White House and Capitol Hill officials are privately concerned that Trump’s lack of policy expertise could throw off fluid dynamics — and potentially hurt in negotiations with some senators, one Capitol Hill and one White House official close to the talks said. Members of the House Freedom Caucus
complained in March that Trump was not engaged in policy details they cared about in an earlier version of health care legislation.
Having the president discuss a bill in depth with a senator doesn't "use his talents well, and it's not going to help us," one White House official said. Some Republicans who were not vocal Trump backers, such as Sen. John McCain and Sen. Mike Lee, might not be swayed by a call from the president.
Two White House officials also said they didn't think McConnell — who has tightly controlled the process, hand-selecting a group of lawmakers to help write the bill— would let them have much control "even if we wanted it."
"There were more leakers and many more drama queens on the House side during that whole debate. He runs a very tight ship," one of the White House officials said of McConnell.
Trump, one outside ally said, has criticized the House bill and senators at different points — "telling people what they want to hear about it." He has asked few questions about the specific language in the bill, one administration official said, but has asked repeatedly about vote totals.