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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

pandorum. looked great, decent plot \ but did anyone else find the audio bad? badly mixed - stage whispers drowned out by background noise etc? made it hard work
We Own the Night, an excellent crime drama by James Gray one of the best directors currently working in the US. Joaquin Phoenix is the black sheep in a family of cops, running a night club controlled by the Russian mob in the late 80s in a crime ridden NYC. When the police starts going after the mob, he has to chose sides and the shit hits the fan.
We Own the Night, an excellent crime drama by James Gray one of the best directors currently working in the US. Joaquin Phoenix is the black sheep in a family of cops, running a night club controlled by the Russian mob in the late 80s in a crime ridden NYC. When the police starts going after the mob, he has to chose sides and the shit hits the fan.
co-incidentally, i watched this last week. i liked it less, though it was certainly a superior police thriller. gray has a wire-like sense of place and though his plots and characters are cliched, he knows how to spin a yarn and always has great casts.
event horizon, which was mostly poor but with some well-executed glimpses of 'hell' and great production design.
hairspray - embarrassing and totally superfluous musical version of waters' vastly superior version. total waste of time.
ravenous - oddball historical thriller cum cannibal horror film with annoying soundtrack composed by damon albarn and michael nyman - had a lot going for it, but it seemed unfocussed and incoherent. something went wrong making it, judging by IMDb.
co-incidentally, i watched this last week. i liked it less, though it was certainly a superior police thriller. gray has a wire-like sense of place and though his plots and characters are cliched, he knows how to spin a yarn and always has great casts.

The last half hour doesn't quite work as well as the rest, but I really like the melancholy atmosphere of his films and he knows how to direct the hell out of a scene. Unlike so many modern directors he knows exactly where to put the camera and where to cut. The wire/undercover scene in this was incredibly tense and it takes something to make a car chase as gripping and downright menacing as he does here, after a gazillion film car chases.

I think his best film was his most recent one. Two Lovers was his firsrst non-crime films and is an adaptation of a Dostoyevsky short story relocated to moden New York. It's a fantastic film and makes my ten best of the decade list, but hardly anybody went to see it.
We Own the Night, an excellent crime drama by James Gray one of the best directors currently working in the US. Joaquin Phoenix is the black sheep in a family of cops, running a night club controlled by the Russian mob in the late 80s in a crime ridden NYC. When the police starts going after the mob, he has to chose sides and the shit hits the fan.

I rated this highly also - good journey of a movie...

Not seen Two Lovers...
Mel Gibson was once mad and cool (ie Lethal Weapon, Mad Max etc).
Now he's just homophobic, bigoted racist twat..
And since seeing him in Edge of Darkness, I'm finding that I hate him more.
A very, very boring film.

Fish Story - great concept but executed poorly.
The acting was shit too...

I must make better choices in my Love Film selections.
Mel Gibson was once mad and cool (ie Lethal Weapon, Mad Max etc).
Now he's just homophobic, bigoted racist twat..
And since seeing him in Edge of Darkness, I'm finding that I hate him more.
A very, very boring film.

Fish Story - great concept but executed poorly.
The acting was shit too...

I must make better choices in my Love Film selections.

I thought fish story was amazing.
I've had Fish Story on my "to watch" pile for a while. I've read good things about it, but I'm also wary of cinematic Japanese whimsy overkill of which I've had enough.
"Being There" - Peter Sellers' only non-comic movie role as an apparent simpleton who finds himself propelled into high society. Some nice performances and great use of TV shows in the background for incidental music.
yeah, but what about it?

its about how we've passed peak oil production, how we're so dependant on oil, and how fucked we are gonna be when it runs out. it says about how no governments have invested any time or money into the alternative technolgys needed for the future like hydrogen power and if we grow crops for bio fuels then food production will be effected and millions of people will starve.

quite interesting really i watched a national geographic documentary awhile ago called world without oil, which shows what will actually happen when the oil runs out.
lots of quasi-apocalyptic documentaries about at the mo - there's another oil one and there's also a film called collapse which looks interesting.
Prodigal Sons. Curious documentary in the "life is stranger than fiction" category by and about a transgender woman who returns to her Midwestern hometown to reconnect with her college friends at a school re-union and to make up with her troubled adopted brother, who is in for a surprise when he searches out his birth parents.
where the wild things are - thought it was excellent - the lead actor looked just like my nephew :)
Dogtooth - boring really, had potential to be good but maybe its just the different acting style or even personality style of the country it came from that I cant get on with. Rigid and unfunny.
the changeling - mixed feelings about this - there's much to admire about eastwood as a director but he does have a penchant for melodrama. it's very well crafted and cast: angelina jolie is great and so are the rest of the cast, but ultimately it's a letdown. it starts well and i was intrigued by the depiction of the corrupt LAPD, but as soon as one major part of the plot develops, it lurches into clichéd hollywood drama (such as a scene with a perfectly timed telephone call saving someone from something terrible). there is one scene later on which makes you think that maybe eastwood is going to do something different after all - i was thinking the film was going to be a lesson on the impossibility of closure and the hollowness of retribution, but no, this is dirty harry directing, how did i forget? it eventually limps towards a truly terrible, if not dishonest ending. a very frustrating film but maybe only because of unrealistic expectations.
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