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Who should i vote for in Hackney?

Sean said:
...but you keep coming back for more, don't you?

And not a single attempt to answer a lot of interesting questions.

Interesting questions to you. Not to me. Anyway lets see what direction the political evolution of Hackney Independent goes.

BarryB said:
Interesting questions to you. Not to me. Anyway lets see what direction the political evolution of Hackney Independent goes.


i guess what's more immediatley interesting for the people of haggerston/hackney is the direction their new new labour council...

and that includes you, barry.

ps - if you really are as 'progressive' as you are trying to make y'self out on here, are you prepared to meet up and discuss what you think are the priorities in this ward and what you/we can do about it? PM me if you are...?
BarryB said:
Go ahead and underestimate me. Thats fine.


No, I was winding you up - I have every reason to believe that you will be a hard-working councillor.

I sincerely hope that the people in Haggerston that deal with you will have a hardworking councillor to argue their corner - they need it, there's no doubt about that.

It's just that there are a number of political questions above that need answering.
i've asked barry on the UKLN but got no reply so i'll try on here. barry, what's your positions on haggerston school, homerton school and the 5 academies being set up in hackney?
socialistsuzy said:
i've asked barry on the UKLN but got no reply so i'll try on here. barry, what's your positions on haggerston school, homerton school and the 5 academies being set up in hackney?

Suzy thanks for your persistent interest in my views. Im against any new academies in Hackney. Which obviously includes being against any move to convert Haggerston into an academy.

Your good at asking questions. But lets have some answers from you. Like how about telling us how specifically you think education should be improved in Hackney? And how about telling us what you think of Hackney Independent especially in relation to Haggerston ward?

BarryB said:
Suzy thanks for your persistent interest in my views. Im against any new academies in Hackney. Which obviously includes being against any move to convert Haggerston into an academy.

Your good at asking questions. But lets have some answers from you. Like how about telling us how specifically you think education should be improved in Hackney? And how about telling us what you think of Hackney Independent especially in relation to Haggerston ward?


Re: academies, why bother being in The Labour party then? Your party has created academies and is now imposing them across the country, including Hackney!

Re: Hackney Independent - ask them yourself, Barry. You've been invited to PM them, why don't you do just that?

For all your dismissive comments on here, you keep coming back for more. Not quite as thick-skinned as you want us to believe, are you?
Sean said:
Re: academies, why bother being in The Labour party then? Your party has created academies and is now imposing them across the country, including Hackney!

Re: Hackney Independent - ask them yourself, Barry. You've been invited to PM them, why don't you do just that?

For all your dismissive comments on here, you keep coming back for more. Not quite as thick-skinned as you want us to believe, are you?

Sean most members of the Labour Party are against Academies. The point is how to stop any more coming to Hackney. How does HI think this is going to be achieved?

I dont see why you are so surprised that im contributing to this discussion. Ive been on Urban75 for several years. And of course I want to contribute to a discussion on something that im deeply.


BarryB said:
Sean most members of the Labour Party are against Academies.

Most ? Then why is it national policy then? Actually, don't answer that.

The point is how to stop any more coming to Hackney. How does HI think this is going to be achieved?

We are going to join the Labour party so at the next conference we can vote against it and then be ignored...
Sue said:
So which policies do you support?

And well, it may not be rocket science but it seems rather weird to stand for a party whose policies you oppose. I mean, a bit like having your cake and eating it -- so those people who do support those policies will vote for you because you're standing on the Labour ticket while those who don't, well you can do that whole 'I may be standing for Labour but actually I think their policies are crap' thing. Rather dishonest no?

Ah, and here we go with the socialism thing. How do you square being a socialist with being in the Labour party? And if you're going to go for the changing it from within thing I'd be interested to know how you envisage this happening as no-one's yet been able to tell me this.

BarryB, were you planning on addressing this at any point? I'm sure I'm not the only one interested in your response. Thanks.
no contact BB? oh well, i'm sure we'll bump into each other sometime soon on the streets or in the pubs of haggerston...

then again...
the two new academies in hackney are to cost millions more than we were told ( this weeks gazette) .. one of them is in Haggerston Ward .. what a good opportunity for BB to get stuck in .. i await a letter in the paper or leading a camoign to get it stopped ..

p.s. one academy is 'sponsered' by Jack Petchey .. an old time property speculator .. thats a fine example to the kids .. the one in Haggerston by UBS .. a bank that has invested large amounts of money in transforming Hackney for the middle classes ..

by the way you never did answer peoples questions re your scummy campaign did you .. like did you or yuppie macshann come up with the lies etc ?? would be interesting to know ..
durruti02 said:
the two new academies in hackney are to cost millions more than we were told ( this weeks gazette) .. one of them is in Haggerston Ward .. what a good opportunity for BB to get stuck in .. i await a letter in the paper or leading a camoign to get it stopped ..

Stroll on!
durruti02 said:
the two new academies in hackney are to cost millions more than we were told ( this weeks gazette) .. one of them is in Haggerston Ward .. what a good opportunity for BB to get stuck in .. i await a letter in the paper or leading a camoign to get it stopped ..

p.s. one academy is 'sponsered' by Jack Petchey .. an old time property speculator .. thats a fine example to the kids .. the one in Haggerston by UBS .. a bank that has invested large amounts of money in transforming Hackney for the middle classes ..

by the way you never did answer peoples questions re your scummy campaign did you .. like did you or yuppie macshann come up with the lies etc ?? would be interesting to know ..

In my opinion there is no chance of stopping the Academy. But feel free to write such a letter to the Hackney Gazette yourself. And of course there is nothing to stop Hackney Independent " getting stuck in".

Concerning our successful campaign there were no lies told. But all 3 candidates (now councillors) take equal responsibility for our election campaign. Talking about equal responsibility this is prescisely why Peter Sutton and Carl Taylor share responsibility for Arthur Shuters support for the Tories outside Haggerston. And that is why they are not councillors.

You're a second rate shithead, Barry. No matter how many times you've been asked sensible questions about your own beliefs and your party's policies and campaigning tactics, you've answered with evasion and bullshit.
Sean said:
You're a second rate shithead, Barry. No matter how many times you've been asked sensible questions about your own beliefs and your party's policies and campaigning tactics, you've answered with evasion and bullshit.

If you havent got anything new to say dont bother.

Sue said:
So which policies do you support?

And well, it may not be rocket science but it seems rather weird to stand for a party whose policies you oppose. I mean, a bit like having your cake and eating it -- so those people who do support those policies will vote for you because you're standing on the Labour ticket while those who don't, well you can do that whole 'I may be standing for Labour but actually I think their policies are crap' thing. Rather dishonest no?

Ah, and here we go with the socialism thing. How do you square being a socialist with being in the Labour party? And if you're going to go for the changing it from within thing I'd be interested to know how you envisage this happening as no-one's yet been able to tell me this.

BarryB, seeing as you seem to be about again, wonder if you'd care to address this? Looks kind of bad that you've been avoiding doing so.
BarryB, seem to keep missing you -- notice you were about earlier today. Would you at least let me know whether you're planning to answer the queries on this thread? Rather bad form to ignore queries directed at you I would've thought.
Sue said:
BarryB, seem to keep missing you -- notice you were about earlier today. Would you at least let me know whether you're planning to answer the queries on this thread? Rather bad form to ignore queries directed at you I would've thought.

Oh well I will just have to live with the fact that I havent answered you.

BarryB said:
Oh well I will just have to live with the fact that I havent answered you.


BarryB, you seem to not want to answer questions on which Labour party policies you support and which ones you don't. Given that you've only recently stood for the Labour party and are now a Labour councillor, I find it quite astonishing that you can't seem to answer the question.

Is that really how you would respond if you were canvassing and someone asked you that on the doorstep? 'Oh well I will just have to live with the fact that I havent answered you.'
Sue said:
BarryB, you seem to not want to answer questions on which Labour party policies you support and which ones you don't. Given that you've only recently stood for the Labour party and are now a Labour councillor, I find it quite astonishing that you can't seem to answer the question.

Is that really how you would respond if you were canvassing and someone asked you that on the doorstep? 'Oh well I will just have to live with the fact that I havent answered you.'

Perhaps its because I dont regard discussing with you as a serious matter whilst I do take canvassing seriously. Going by the Haggerston election result enough people were impressed with my doorstep manner so as to vote me in. Im sure you will tell us if people have voted you in similarly elsewhere.

BarryB said:
Perhaps its because I dont regard discussing with you as a serious matter whilst I do take canvassing seriously. Going by the Haggerston election result enough people were impressed with my doorstep manner so as to vote me in. Im sure you will tell us if people have voted you in similarly elsewhere.


Swaggering the corridors of power has clearly got to your head Bazza.
BarryB said:
Perhaps its because I dont regard discussing with you as a serious matter whilst I do take canvassing seriously. Going by the Haggerston election result enough people were impressed with my doorstep manner so as to vote me in.

There is also of course the fact that if you're out canvassing you can say one thing to one person, and whatever else to the next. Whereas on here, well, you probably can't get away with that.

I just didn't think you would really see it as such a big deal to say which Labour policies you agree with and which you don't. Not such a tricky question really, surely?

BarryB said:
Im sure you will tell us if people have voted you in similarly elsewhere.


Eh? To the untrained eye it looks rather as if you're saying people can't question what it is you stand for unless they have also stood in an election and been voted in? Please clarify as I'm sure this can't be what you're saying..?
Sue said:
There is also of course the fact that if you're out canvassing you can say one thing to one person, and whatever else to the next. Whereas on here, well, you probably can't get away with that.

I just didn't think you would really see it as such a big deal to say which Labour policies you agree with and which you don't. Not such a tricky question really, surely?

Eh? To the untrained eye it looks rather as if you're saying people can't question what it is you stand for unless they have also stood in an election and been voted in? Please clarify as I'm sure this can't be what you're saying..?

Sue when i was out canvassing I made clear my position against Labour being in any coalition with the Tories in Hackney and against privatisation etc. I can assure you that I was consistent and didnt say to anyone that I supported these things. The very thought of it!

You seem to be very interested in my politics without IIRC saying what yours are. So over to you. As for me as ive said before on Urban75 im a socialist (unlike Hackney Indpendent) and in particular as a left wing socialist im opposed to the Iraq war, privatisation, Foundation hospitals etc. So im just the same as most Labour Party members who are also opposed to the labour leadership on these issues. I happen to believe the best place to oppose these policies is in the Labour Party (and the TUs of course). If people disagree with me thats ok but you really should say what your alternative is.

BarryB said:
Sue when i was out canvassing I made clear my position against Labour being in any coalition with the Tories in Hackney and against privatisation etc. I can assure you that I was consistent and didnt say to anyone that I supported these things. The very thought of it!

You seem to be very interested in my politics without IIRC saying what yours are. So over to you. As for me as ive said before on Urban75 im a socialist (unlike Hackney Indpendent) and in particular as a left wing socialist im opposed to the Iraq war, privatisation, Foundation hospitals etc. So im just the same as most Labour Party members who are also opposed to the labour leadership on these issues. I happen to believe the best place to oppose these policies is in the Labour Party (and the TUs of course). If people disagree with me thats ok but you really should say what your alternative is.


Very disappointing answer, particularly when it took so long in coming.

Wasn't much of the rank-and-file of the Labour Party opposed to official Labour policy when it still had the ability to influence that policy to some degree? For its troubles, the rank-and-file was ignored then, just as the pale shadow of its former self will be ignored now. At least HI have the imagination to try something different. And before you raise it again, the issue of one of its candidates speaking out, as an individual, for some local Tory maverick is neither here nor there when you consider that you are in a party whose leaders support Bush.
LLETSA said:
Very disappointing answer, particularly when it took so long in coming.

Wasn't much of the rank-and-file of the Labour Party opposed to official Labour policy when it still had the ability to influence that policy to some degree? For its troubles, the rank-and-file was ignored then, just as the pale shadow of its former self will be ignored now. At least HI have the imagination to try something different. And before you raise it again, the issue of one of its candidates speaking out, as an individual, for some local Tory maverick is neither here nor there when you consider that you are in a party whose leaders support Bush.

What are you talking about? The Tory candidate for the Mayor of Hackney was not a maverick. Andrew Boff was the official Tory candidate. He was also the Tory candidate for Queensbridge Ward. Using the term "maverick" is a weak cover for supporting the official Tory candidate.

Yes HI did try something different. Rather than pursue its declared purpose of the independence of the working class one of its candidates (not an "individulal" by the way) supported the Tories outside Haggerston. I know ive said this time and time again but it dosent seem to get through to some people. If you have a candidate who says that he will be "actively supporting" the Tories and Lib Dems outside that ward he is standing in and also nominates the Tory candidate for Mayor than he should be beyond the pale. But Peter Sutton and Carl Taylor never distanced themselves from Arthur Shuters actions. For all I know privately they may have disagreed with his actions. But they never so publicly. So they and HI as a whole have to take responsibilty for Arthurs actions.

Why did HI select Arthur as a candidate? My guess is that they thought that the publicity he had received in the local and national press as a leader of the 34 Braodway Market occupation would assist Sutton and Taylor to be elected. And to be fair to Arthur he did receive more votes than Sutton and Taylor. But they didnt seem to realise that Arthur was a loose cannon. Shuters actions gave us the ammunition to emphasise our anti Tory credentials. We also attacked HI for their support for actions outside the ward that were trendy issues of no interest to those living on the working class estates ie the occupations of 34 Broadway and the so called Dalston Theatre. Its difficult to know how influential this arguement was in our victory. But the fact remains we trebled our majority with some 200 more people voting for us than did so in 2002. We obviously did something right. And Hackney Independent did something wrong.

BarryB said:
Sue when i was out canvassing I made clear my position against Labour being in any coalition with the Tories in Hackney and against privatisation etc. I can assure you that I was consistent and didnt say to anyone that I supported these things. The very thought of it!

You seem to be very interested in my politics without IIRC saying what yours are. So over to you. As for me as ive said before on Urban75 im a socialist (unlike Hackney Indpendent) and in particular as a left wing socialist im opposed to the Iraq war, privatisation, Foundation hospitals etc.

BarryB, you stood in Hackney for a party you seem to disagree with on most issues. It doesn't seem unreasonable to be interested in how you nevertheless felt able to take advantage of the party's resources/name. And I'm sure some people you didn't speak to on the doorstep voted for you believing you did subscribe to these policies. It all just seems rather dishonest.

BarryB said:
So im just the same as most Labour Party members who are also opposed to the labour leadership on these issues. I happen to believe the best place to oppose these policies is in the Labour Party (and the TUs of course). If people disagree with me thats ok but you really should say what your alternative is.


And what a fine job you're doing with this changing the party from within thing... How's the master plan coming along?

And BTW, I don't live in Hackney so not sure why my personal politics are of such interest. You after all have publically put yourself up as a representative of your party. Guilty conscience? Worried that stuff you reassure yourself with won't stand up to scrutiny? Do tell!
BarryB said:
Shuters actions gave us the ammunition to emphasise our anti Tory credentials.

What "anti-Tory credentials" would they be, given that the New Labour government and councils are indistinguishable from Tory administrations?
NigelI, I would imagine BarryB was playing the 'if you don't vote Labour the evil Tories will get in' and no doubt the 'it'll all be different when Gordon Brown becomes leader -- he's a socialist and *everything*' cards while deluding himself with the reclaiming the party thing...

Actually, can never decide if people are deluding themselves or just have the most incredible amount of brass neck.
Sue said:
BarryB, you stood in Hackney for a party you seem to disagree with on most issues. It doesn't seem unreasonable to be interested in how you nevertheless felt able to take advantage of the party's resources/name. And I'm sure some people you didn't speak to on the doorstep voted for you believing you did subscribe to these policies. It all just seems rather dishonest.

And what a fine job you're doing with this changing the party from within thing... How's the master plan coming along?

And BTW, I don't live in Hackney so not sure why my personal politics are of such interest. You after all have publically put yourself up as a representative of your party. Guilty conscience? Worried that stuff you reassure yourself with won't stand up to scrutiny? Do tell!

Why the reluctance to say what your politics are. If you want to know mine then surely its reasonable to ask what yours are.

You ask if I have a guilty conscience. Why should I? I havent done anything wrong.

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