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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

Run Fat Boy Run - more Friends than Spaced, sadly
JCVD - Van Damme in best performance of career shocker

JCVD is funny as fuck IF you're familiar with his usual fare. Even the Truxtette - not an 80s aficionado, certainly not a martial arts film buff - was very amused. RFBR looked cack judging by trailers so never bothered.
I watched Street Trash yesterday and am now a bit confused about what I saw. I can't work out whether it was so bad it was good or just bad.
127 hours last night, load of rubbish

Have heard 50/50 results on this so far

Also heard the sequel is already being made. It's going to be called "Another 127 Hours" and it's going to have Eddie Murphy in it, playing all the parts.
An episode of Star Trek: The Animated series where Kirk, Spock, McCoy and some other bloke are held captive by a group of women who drain their life force. It did include the phrase "slumber chamber" which I intend to use wherever and whenever possible!
Oil City Confidential (2009)

I'm still enjoying it, even though it finished 5 hours ago.

It's Dr. Feelgood. Documentary. An affectionate documentary.

God, they all come across as really nice guys that it would be brilliant to have a few drinks and a chat with (save for the tee-total Wilko who would still be great company nevertheless!)

If you haven't seen this - or if you've never even heard of the Feelgoods, that don't matter - if you like music and London...watch it. Lovely film.
JCVD is funny as fuck IF you're familiar with his usual fare. Even the Truxtette - not an 80s aficionado, certainly not a martial arts film buff - was very amused. RFBR looked cack judging by trailers so never bothered.

It is a bit cack, tbh. Watched Cronos - which cheered me up, apart from intrusive soundtrack; wicked take on vampire mythos.
Oh and I watched 'Children of the Damned' last night - the John Carpenter version - Christopher Reeve's last film before the accident - scary possessed by aliens silver haired kids , making folk kill themselves and that - the kids had hair very similar in colour to mine:hmm:

enjoyed it though
Have heard 50/50 results on this so far

Also heard the sequel is already being made. It's going to be called "Another 127 Hours" and it's going to have Eddie Murphy in it, playing all the parts.

It's sounding better than part 1 already ;)
What do you think of . . . .
The Station Agent
The Bird people of China
3 Iron
Just my Luck
What a girl wants
The Forgotten

Have you recommended those in the past or something? because I havent seen any of them :D

This weekend I watched:

Scott Pilgrim vs The World - shite, turned off after an hour
Wheel of Time - ok, but nothing special
Incident at Loch Ness - you can tell its not real from the start, interesting idea but doesnt really pull it off
Watched four over the weekend -

Street Fight. Remember the political bits of The Wire? If you liked that, you'll like this. It's a documentary about the mayoral contest in Newark New Jersey in 2006. The Obama-esque Cory Brooker went up against the old-school black broker pol Sharpe James. The fight got really, really, dirty. To the point where outside election observers had to be sent in to keep an eye on the voting itself.

Catch Us if You Can. The Dave Clark Five try to do their own Hard Day's Night. Unfortunately, they have none of the talent or charm of the Beatles. It is interesting as a slice of 'swinging London' era UK life.

The Last Waltz. I hadn't seen this in a while and I'd forgotten how good it is. And it is really, really good. Best bit is Joni Mitchell doing 'Coyote'.

Strangers on a Train. If I do your murder, can you do my murder? Great melodramatic fun from Hitchcock.
The Colossus of New York Just been gettin into the B movie genre from the 50s and this is a corker! The whole movie just cracked me up. Jeremy jeremy you can see you can move! Hahaha %
I watched The Town, a heist move directed by and starring Ben Affleck and really enjoyed it. I also watched Catfish, documentary about a photographer who gets into a Facebook relationship with a small girl and her family and finds all is not as it seems. Ok, not great. Restrepo, well worth watching if you're interested in the Afghanistan war, a bit like Generation Kill but real.

And then I watched The Expendables. I wasn't expecting anything great, I was really ok with mindless fun but fuck me. I mean, come on. It started off ok, with the scenes in the film making sense and then it just turned into shots of people being killed. It seemed as though they'd forgotten to edit the last half of the movie. Terrible, absolutely rubbish and I have very low standards.
Mary Reilly - The story of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde as seen through the eyes of Jekyll's house maid, Mary. There are a couple of really effective scenes (including a Cronenberg-style transformation towards the end), but this really isn't very good. Blame the casting. John Malkovich is nothing special (as either Jekyll or Hyde), Glenn Close seems to think she's playing Widow Twankey at the Birmingham Hippodrome, and Julia Roberts is so horribly miscast as the titular character that I wondered halfway through if the whole thing wasn't some kind of elaborate joke at her expense. It did make me laugh to see Roberts sharing scenes with George Cole (Arthur Daley) and Kathy Staff (Nora Batty) though.
The Social Network. Well made, and very watchable, but essentially a film about a bunch of wankers.

Revanche. Very good Austrian thriller, even tho the ending was fairly obvious halfway through it still played out well.
Harry Brown: Death Wish remade for Daily Mail readers. A couple of decent moments and Michael Caine's good value, but it's horrible, clumsy, misanthropic bollocks for the most part.
Last night...Threads, my Mrs wanted to see it then fell asleep.

This morning...It Felt Like a Kiss. Not sure I get it but it's an amazing collection of clips, music and bits to read:confused:
Splice: I was really looking forward to seeing this, mainly because I loved director Vincenzo Natali's 2002 film Cypher. Unfortunately it's a bit disappointing. The main characters are totally unsympathetic (has Adrien Brody been good in anything ever?) and what could have been a really bizarre and unsettling story (scientists manipulate the DNA of a variety of creatures - including a human - to create a new life form) never lives up to its promise. A missed opportunity.
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