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What are you listening to right now? v2.0

Tell me ten words that you'd use to describe the world
2018: Ham Sanitizer

Sam Hanitizer

2019: Ham Sanitizer

Sam Hanitizer :hmm:

2020: Hand Sanitizer
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I'm not there yet

But I'm trying to reset

To a kinder, cleaner, better version of my self x
I am so glad 2020 knocked me into remembering all the email and YouTube and urban access passwords or reset emails. This was a cracking list for a really bad day x haven't dared look at it til now

Playlist for a really bad day for both of us
two sheds - did you know people have been filming in my brain and your shed estate without our knowledge or consent and putting it on the internet? :hmm: :eek:

I'm remixing my 2013 personally catastrophic traumatic event impact into something that I reacted badly to once and mistakes I won't repeat but am unfurling... .... thanks for that brain trick weltweit :) x

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Long story - I think I might make a zine with a curated YouTube accompanying playlist to try and explain... :hmm:

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Love the tracks, really laid back - I've not been listening to a lot of music recently, and I should. Last bands to take over my listening were Massive Attack and Chumbawamba which dates it somewhat :(
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I'd completely forgotten about that link and request :D

I'm still stuck in a million different years of my life regarding up to dateness. This is embedded in my musical youth though - my dad's a formula one and Fleetwood Mac fan, with a fucking good hifi, speakers, and telly link wire. Happy memories - thank you for unintentionally prompting those :)


Buggerit I'm feeling safe enough to open the mini cooking white wie and source some diet lemonade and a lemon.
Fireworks, sirens, traffic, arguments cold air and now this and breathing it all in under a clear sky

And now this


Yep, this now calms me down again

Thanks, (x).
You were actually useful for something. That and the guided meditation of a field with blue sky and fluffy bunnies you gave me. You were my original Highland Cow , and I mashed up your visualisation to include a glittery blue Highland Cow happily chewing cud. I abandoned it years ago and remembered it the other day when I was talking to the bookshop Highland Cow about zines and trauma and rebalancing skillz.
I got this.
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