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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

Yes, I really liked that one. Lady Gaga was a revelation, very good performance and a captivating character.

She is so alien in it... bit Bowie like. The show is so OTT and gory. It's sending up the fascination with serial killers and ghouls splendidly.
American Horror Story
They can be quite grim but some of seasons felt more ‘righteous’ than others. The very first one was great for me, as was the freak show one. The asylum one and the gaslighting themed one around the Donald Trump election victory I found uncomfortable to watch.
I only really liked the second season (Asylum) of AHS, the first and third were watchable. With the other seasons I never made it to the end. As a fan of horror with a camp sensibility I should love the show, but the storytelling is a mess. Storylines get set up and then get dropped, characters get killed off when they can't decide what to do with them, then later they resurrect them when they think of something. Seasons never feel like they are planned, it always feels like they make it up as they go along. Worst of all for a horror show, it isn't scary.
It happened here. 1965 alternate reality film if the Germans had successfully invaded in 1940. It's an amazing film bearing in mind it was written and directed by a couple of teenagers.
The main focus is on the conscience of a nurse working with the domestic fascist collaborator organisation.
Parts of it seem rushed but I'd recommended it to anyone with an interest in history.
The main actor Pauline Murray is good but was never on film again, restricting her acting to village plays.
I only really liked the second season (Asylum) of AHS, the first and third were watchable. With the other seasons I never made it to the end. As a fan of horror with a camp sensibility I should love the show, but the storytelling is a mess. Storylines get set up and then get dropped, characters get killed off when they can't decide what to do with them, then later they resurrect them when they think of something. Seasons never feel like they are planned, it always feels like they make it up as they go along. Worst of all for a horror show, it isn't scary.

I keep trying the first series and I just can't get into it. It sort of just flings horror stuff at you with no build up of tension. Maybe I should just skip to series 2.
It happened here. 1965 alternate reality film if the Germans had successfully invaded in 1940. It's an amazing film bearing in mind it was written and directed by a couple of teenagers.
The main focus is on the conscience of a nurse working with the domestic fascist collaborator organisation.
Parts of it seem rushed but I'd recommended it to anyone with an interest in history.
The main actor Pauline Murray is good but was never on film again, restricting her acting to village plays.
Featuring a youngish Colin Jordan and extras who were firmer prisoners of war
I keep trying the first series and I just can't get into it. It sort of just flings horror stuff at you with no build up of tension. Maybe I should just skip to series 2.
Try season 2, it's not that scary either but I liked the story of that one. There was another horror anthology series called Channel Zero, which got four seasons and I thought the 2nd and 4th season were better than any AHS season. Haven't gotten round to the 3rd one yet.
There was another horror anthology series called Channel Zero, which got four seasons and I thought the 2nd and 4th season were better than any AHS season. Haven't gotten round to the 3rd one yet.
Ha! I had come back here right now precisely to recommend that very series. Not too grim, not unduly violent, and very good sci-fi/ horror tales.
It happened here. 1965 alternate reality film if the Germans had successfully invaded in 1940. It's an amazing film bearing in mind it was written and directed by a couple of teenagers.
The main focus is on the conscience of a nurse working with the domestic fascist collaborator organisation.
Parts of it seem rushed but I'd recommended it to anyone with an interest in history.
The main actor Pauline Murray is good but was never on film again, restricting her acting to village plays.
It's an excellent artefact, and even just as a story it's pretty good. Given that it took years of part-time filming that they managed to cobble together something that works narratively at all is a miracle!

The book How It Happened Here is worth reading.

I once queued for half an hour behind a bunch of elderly movie buffs wanting to talk about Chaplin and Keaton to fanboi Kevin Brownlow about IHH after he did a Q&A on his main specialty silent cinema comedy :rolleyes: :oops:

Nocturnal Animals, fashion designer-turned-film-maker Tom Ford's follow up to A Single Man. I was in a minority of people who thought A Single Man was rubbish, so I didn't rush to see this. Morbid curiosity made me check it out and it did not disappoint. If the true nature of camp is failed art then this is camp. This is like a parody of an art house film and it appears to take itself very seriously. There are two narratives, one regarding the main character played by a Amy Adams (a total waste of her talents) and one which is the book she reads. She does things like suddenly drop the book in surprise when something shocking occurs in it. She reads that book like nobody ever read a book before. It was very silly and up itself, but underneath all the good taste, it's quite lurid and I laughed a lot. At least I wasn't bored. Apparently the novel it's based on is rather good.
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Just watched Sorcerer. Absolutely fantastic.
Like an arty action thriller.
Genuinely one of the most tense films I've seen in parts.
I'm surprised they haven't made a straight Hollywood thriller remake.
The Coens would make a great go of it.
Why was it called Sorcerer BTW?

I'm gonna seek out Wages of Fear now which my mate assures me is the better film.
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