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What have the police blown up in North Greenwich Station?

let's have a look. bear with me.

e2a: searched nexis for marylebone and pancras and trains and sheffield between 01/07/1998 and 30/06/2000 without finding anything relevant
I'm coming over to the idea that I might have misremembered the station i left from but its opening a can of worms now about how reliable my memory is for everything else.
I assumed it was to put terrorism in the news schedule incase the RAF blow up a bus load of kids in Mosul and a chance to test emergency planning procedure.
I'm thinking - might it have been a temporary diversion while there were track problems or track works on the route out of St Pancras?

It's theoretically possible - about the only possible route would involve the train from Marylebone continuing on the (usually freight train only) line beyond Aylesbury, turning on to the (again, freight only) line to Bletchley, then the Bletchley - Bedford line and re-joining the Midland Main Line there.

Railway operations are such that you can't just stick up 'diversion' signs and expect train drivers to follow them - train drivers require 'route knowledge' (as in knowing where signals, speed restrictions and so on are - and being able to know where they are in the dark), so if this did happen, it would have been a fairly major exercise with a fair amount of prior planning, not something done on the spur of the moment to deal with a short term problem.

It would also almost certainly have attracted the attention of railway enthusiasts with cameras who now have accounts on Flickr and the like - I have done a few searches for plausible combinations, and drawn a complete blank.

Memory is an odd thing - and there is a fair amount of discussion in historical academia about oral history (individual's memories rather than the 'official version of events') and the risk of recollections being blurred, particularly over one-off rather than every day events.

A few months ago, I got involved in an argument on a transport forum over whether there was a tram route through a particular chunk of London - someone was insistent that he travelled on a tram through a bit of London's west end in the 1930s. No published work (and there are a few) or any London Transport map of the era (and some people do have copies) that anyone else had showed any record of a tram route through that area, and some books record various proposals that were vetoed by combination of land-owners and borough councils in the west end. The person in question was still convinced that his memory of it carried more weight than any references we could quote.

I wouldn't worry about it too much...
Couldn't it be done quite simply by going via Banbury to New Street and then coming out backwards and going via Derby?
Railway operations are such that you can't just stick up 'diversion' signs and expect train drivers to follow them - train drivers require 'route knowledge' (as in knowing where signals, speed restrictions and so on are - and being able to know where they are in the dark), so if this did happen, it would have been a fairly major exercise with a fair amount of prior planning, not something done on the spur of the moment to deal with a short term problem.

No reason why you couldn't. Set the points and send the train on its way. Unless the train falls off the track, it'll get to where you want it to go eventually. Just get the train to go slowly to be on the safe side. :cool:
No reason why you couldn't. Set the points and send the train on its way. Unless the train falls off the track, it'll get to where you want it to go eventually. Just get the train to go slowly to be on the safe side. :cool:


Couldn't it be done quite simply by going via Banbury to New Street and then coming out backwards and going via Derby?

suppose so, although would have thought it would be easier to divert to euston in that case - and to go to Nuneaton then across to Leicester rather than all the way to New Street (although might have been more capacity at Marylebone at the time)
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suppose so, although would have thought it would be easier to divert to euston in that case - and to go to Nuneaton then across to Leicester rather than all the way to New Street (although might have been more capacity at Marylebone at the time)

I did once wake up as the overnight train was going through Birmingham, which was something of a surprise, as it was Glasgow to London. Engineering works.
Looks like they're arrested (after being tazered) someone. So if it was a bomb then its beginning to look like a bit of a shambolic effort. No big bang and a easy to follow trail for the police to follow.
I wasnt talking tosh. Genuinely overheard rumour. I didn't say it was true.
by spreading a rumour you were talking tosh. especially reprehensible as a quick search of the interweb reveals what's going on. no d notice arsery. i didn't realise you were so easily gulled by people who don't know what they're on about.
by spreading a rumour you were talking tosh. especially reprehensible as a quick search of the interweb reveals what's going on. no d notice arsery. i didn't realise you were so easily gulled by people who don't know what they're on about.
Actually it came from someone I consider to be a credible source but I'm not going to reveal who. Maybe I should have checked but I'm tired and stressed out and not in a place where I can easily Google things right now. Plus I'm not perfect like PM.
Actually it came from someone I consider to be a credible source but I'm not going to reveal who. Maybe I should have checked but I'm tired and stressed out and not in a place where I can easily Google things right now. Plus I'm not perfect like PM.

Maybe at the very least you should consider just how credible your "source" really is when it comes to the subject of D-notices.

Even the BBC has been reporting the story this afternoon

Counter-terrorism arrest over North Greenwich Tube device
Went through North Greenwich earlier, just around midnight, and it was closed due to a lack of staff :facepalm:

By the time we'd got to Canning Town it was open again :D
Actually it came from someone I consider to be a credible source but I'm not going to reveal who. Maybe I should have checked but I'm tired and stressed out and not in a place where I can easily Google things right now. Plus I'm not perfect like PM.
I think my information was correct, albeit I was late to share: "either a device or something similar enough to a device to cause police to take it seriously. D notice served on the day to prevent this from being reported." Turns out it was something that resembled a device that a passenger picked up and handed to the driver." :rolleyes:
Memory is a funny thing. I once woke up, ate an entire Christmas pudding with cream and then went back to sleep. Then I woke up again later and wondered what the hell happened to my dessert, because my brain had for some reason erased all trace of that memory.
Of all the terrible CSI franchises, CSI: 90s Marylebone was surely the worst.
Csi mount pleasant and their failure to break the great flying boot theft was possibly more pathetic.

( hint as an interrogation technqiue the spill the beans and you can go back to what you were doing otherwise its a night in the cells doesnt really work when the alternative to the cells is a windswept trench in west falklands:D):rolleyes:
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