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what no annual poppy bunfight thread?


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ias a bit of an aside we can use this thread to collate all the "xxx" wont allow poppy sellers in cos it offends "zzzzz" bullshit that does the rounds
Load of old tripe. It's the extra mature ones wearing their proper medallions that I respect but I can't do this Iraq and ganny vets sympathy:facepalm:

Just got literally stood in front of at the door of my local Morrisons by two blokes in karki with Buckets for A Soldiers Journey ?? Who the fuck are they? Collecting for injured servicemen..

I told them who I thought should be bailing out injured servicemen and said I was happy to pay through my taxes and they should be stood outside number 10 not fucking Morrisons, then some lighthearted words were exchanged

When I go to Morrison's I want some shopping not a fucking row about global hegemony FFS:D What I really wanted to know is why were they in Uniform because as far as I could see they weren't on Army biznizz:hmm:

This should get it braising:facepalm:

They haven't even got a working website..
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Red, what else would you expect? :D

I wear it to remember my friends who have died, and also all the millions of others who died.

Remembrance is not the primary reason for purchase though, the primary reason is to make a donation that will make life better for all those who didn't die, but are badly broken. These people have been serially let let down, by every mealy mouthed bunch of cunts masquerading as a government, since time immemorial.
I told them who I thought should be bailing out injured servicemen and said I was happy to pay though my taxes and they should be stood outside number 10 not fucking Morrisons, then some lighthearted words were exchanged
Well done!
Red, what else would you expect? :D

I wear it to remember my friends who have died, and also all the millions of others who died.

Remembrance is not the primary reason for purchase though, the primary reason is to make a donation that will make life better for all those who didn't die, but are badly broken. These people have been serially let let down, by every mealy mouthed bunch of cunts masquerading as a government, since time immemorial.

Well done!
I don't want to feel like a cunt for not throwing in the bucket for their mates which Is why I don't think they should be literally stood in your way hollering help injured soldiers or look like a cunt..
I mean I'm going for a bottle of wine and some fucking frubes for Finn Larden not a debate of war and it's victims...

Last week it was some very charismatic African chap who was giving hugs and kisses to everyone who chucked in his bucket for blind children...He had a fucking queue of old women:facepalm::eek::D:D

I'm going back to Aldi even if the lad doesn't like their yogurt :mad:
I don't want to feel like a cunt for not throwing in the bucket for their mates which Is why I don't think they should be literally stood in your way hollering help injured soldiers or look like a cunt..
That sort of generosity is very rare.
That sort of generosity is very rare.
I offered to buy them a pint and a discussion in my local..I don't want to rib them but there's no need for the flank or the kick in the shin of my conscience

What I'd really like to know though is who the fuck are they? and why have they got that utter cunt smack bang in the middle of their defunct home page?

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