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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

With the (very) honourable exception of the Wire, and (partially) Game of Thrones, all these "quality" US TV dramas are fantasies of power, and unrestrained power at that. Shading would involve at least some restraint.

I was referring to the production values and the glossy look. The statement that US "quality" dramas (shows on cable and subscription channels which are not under the boot of advertisers) all are fantasies of unrestrained power is rubbish if you've watched Mad Men, Fargo, Oranges are the New Black, Looking, Transparent and many others which explicitly deal with those who are disenfranchised vs those in power. It's besides the point anyway. I don't even mind an aspirational fantasy if it's well done, my problem is that House of Cards is a lazy and poorly written show.
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I was referring to the production values and the glossy look. The statement that US "quality" dramas (shows on cable and subscription channels which are not under the boot of advertisers) all are fantasies of unrestrained power is rubbish if you've watched Mad Men, Fargo, Oranges are the New Black, Looking, Transparent and many others which explicitly deal with those who are disenfranchised vs those in power. It's besides the point anyway. I don't even mind an aspirational fantasy if it's well done, my problem is that House of Cards is a lazy and poorly written show.
There's a lot of bros out there who think Don Draper was a model to emulate. Or so I would wager, anyway.
There's a lot of bros out there who think Don Draper was a model to emulate. Or so I would wager, anyway.

I don't care about idiots out there who are unable to comprehend a show, I care about the intentions behind the show. I don't even think that's true for Mad Men because it was a show which is way too cerebral and slow moving and for "bros". However a lot of bros idolised some of the most despicable characters on The Wire like Marlo, even on here, because gangstas are always badass no matter what the actual message is.

I get the feeling you haven't actually seen a lot of the great US cable shows of the last few years and will be one of the Urbanites who will for ever go on about how The Wire was really the only US show worth watching.
I don't care about idiots out there who are unable to comprehend a show, I care about the intentions behind the show. I don't even think that's true for Mad Men because it was a show which is way too cerebral and slow moving and for "bros". However a lot of bros idolised some of the most despicable characters on The Wire like Marlo, even on here, because gangstas are always badass no matter what the actual message is.

I get the feeling you haven't actually seen a lot of the great US cable shows of the last few years and will be one of the Urbanites who will for ever go on about how The Wire was really the only US show worth watching.
Nuh-uh - Star Trek is the only US show worth watching, duh.


(Trek TOS, natch)
Snowpiercer - sorta High Rise on a train but it also reminded me of video games like Fallout New Vegas and Bioshock. It had this linear progression of levels punctuated by boss fights and overextended and overdesigned cutscenes. It also had a Mobiusy comic strip feel to it.
I loved it. Though I'll need to watch it cos there were no subtitles for the Korean dialogue. I think I got it though.
Snowpiercer - sorta High Rise on a train but it also reminded me of video games like Fallout New Vegas and Bioshock. It had this linear progression of levels punctuated by boss fights and overextended and overdesigned cutscenes. It also had a Mobiusy comic strip feel to it.
I loved it. Though I'll need to watch it cos there were no subtitles for the Korean dialogue. I think I got it though.
I enjoyed it too. I thought Tilda Swinton was great. I'm not surprised that you felt the Moebius vibe, as It is based on a French graphic novel - Le Transperceneige
The Yellow Sea. I enjoyed it, but it was definitely overlong and repetitive. Thought from the first hour it was going to be a more cerebral experience than it turned out to be.
The Carrier (2014). Apparently this was originally called The Bag Man, but the name was changed for Netflix. God knows why, cos the new name is shit and no even more descriptive or owt. Anyway, John Cussack's hitman is paid by Bobby De Niro's gangster boss to collect a bag and deliver it to him at a Motel somewhere in't deep South. Only thing is, he's not to look in the bag under any circumstances. Plot is silly, the twist at the end is rubbish and didn't need explaining by way of a flashback sequence and the only person not phoning in their performance was John Cussack. Which is nice, cos I was beginning to think he was doomed to endless sequels of Hot Tub Time Machine.

Oh, and if the central plot device for your film is that the main protagonist isn't allowed to look in the bag, you don't let the main protagonist look in the fucking bag. If it's not a rule, it should be.
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TBF though, De Niro's been phoning it in for years. Not really sure why he bothers these days, surely he can't need the money..?
TBF though, De Niro's been phoning it in for years. Not really sure why he bothers these days, surely he can't need the money..?

I was thinking this while watching, but thought it was just selective memory. But I can't actually think of any decent performances he's put in for yeears.
I was thinking this while watching, but thought it was just selective memory. But I can't actually think of any decent performances he's put in for yeears.

I wasn't a huge fan of the film, but he was good in Silver Linings Playbook.
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Welcome to Leith. Documentary about an American white supremacist who moves to a small town and begins buying up land. Disturbing but ultimately slightly unsatisfying film.
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Welcome to Leith. Documentary about an American white supremacist who moves to a small town and begins buying up land. Disturbing but ultimately slightly unsatisfying film.
Saw the trailers for that and was slightly confused, what with Leith being the docks area of Edinburgh and all. (Or a completely separate place if you're from Leith.)
Saint Jack (1979), Peter Bogdanovich film staring Ben Gazzara as a Singapore brothel keeper and Denholm Elliot as a visiting company auditor who he befriends. This film seems little known, less than 1000 votes on IMBD, which is a shame as it's a real gem with brilliant performances all round. Highly recommended.
I binge watched all series three of Eastboound and Down the other week, funnier the series two without a doubt. Good to see Ashley Shaffer back :D
FILTH (2014) - adaptation of the Irvine Welsh novel, featuring more or less every good UK actor born north of Liverpool in a shambolic, lurid, slightly try-hard trawl through the revolting inner life and even more revolting police career of a Very Bad Man who's also an Edinburgh copper. (I haven't read the book.) Goes all out for the gross-out with satirical barbs firing in all directions (posh nymphos, disco bunny gays and the homophobic Protestants who hate them, schemies, polis, the Masons, and all) and the performances are great but it all feels a bit heartless (in the wrong way) by the end.

James McAvoy gives it everything he's got and you can tell how convincing his moral degradation is because he starts looking worryingly like Gerard Butler. As usual, Eddie Marsan is the best thing in the film and his portrayal of a good accountant gone off the rails on an E-fuelled sex tour to Hamburg will live with me for some time. Everyone else also clearly having a grand time hamming it up to the max.

Energetic and entertaining enough until the final reel (the apparently 'redemptive' power of being a pretty blonde female is yawnsome), definitely not one to watch with your Mum. (or dad or nan or children.)
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FILTH (2014) - adaptation of the Irvine Welsh novel, featuring more or less every good UK actor born north of Liverpool in a shambolic, lurid, slightly try-hard trawl through the revolting inner life and even more revolting police career of a Very Bad Man who's also an Edinburgh copper. (I haven't read the book.) Goes all out for the gross-out with satirical barbs firing in all directions (posh nymphos, disco bunny gays and the homophobic Protestants who hate them, schemies, polis, the Masons, and all) and the performances are great but it all feels a bit heartless (in the wrong way) by the end.

James McAvoy gives it everything he's got and you can tell how convincing his moral degradation is because he starts looking worryingly like Gerard Butler. As usual, Eddie Marsan is the best thing in the film and his portrayal of a good accountant gone off the rails on an E-fuelled sex tour to Hamburg will live with me for some time. Everyone else also clearly having a grand time hamming it up to the max.

Energetic and entertaining enough until the final reel (the apparently 'redemptive' power of being a pretty blonde female is yawnsome), definitely not one to watch with your Mum. (or dad or nan or children.)
I hated this. James M was not the right actor for this role IMO.
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