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What is ‘smart casual’ for women

This is the girl version. Your version’s easy, just not matching jacket and troos that’s it isn’t it.

You say that but as someone who used to wear either a suit, or t-shirt and jeans, "smart casual" used to irritate the shit out of me, as did "dress down Fridays". I'd just lose the jacket and tie, undo the second shirt button, take out the cuff-links and roll my sleeves up a couple of turns; but many others would take the opportunity to model designer polos and chinos, which I think is wanker gear, especially if the polo is tucked in. Nowadays I'm past the point of caring and if someone sets me a dress code I either don't turn up or just wear what I think suits the occasion and ignore their sartorial orders.
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Jeans and a nice top - with either a sandal/trainers/boots.
My standard uniform for everything!

Having pulled out and then thrown in giant pile almost all the items of clothing that I own I’ve decided on exactly this, same jeans I wear most days. Giant waste of time. Hope there’s something to eat in there not just shitty warm wine and crisps. :facepalm:
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