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What's your favourite three sports, in order.....


I've been mulling over this and it's quite a tricky one.

Obviously football is number one - by miles - but after that I'm not so sure. I really like rugby internationals, but aren't so keen on club games, but maybe I'd make that my number two.

as for the third place, I like some boxing, cycling, athletics and even some tennis but don't feel strong enough about any of them.

How about you lot? Let's hear your top three!
My flatmate asked me this once and to my surprise I came up with:

1. Football
2. Tennis
3. Snooker

BBC Sport has a lot to answer for :mad: :oops:

My dad will be very upset rugby didn't make it in there, although I supsect he'd think I was lying about it anyway :D
football, cricket (but only really the internationals) and probably athletics, but I only really take any notice of the big championships
Joint top are the two sensible forms of football.
Joint third are tennis, golf and basketball.
Cricket just outside as it takes up a lot of time.

Football involves following a team (club and national), the others don't aside from Davis and Ryder cup. An important distinction?
To play: American Football, Rugby, Basketball

To watch: Probably the above with Football replacing Basketball
Your number one sport is football yet you've posted this thread in 'general sports'. My case is closed.
Your number one sport is football yet you've posted this thread in 'general sports'. My case is closed.
The thread isn't just about me, silly.


PS Please don't ruin this thread with more of the same whining. You've made your point. Thanks.
Football is top.

2nd is probably skateboarding love vert and park and big air.

3rd is bmx. All the xtreme/action sport stuff. Not the racing though.

4th tennis

5th FMX can't be arsed with trials though and again no racing(not a sport) or step up(high jump)

6th boxing

Pretty much fuck everything else other then f1, which isn't a sport. Oh, I will watch basketball quite happily but haven't for ages.

Cricket, football, baseball

Unfortunately I was indoctrinated early into rugby so can't resist watching it, but its pretty shit really.
1. Rugby
2. Football
3. Formula 1 and cars going vroom


Not sure if motor sport is a pukkah sport, but I don't care.
The thread isn't just about me, silly.


PS Please don't ruin this thread with more of the same whining. You've made your point. Thanks.

You've illustrated the failure of the split perfectly with this thread. That's it. I'll stop
er... poker?

I'm, not really that sporty I guess. I'll watch football once every four years in some weird bout of patriotism.
Football is first by a long way then Cricket and Tennis. An honourable mention to Badminton because it's boring to watch but fun as all hell to play.
Yes. Hated everything about it, most of all the people on the course.

I like crazy golf though.

At the risk of flogging a dead horse here, where did you play?

Most golf courses have such a variance of player on it I'm surprised you could generalise.
Football is first by a long way then Cricket and Tennis. An honourable mention to Badminton because it's boring to watch but fun as all hell to play.
I haven't played badminton for ages, but you're right. It's a cracking piece of fun.
Golf's really shit. I've played it too and I still can't get past the impression that it's a hugely wasteful sport in land and water terms, couple with some of the worst sartorial disasters in any arena. It's like an anti-sport, or corporate sponsors dream.
If my list carried on to include every sport ever devised, golf would still be just about at the bottom.
It's strange, as while I will happily watch almost any form of competition, sport or otherwise, golf leaves me really cold.

It's just *thwack* walk, walk, walk... *thwack* :confused:

It may be a different thing playing it, as most sports are, but I can't say it's a great spectator sport.
Golf's not a sport. IMO. Sport's supposed to be enjoyable for either the participants or the spectators or sometimes even both. Golf's neither.

Darts. Now there's a sport.
Badminton's easy to play, unless you're playing a good player. In which case they can make you look like a right plum running from side to side, toying with you.

If this sounds bitter it's because my little cousin was once in the England team. Easy game to pick up, but difficult to play well. You stand more chance of fluking a winning shot in tennis or squash for example
At the risk of flogging a dead horse here, where did you play?
In north Cardiff, years ago. There's really not much I like about it, I'm afraid. The snobbery, the stupid clothes, the ridiculous motorised carts, the shoes, the caddies, the daft bags, the racism, the horrendous waste of land held for the use of a tiny minority, the waste of water resources, the corporate associations/boss-toadying potential and most of all the sport itself. Which is shit.

I'm sure there's some real salt-of-the-earth, honest-to-goodness golf clubs out there, but none of it holds any appeal for me.
Golf's really shit. I've played it too and I still can't get past the impression that it's a hugely wasteful sport in land and water terms, couple with some of the worst sartorial disasters in any arena. It's like an anti-sport, or corporate sponsors dream.

It's wasteful of water if you do something stupid like build it in a drought zone - Portugal, Dubai etc. Most courses in the UK actually struggle to get enough water away from the course.

The clothes are about as risable as any other sport. You've seen stade francais, yes?

It's biggest problem is being addressed, but slowly - the 'exclusivity'. Some courses are very picky as to who can join, but as in most things like this I wouldn't want to join a club like that in any case.
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