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What's happened to Kwik-save?


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What has happened to Kwik-save?

My local one was closed for a day a month or so ago and ever since then the shelves have become ever more empty. They are obviously not getting any deliveries.

It doesn't really bother me apart from the fact I can't buy any Bonios locally (the dog's not fussed, he's having three-packs-for-a-quid digestives instead :cool: ). They were never 'Kwik' and you didn't save so there you go.
Originally from wales were I think there are more shops

I thought the name had been bought and was due to be relaunched...

my first ever job was for kwiky in seacombe next to birkenhead..not posh
They were bought out by Somerfield yonks ago.

I'm guessing they're either closing the store for good, or for refurbishment to turn it into Somerfields?

Our local Kwik-Save (The shame! I live in a town that's got a Kwik-Save!) has now got a Somerfield sign above the door. I dunno if it's still piling it high and selling it cheap though, as we shop in Sainsburys.
A Somerfield on a council sink estate? Not going to happen.

As far as I could make out they never did pile it high and sell it cheap. There was nothing cheap about it. They were certainly more expensive for brand name lines than any of the major supermarkets.
Once upon a time Kwik Save WERE cheap but we're harking back to the early nineties now. Somerfield have indeed bought them out and since they did so the prices started creeping upwards.

Funnily enough there's a Somerfield in Bramley now. I haven't been into it but since it's the main shop for a big and very poor council estate I doubt it's future existence is going to be rosy.
I'd forgotten all about kwik-save. Haven't seen one since I lived in Mere Green.
It's the only place I've ever seen organic mushroom cup-a-soup.
That and a pack of powdered instant mash, and you're sorted for emergency food on site using absolutely nothing but one kettle of hot water and a bowl (as all the other fuckers have lunched out all the food and cooking inplements.)
Stig said:
I'd forgotten all about kwik-save. Haven't seen one since I lived in Mere Green.
It's the only place I've ever seen organic mushroom cup-a-soup.

The own-brand tomato soup was amazingly good. And about 4p a can, too.
The Kwik in Walthamstow closed a couple of years ago, replaced by a brand shiny new Lidl :cool: ,cos that Kwik was really grotty

My sister tells me that the Kwik in Denbigh has closed and 2 "bigger" chains are supposedly interested in the site, one of them rumoured to be the co-op, although there is already a co-op on the town centre, but the parking is shite there so maybe...would be good i like the co-op.

Kwik's do seem to be disappearing tho. I can see why in these days of superclean standards, every Kwik I've been into in the last 10 years has been a bit of a dump, cheap enough but now oudone as northernhoard said by continental competition, but really grubby and grotty, took ages to pay...i once tried to pay by cheque in the streatham hill one (now Somerfield i think?) and it took about 20 minutes! Given the reasons why most people shop in supermarkets, (time, convenience, savings, etc) it's not too surprising imo

Shame in a nostalic way, there has been a Kwik in Denbigh since i can remember, it was the only supermarket for a long time apart from, in my very early youth, a tescos that was the size of a corner shop! and did green shield stamps!
longdog said:
A Somerfield on a council sink estate? Not going to happen.

As far as I could make out they never did pile it high and sell it cheap. There was nothing cheap about it. They were certainly more expensive for brand name lines than any of the major supermarkets.
scummerfield is about the grotties nasties supermarket chain out there. As evidenced by the fact that camberwell has two...
You always felt down on your luck if you were forced to shop at kwiksave. Way more depressing than Netto more recently replaced by farm foods
hi nadia
Netto has brighter lighting and colour schemes as part of its deocr so its harder to get depressed in Netto than drab old Kwik save with its off whites and red colouring.
There hasn't been a Kwiksave near here for years. I used to like their drinking chocolate. Was only 99p a tub and didn't have crappy additives in it.
nadia said:
You always felt down on your luck if you were forced to shop at kwiksave. Way more depressing than Netto more recently replaced by farm foods

My dad used to shop there when we were kids.. Kwik Save and Iceland.. "honey, we're killing the kids" :rolleyes:
kwikies were bought out.. erm sorry merged with somerfied a few years back

one of the issues sommerfiled faced was the brand awareness kwiks had so they decided to keep the vast majority of the stores with the kwik save brand.

whats happening now is they are slowly transfroming them into somerfields...

i was working at kwiks head office in prestatyn when the takeover... sorry merger.. took place and there was a LOT of ill feeling towards somerfield
We've still got a Kwik Save in Somerset. We've already got a fairly close Somerfield and its dearer plus its £1.50 ech way on the bus. :( :mad:
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