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What do your books say about you? Picture thread...

I can't post a pic of my books because
a) I don't have a camera and
b) there are too many, in every room in the house except for my son's room and the bathroom. I still have some in boxes in the loft that didn't get unpacked when I moved here 5 years ago.
Maurice Picarda said:
I think that mine bitch viciously about me behind my back and plot insurrection.


That is one fucking impressive bookshelf.

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Orang Utan said:
You've posted that before - who did you used to be?

It was in a post-your-mug thread. Everybody was taking pictures of their mugs posed artfully in front of selected books, so I took this picture by way of gentle mockery. That was where I found it to add to this thread: I couldn't be arsed to take a pic of the reference books opposite or the children's stacks of Horrid Henry anthologies.
Mrs Magpie said:
I can't post a pic of my books because
a) I don't have a camera and
b) there are too many, in every room in the house except for my son's room and the bathroom. I still have some in boxes in the loft that didn't get unpacked when I moved here 5 years ago.

After running out of space everywhere else, my mum now has rows and rows of books in her toilet :cool: ...everything from Brecht to Farley Mowat to Earl Stanley Gardner..... :D
Orang Utan said:
You don't even need genres

I've just bought a new bookcase from Ikea and Magic Sam had tried to alphabetise my books while I was at work, I was horrified. My books are also in genres.

When I moved in with him his face was a picture when I told him my CDs were in order of favourite. I thought he was going to kick me out again.:D
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Also: there's a book in that second last picture, that I bought to read on a flight in 1979.
Those American/Canadian covers just sing airport to me. Fantastically ugly :)
chooch said:
Those American/Canadian covers just sing airport to me. Fantastically ugly :)

The Journeyer, by Gary Jennings.

They may conservative-down the covers for you brits, but I think the words are the same on the inside, no matter what is on the dust jacket.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Taking out the gold, embossing, bad acrylic painting of the mammoth and foot-high quote from the Baltimore Sun? :)

I think I have the same edition of 2001.
A friend of mine has converted her spare room into the book equivalent of one of those ballpools kids play in. She's put a 12" deep board across the bottom of the doorway to stop them escaping, then thrown in around 2000 paperbacks, mainly sci-fi and detective stories. If you fancy a good read, you just dive in and rummage through the sea of books. :cool:
Maurice Picarda said:
I think that mine bitch viciously about me behind my back and plot insurrection.

Oooh I like this. As soon as I'm living somewhere big enough I want a room in my house filled with shelves like that, a brown mahogany table and a couple of leather chairs. :)
nosos said:
yeah I had the same reaction. I also really wanna move that glass away from the edge. :rolleyes:

The angle makes it look more perilous than it is.. it's actually two bookcases piled one on the other, and the glass is on the lip of the bottom one.

Having said that, I should probably wash up.
(KittyP here)


I think these say more about me than badgers as I am the untidy one.
Although we have no space to put up a book case as of yet so its not really our fault.

(KittyP out)
sheothebudworths said:
After running out of space everywhere else, my mum now has rows and rows of books in her toilet
Ms T and hendo have a really brilliant loo shelf. It goes all the way around, a bit like a square polo mint if you see what I mean.
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