) etc etc ..
and worst of all the abuse of the local african population who were lied to and coerced .. ghanians saying they had been told if the tories won they would be deported!! nigerians saying they had been told to vote labour ( this at 9.30 at night when it looked neck and neck!) .. nigerians being told they would get new flats if labour won etc etc etc .. what a fking disgrace BB what a fking disgrace ..
maybe we should have played dirty .. put out leaflets pointing out that Johnny MacShan lives in a luxury canalside flat .. that he earns 150k a year in a PR company luther pendragon that advises all sorts of scum companies on PFI gains .. amongst other things .. that you BB have had no interest in the area for 40 years (is it??) .. and just wanted a job/ income as you couldnt make a living selling second hand books??? that you are a trotskyist who is infiltrating the party .. or a trot who thinks nu labour is somehow good!! that your qoute in the first leaflet was in fact not from you at all but made up by a LP spinner and was used by half a dozen other hackney candidates??
so do you disassociate yourself from the smears and lies aginst HI and abuse of the african community that you and your party did?? a disgrace .. you should be ashamed ..
so what gives mate?? are you a trot or a nu labour?? or just confused .. still you've a nice income for the next few years haven't you??
and what did you think as you went around hagg west and Kingsland and looked at the slum conditions people are in or other disgraces likes Stanway Court?? this is what your party locally and nationally rules over .. there is no one else to blame ..