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what the bible says about money

Just gotta figure how to get through the eye of that needle now :hmm:


Technology has advanced considerably since that was written.

Edit - That camel should have been wearing a hard hat.
<snip>I always wondered: what was the Lord of Hosts doing skanking around with other men's wives?
Probably similar pathological behaviour to what drove Maxwell to urinate over potted plants where underlings could see him, and over the side of his yacht instead of using the toilet: partly territorial marking and partly "fuck you, this is how powerful I am".
Was God supposed to pick an unmarried women? I'm sure that would have been nice for such a woman in ancient Israel. Joseph was told the score by an angel. So I don't think it is was a problem for him.
Was God supposed to pick an unmarried women? I'm sure that would have been nice for such a woman in ancient Israel. Joseph was told the score by an angel. So I don't think it is was a problem for him.

But one of the ten messages God gave to Moses for us to follow:

“You shall not commit adultery.

Apparently, God made Mary an adultress.

How firm is God on those rules, anyway?
After Mary was told by an angel she would conceive:

'"I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May your word to me be fulfilled." Then the angel left her.'

Luke 1:38
Well she didn't object. In fact she sounded pleased.

'“My soul glorifies the Lord
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has been mindful
of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
for the Mighty One has done great things for me—
holy is his name.'
Well she didn't object. In fact she sounded pleased. <snip>
FFS she'd been groomed for that role or similar all of her short life (need I to remind you about Mary's background?) as well as being raised in a society where her role was to comply and submit.
There's also a gap in the New Testament: Jesus' life from age 12, to age 30.
Some believe he was on ships and came to England with his uncle, hence 'And did those feet in ancient times, walk upon England's mountains green, and was the holy Lamb of God on Englands' pastures seen?'' in William Morris's Jerusalem. It was supposed to have been around Glastonbury.
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But you said it was rape. It wasn't.
Non consensual sex is rape. If somebody is not able to give informed consent, because of their age, conditioning, or mental incapacity, any apparent consent can't be taken at face value.
Was she living with Joseph at the time; or at home with the folks?
She was betrothed, so she may have been living under the roof of Joseph's parents, but not sharing a room with Joseph.
I don't see how it can be rape given that she said 'let it be so as you have said' and afterwards was delighted to be chosen. That's consent.
Some believe he was on ships and came to England with his uncle, hence 'And did those feet in ancient times, walk upon England's mountains green, and was the holy Lamb of God on Englands' pastures seen?'' in William Morris's Jerusalem. It was supposed to have been around Glastonbury.
I should read the whole thread before posting...
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