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what the bible says about money

It's very weird to hear someone talking bout the devil in such a matter of fact way like they were on about work or something.

It must be very reassuring to believe that. Being able to put your own sick motives off on an imaginary bugaboo is a little too easy. Believing that you do fucked up things because of your own motivations has to be the more difficult path to follow.
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I'll play them at other peoples houses. It just doesn't seem interesting enough to do for hours upon hours. I like killing things for a while, but it would be odd to do it daily.

I'm the same, I'll watch the telly for a bit round at someone's house but I wouldn't want hours and hours of car chases and explosions all the time.
I'm the same, I'll watch the telly for a bit round at someone's house but I wouldn't want hours and hours of car chases and explosions all the time.
I love a good car chase on television. One day I saw a car chase with a Jaguar car being written off in a crash. This was on BBC. A bit later that same night I saw the very same car chase in a different programme, this time on ITV. Perhaps you can just order up a car chase to insert into a story as required.

Sorry about the digression. Get back to your devil-worship thread.
It must be very reassuring to believe that. Being able to put your own sick motives off on an imaginary bugaboo is a little too easy. Believing that you do fucked up things because of your own motivations has to be the more difficult path to follow.

I know.

It's quite strange to think someone I'm descended from thought this stuff!
The Bible is clearly false and was invented by ancient peoples to control humanity.

I don't believe anybody needs the Bible to be a good or moral person. I don't.
The Unitarians are sound. I attend a congregation every few weeks and have a lot of time for them. Good people.
I've been to Kettering Open Doors a few times more since the thread was started. And they are lovely people, they make you feel so welcome you think you are guilty of neglecting them. I mean they all love me and pray for me (Shit you not, they pray for me when I'm not looking. Ma asks them to so often they do it by habit now). So when you go there you feel feted and warmly loved by clean-necked christians. It feels weird cos they are the lovliest bunch of slightly mad eyed zealots you could ever wish for but I just can't square the attitudes to homosexuality with logic. They'd not judge or condemn a gay man coming into the church but he (or she) cannot become a member. Nor can a person 'living in sin' which means fucking without having the sanction of marraige.

They mean it. They mean the charity, they mean the open arms. They also mean the other shit. Hate the sinner not the sin. When its someones sexuality, the difference is in their heads. It ain't a sin, and thats why they are smiling, friendly shits.
I was reading bits of a catholic Bible, Wisdom of Solomon, which isn't in non-catholic ones. Quite harsh. Had to stop reading it out of disgust at the meanness displayed towards children who are termed 'illegitimate'. Basically that they are cursed and so on. Another strike against joining that lot.
Here is the bit I mean:

"But children of adulterers will not come to maturity, and the offspring of an unlawful union will perish.

Even if they live long they will be held of no account, and finally their old age will be without honour.

If they die young, they will have no hope and no consolation in the day of decision.

For the end of an unrighteous generation is grievous."

As I say not very nice.
Here is the bit I mean:

"But children of adulterers will not come to maturity, and the offspring of an unlawful union will perish.

Even if they live long they will be held of no account, and finally their old age will be without honour.

If they die young, they will have no hope and no consolation in the day of decision.

For the end of an unrighteous generation is grievous."

As I say not very nice.

Good job it's all fiction then, that's fucking horrible.
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