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What coffee are you drinking just now?

Those Japanese hand grinders are crazy expensive now. Handgrinding my beans is a morning ritual.
My nerves couldn't take a whizzy grinder quite apart from them smashing the beans unevenly and perhaps even caramelising them.
I’ve only been to Algerian coffee stores once or twice for a takeaway £1 coffee but it’s great going inside it’s so beautiful inside

I’m never really in London anymore but do they sell ground coffee? I know, I know, freshly ground beans taste better but I am a person who values the simplicity of a filter machine :)
Yes they will grind it for you - you specify what method you use for making it and they grind to appropriate coarseness
I'm drinking Kenya aa. Beans from Radical Roasters.

Just discovered after reading a nerdy blog comparing coffee grinders that the one I have been using is not a proper burr grinder. Realising that I could be drinking even better tasting coffee...I bought an electric proper burr grinder.....and Its incredible. Tge taste is so much deeper.

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This was last weekend.

Ice Process Jairo Arcilla.
From Radical Roasters, my local punk independent roasters and cafe.

It was £10 per 100gm.
It came in an iridescent bag! 😃

Unbelievably fucking delicious.

A Juicy and exotic microlot with tasting notes of Mango & Lychee and an umami finish.

This coffee is one of the nicest experimental processed coffee we have tasted. The Pink Bourbon varietal results in a complex and floral nature to the cup. The Ice Process (explained below) produces intense tropical fruit flavours. The result is a memorable cup of coffee, out of this world!

This coffee was exposed to a dry aerobic fermentation of 24 hours,
later placed inside grain pro bags for 50 hours maintaining a
temperature below 22 oC. Afterward, coffee was frozen for 72
hours. Later the coffee was placed on raised beds below 35 oC
until ideal moisture content was achieved.
This micro-lot is 100% Pink Bourbon.
Bloody hell! Coffee prices will outstrip that of weed at this rate. :eek: :D
I have been using is not a proper burr grinder.
I got about half way through this - not that I have the stomach for any more James Hoffman, but at least he has some sort of credibility..

I resolved to carry on making my Aeropress coffee just the way I have for ages - hopefully correctly ground, but no doubt over-brewed..
A key reason I like my hand grinder is I don't get my nerves jangled at 8 in the morning ... and when I bought it and my Aeropress 12 years ago, I paid £50 for both - it's now at least twice that :(

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I drink what I consider to be really good coffee - £21.75 for 600g = £36.25 a kilo - or 76 pence for a full mug of strong coffee.
If I had the palate for it, I suppose paying 3 times as much wouldn't be too horrific given that's significantly less than you would pay as Starshit or similar... and I use 22g of beans which is 3 espresso shots...
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Maybe I'm a heathen but I noticed no difference with a cheap electric spice grinder and a posh hand grinder. This is aeropress and cafetiere. I've heard its more important for espresso.
Burr grinders crush the beans and a very different, deeper more complex (omg I'm such a prick 🤣😳) flavour is acquired.
Honestly...I was a little bit cynical regarding if it would make any difference- but it totally did!
Maybe I'm a heathen but I noticed no difference with a cheap electric spice grinder and a posh hand grinder. This is aeropress and cafetiere. I've heard its more important for espresso.
Once you've moved to beans roasted less than 2 months ago and are grinding them fresh, you're 90% of the way there. There are ways to make it nicer still, but you've got most of the flavour right there, I think.
Maybe I should move to using a grinder rather than buying beans. I use a filter coffee machine at home, while at work it’s a cafetiere. I suppose I could grind the coffee at home the days in the office and bring in a container.

Is there anywhere I can look at these devices in a shop? Simplicity is what I’m after. Dont like buying things like this online, like to have a look at the item in my hand. Would John Lewis have something similar for example?
Burr grinders crush the beans and a very different, deeper more complex (omg I'm such a prick 🤣😳) flavour is acquired.
Honestly...I was a little bit cynical regarding if it would make any difference- but it totally did!

So I was told. I got one the rhinowares hand grinders, but I got board spending so long each time I wanted a brew, so thought I'd try my spice grinder. I'd like an electric burr grinder, but can't justify the cost.

Once you've moved to beans roasted less than 2 months ago and are grinding them fresh, you're 90% of the way there. There are ways to make it nicer still, but you've got most of the flavour right there, I think.

Yes. I think this is it. Heck even buying supermarket stuff, you've probably got a better brew then what most people drink at home.
Hand is fine, I don’t have much of a budget for this and need to assess the tangibles before a purchase hence a physical shop is needed
I paid about £30 for my Porlex in 2011 from a dodgy place that also sold improbable amounts of whipped cream propellant ... - now sadly £70 - even just the replacement burrs cost £40
There are lots of fakes available online.
The "tangibles" are that my 22g of beans takes about a minute while I'm reading something online.
I don't know why I didn't reorder last week while I was recuperating from flu...
While I wait for the beans to arrive I've had to compromise.
Rather than settling for one day of good beans, I opted for blending 50/50 with some knackered old Colombian beans.
It was surprisingly non-disgusting ... as expected, 12 months has taken the fruity edge off .. as expected they were noticeably chewy in the grinder...

Beyond tomorrow it will be 100 percent Colombian...
The coffee has arrived. First world problem diverted ...
So I needn't have compromised today - but it's reassuring to know my old beans are drinkable in an emergency...I think my standards may have reduced even further...though the lurgy will definitely be a factor...
Our Pact subscription saves a bunch of time and means we get a good mix of coffees which is nice.

Only issue is because both of us are at home and having it in morning we have 3-4 days before the next one where it’s a bit short.
My local Tesco now offers Costa coffee.
The giant coffee cup sign outside has already been kung-fu'd - a pity they didn't at least make it a waste bin...
Perhaps I should waste however much on an espresso to see how undrinkable it is ...

I like the expresso coffee you get from hotel breakfast buffet coffee machines in Europe. I've been trying to find something similar here but unsuccessfully.
Any suggestions?
After drinking the same 50/50 blend of two beans for ages, I thought I ought to try each one in turn again over a few days...

The El Salvador red bourbon by itself was maybe just a tad too richly roasted ...
The natural Brazilian - similar, but with noticeable acidity ...
Not sure which bean I would sooner drink by itself - though yesterday I drank the whole lot without remembering it was just the Brazilian.
The blend is pretty well spot on for me.

I'm a creature of habit and I hope that if I actually manage to emigrate to France I'll be able to reproduce it - here's hoping that though I can't participate in traditional French cuisine, there will be people there who take coffee equally seriously - though clearly coffee, like wine is something that goes with food and perhaps wholemeal bread, yeast extract and peanut butter are less likely to be catered for ... as yet I am only confident in obtaining the whole wheat flour and peanut butter - perhaps I need to start trying to emulate Vitam-R yeast extract using nutritional yeast flakes ...
Iced espresso :hmm:

I'm in Athens and wondered out to get breakfast. I'm staying in a more Greek neighborhood and asked for coffee and random pastry. When I asked what coffee I said I'd try what she likes as they had loads of different beans. Now I've had a bit, it's quite nice. But I think I'd have preferred my first brew of the day hot
Iced espresso :hmm:

I'm in Athens and wondered out to get breakfast. I'm staying in a more Greek neighborhood and asked for coffee and random pastry. When I asked what coffee I said I'd try what she likes as they had loads of different beans. Now I've had a bit, it's quite nice. But I think I'd have preferred my first brew of the day hot

I tried to have iced coffee a couple of times last year and hated it every time. Just doesn’t taste right
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