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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

The Collector, a horror film with a good premise but poor execution. It was trying to be the Die Hard of "torture porn". A basically decent man gets forced into burgling the house of a rich family. Once he's broken in he finds that the family are in the hands of a sadistic serial killer, that the entire house is booby trapped and that as the rogue element he is the only one with a chance to save them. Unfortunately the characters are cyphers and it has one of those super genius psychopaths you only get in horror films.
Matango tis the mushroom season after all! Would have enjoyed it more if it wasn't for the crap copy i got! It was squashed down to letter box size and just about watchable... 7/10
Meatball machine its some weird japanese gore movie, about strange alien parasites that take over human hosts and then fight each other and then they eat the loser. pretty fucking weird.
a single man - the atmospshere and the feel of this film is well executed, but i couldn't help thinking it tried too hard
to conjure a mood the dialogue should've created. the ending should've been edited. went on far too long for my liking.

a prophet - everything felt 'right' about this film. the script and plot move at break neck speed, so much so you don't notice the 2hrs +
that pass you by. the quranic musings about the protagonist's true identity lent an air of credibility to the scenes of poetic license.
a modern day classic.

brooklyn's finest - i felt this was a good film that missed out on being great. all the ingredients were there but somehow it managed to
feel a little contrived. as though the studio had coaxed the director into revisiting (training day) old ground.
I read the reviews for I Love You Philip Morris and Rotten Tomatoes gave it 79%.
Much of the negativity came from conservative writers describing it as an 'immoral comedy' that 'misfires on all levels.'
But the word 'immoral' kept creeping up...oh man, I heard of 'un-pc' comedies but 'immoral?'
Anyway, this film is a beautiful portrayal of love and unreason on prison/ con-artist Steven Jay Russell.
I recommend.
I read the reviews for I Love You Philip Morris and Rotten Tomatoes gave it 79%.
Much of the negativity came from conservative writers describing it as an 'immoral comedy' that 'misfires on all levels.'
But the word 'immoral' kept creeping up...oh man, I heard of 'un-pc' comedies but 'immoral?'
Anyway, this film is a beautiful portrayal of love and unreason on prison/ con-artist Steven Jay Russell.
I recommend.

The film was quite funny in places, but Jim Carrey ended up grating on me. I wished they had chosen an actor who underplays the humor rather than going into full farce mode. That said, good to see major films stars full buggering each other in a mainstream Hollywood film.
Splice - Meh, kind of typical 'two scientists create weird creature and it all goes wrong' movie. Ok but fairly boring tbh.

In a Glass Cage - umm.....turned it off after an hour, weird child abuse in the war movie, cant say it captured me at all.
The film was quite funny in places, but Jim Carrey ended up grating on me. I wished they had chosen an actor who underplays the humor rather than going into full farce mode. That said, good to see major films stars full buggering each other in a mainstream Hollywood film.

I admire Jim Carey since Man on the Moon and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Yep they were buggering each other but I wanted to see them kiss/ snog. That would push both Mcgregor/ Carey's screen-cred even further.

I wiki-ed Steven Jay Russell and boy, he was a genius!
The recent BBC4 "First Man on the Moon" with Mark Gattis and Rory Kinnear. Sweet, charming, dragged a little but very enjoyable.
3:10 to Yuma, I liked it. Going to watch the orginal 50's version later, though no doubt it will be very different.
I generally hate Araki's films, but Mysterious Skin was brilliant, probably because it was based on a novel. Otherwise his films consist of not much more than self-conscious hipster posturing and I find them unwatchable.
i've only seen the doom generation as well as mysterious skin. don't remember much but young damaged beautiful people driving nowhere.
I'm gonna watch a few more of Gregg Araki's films i really liked the doom generation and i only just found out it was the same director. have you seen any of his others?

Nah, but I want to watch The Doom Generation.
He's one of those directors I should watch more but most of the time, the themes to his films are too heavy going...
I just watched Smiley Face by Gregg Araki and it was really funny and quite refreshing after watching Mysterious Skin. Not sure wether to watch Nowhere or totally fucked up next. So far i really like Gregg Araki

Smiley Face was about this stoner girl that ate loads of hash cakes and got really stoned and paironoid and fucked everything up :D
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