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What is ‘smart casual’ for women

I really struggle when invited to things that require smart casual, because I am scruffy most of the time, so I probably overdress and go for smarter than I need to, so end up feeling uncomfortable!

But my advice to someone else would be to go in what makes you feel comfortable, within certain restraints, as detailed by others. I would definitely avoid my usual t-shirts which have slogans or band names on them, but I think you could get away with a tshirt and trousers look and I think the lineny jacket thing you described sounds perfect to turn that into smart casual.
An image search certainly turned up loads of women in smart jeans, plain top and a linen type jacket with deck shoes.
I’ve got a necklace that I bought at a car boot circa 2005 which I think is probably the answer to this particular first world problem , it’s wooden beads all different shapes & painted convincingly to look like bassets liquorice allsorts. That will be the thing probably.
I'd assume:
No ripped jeans, joggers or leggings - smart jeans or leather joggers/leggings might be ok.
Trousers of any kind, t-shirt or shirt (not cropped/no logos), blazer or cardigan.
Flat shoes of any kind but not really scruffy trainers.
I’ve got a necklace that I bought at a car boot circa 2005 which I think is probably the answer to this particular first world problem , it’s wooden beads all different shapes & painted convincingly to look like bassets liquorice allsorts. That will be the thing probably.
sounds perfect. I think you have got this sorted!
Neither do I tbh, I thought it meant a pumps sort of thing but grown up.
deck shoes have to have a little leather thongy thing that pointlessly and for no reason at all goes around the whole perimiter of shoe ? Like a bankers moccassin. i think. And rubbery soles. They're more of a mens thing to go with no socks and skinny chinos, and other sins.
deck shoes have to have a little leather thongy thing that pointlessly and for no reason at all goes around the whole perimiter of shoe ? Like a bankers moccassin. i think. And rubbery soles. They're more of a mens thing to go with no socks and skinny chinos, and other sins.
Ah, I was wrong the, these looked to be more sort of plain coloured canvas shoes.
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