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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

I watched this film called solomon kane. Its not the sort of thing i would usually watch not into that fantasy shit at all, but i really enjoyed it.
Watching Date Night reminded me of the Pryor/ Wilder partnership.
Very average and predictable plot that's made bearable because of Carrell/ Fey's chemistry.
I watched Shutter Island this afternoon. Very watchable, because it's Scorcese, Di Caprio is excellent, but I had the gist of it figured out from about 15 minutes in.
Triangle - I quite like Christopher Smith's films (Creep, Severance) and this twisty-turny thriller is his best yet. The set-up is perhaps more satisfying than the pay off but that's a small quibble. Melissa George is great as the main character, Jess - a very underrated actress. I won't say anything about the plot because I wouldn't want to spoil any of it - it's one of those films that's best to see with as little prior knowledge as possible.
Triangle - I quite like Christopher Smith's films (Creep, Severance) and this twisty-turny thriller is his best yet. The set-up is perhaps more satisfying than the pay off but that's a small quibble. Melissa George is great as the main character, Jess - a very underrated actress. I won't say anything about the plot because I wouldn't want to spoil any of it - it's one of those films that's best to see with as little prior knowledge as possible.

I like severance and triangle havent seen creep, but im gonna watch black death his latest film in a bit once i have had a bath.
I finally saw The Human Centipede. Watchable enough, but could have been much more funny and outrageous. The guy who played Joseph Heiter was born to play a mad scientist though.
Mitch Hedberg stand up
Dara Obriain stand up
Bill Hicks stand up
Monty Pythons Flying Circus series 1
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Stunning film :)

No need for a review, it has been reviewed to death. Still just a great role by Jack Nicholson. I know it seems that he is just playing himself but still fucking great!
Where the Wild Things Are - I'd read a few reviews or just general opinions and most seemed a bit meh. But I like films that blur the boundaries of fantasy and reality, and also ones where not a lot really happens, and also where the audience is denied a proper Hollywood happy ending, so it pretty much had everything. It was also made great by all its little allegories of childhood (I had to work hard at not welling up at the end), the beautiful and contrasting scenery, and the soundtrack. So yeah, I really enjoyed it, quite unexpectedly!
The Firm - Nick Love's remake of the Alan Clarke original from 1989 (which is better). As football violence films go, it's pretty good, especially as there's little attempt to make the world the hoolies inhabit seem in any way glamorous (unlike in The Football Factory or Green Street). In fact, you're invited to laugh at them more often than not as they prance about in their stupid Sergio Tacchini trackies and expensive trainers.
The first hour of Never Sleep Again, a four hour documentary on the entire A Nightmare on Elm Street series. Because it's isn't a DVD extra, participants are a bit more candid than usual and Nightmare on Elm St 2: Freddy's Revenge, possibly the strangest entry in any horror series ever, finally officially gets dragged out of the closet. Turns out the gay subtext in this one wasn't so sub after all. The film itself is hilarious in a "what were they thinking?" sort of way so it's fun to finally find out what went wrong (or right depending on you POV).
That terminator salvation.
Not great at all, but I didn't expect more than a bit of fluff. Despite the big budget and special effects it all felt very small and the plot was pretty thin, more like a TV drama. Some daft editing and structure choices, which I assume were made for the cheap seats, didn't help knock any remaining 'epic' feeling out of the dreary story which felt rather too obviously padded out by the inclusion of the robot man. I think that would have only worked if it was a film about a robot man waking up in the future where robots were taking over and we follow him on his journey down the rabbit hole, not a film where we already know what's happening and what is going to happen next.
I stayed up way too late because I got caught up in a docudrama called 'Boycott'. It's the story of the Montgomery Alabama bus boycott that happened after the Rosa Parks incident. I wanted to go to bed, but I wanted to see how it ended, even though I know how it ended. It's about how Martin Luther King got raised up to a national figure, from being a guy pressganged into service to speak to the white crackers as the voice of the Montgomery Improvement Association. In other words, it's about the birth of the Civil Rights movement.

It made me realize - I was born before it was. The Civil Rights movement, that is, although not by much. It made me realize that although I'm not one for wishing things different, I think it wouldn't have been a bad thing to have been born later than that - maybe late enough so that anything I might come to know about that time, would come only from a docudrama and not from the news of the day, and hence memory.

They employ a fairly effective device at the end. The court decision is won, and everybody gets on the bus except King. He walks. But now he's walking through the streets of modern Montgomery. He's in his sixties suit and hat, and he's passing interracial couples, and black cops. He's talking to black people hanging around on the street. They recognize him. They think he's cool.

It was sort of emotional. I think, why should I get emotional about the history of a people who aren't mine, people who are Americans descended from slaves. But I realize that by default, by force of circumstance, by force of prejudice, their history is my history.
The Enigman of Kaspar Hauser - 70s Herzog tale of a man found wandering in rural 19th century Germany; he's been kept in a stable all his life up til then. Based on a true story.
Exit Through the Gift Shop. I can't believe anybody ever thought this was an actual documentary. It was watchable enough, but I just can't see the point of this type of thing.
Exit Through the Gift Shop. I can't believe anybody ever thought this was an actual documentary. It was watchable enough, but I just can't see the point of this type of thing.

I watched it last week. Agree with you, watchable enough but just daft really.
It was interesting that one of them, a black guy, made broadcasts during the Vietnam War, to the black US soldiers, telling them to lay down their weapons etc. Sort of a Tokyo Rose, or a Lord Ha Ha.

Hanoi Leroy, perhaps?
Sword of Doom, for the second time, great film and under it's samurai trappings very politcal also, the main message being that feudalism was rubbish.
Babylon, a tragedy that this film has never seen a general release on DVD, it is one of the best British films of that time period and captures a time when racism was overt and what it was like to be black in the wrong place and the wrong time.

Edit: I did not realise it has FINALLY be released on DVD :)
A Town Called Panic....Highly recommended.

Poster billed it as Toy Story on absinthe, great stop motion animation, ridiculous, surreal storyline, very very funny.
Religulous - a Bill Maher documentary on religion and some of the people who practice it. It's good, but the problem with Bill is that even though he is funny and intelligent, he likes to hear himself talk too much, meaning he doesn't give his religious fanatic interviewees enough rope to really and effectively hang themselves.
spent all night seeking a good stream for Stargate Atlantis (i know). When it hit 12 I found one called 'the game' which was a filler episode and didn't have any raith in it. what a swizz.

I'll have to work out the best torrent client for mac and see if I can't raid from the usual sources
A Town Called Panic....Highly recommended.

Poster billed it as Toy Story on absinthe, great stop motion animation, ridiculous, surreal storyline, very very funny.

Just downloaded this but can't find any subtitle, Where did you get your copy from Chippie ?
A Complete History Of My Sexual Failures - Likeable loser Chris Waitt sets out to document why his relationships with women have always been total disasters. It starts out as a knockabout bit of fun before turning darker when we discover he suffers from erectile dysfunction and may have mental health issues. Some of the scenes and scrapes he gets into are somewhat contrived and he's clearly an odd bloke. But overall it works and you end up caring about him, whilst sympathising with the women who have had to deal with his bullshit over the years.
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