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What are you listening to right now? v2.0

in the great 2015 unwell how to disappear completely debacle that i still have chunks of missing, my old neighbour told me a little bit about surrealist art (and was still reminding me about weird shit from 2015 that i didn't remember, a couple of years ago).

i remember really liking the surrealist stuff he'd done in the 60s that he showed me in december, and around that time, i think i just thought fuck it i'm just going to surreal myself into another reality that i feel safe in and make some art as i go along :hmm:
i think i might have been fed Ideas :hmm: - i caught this on the radio the other night about arthur cravan, and couldn't stop going 'er, this resonates a bit....'
BBC Radio 3 - The Escape Artist, The Art of Hating

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vintage the national from a time before i met Comrade Alpha in person, and had only bought his zines in the mid nineties/written to him a bit. i saw them twice before i met him, i think.

2001-2005 were actually pretty ace (best friend's death excepted), til l got introduced to my teenage hero.

Did you dress me down and liquor me up
To make me last for the minute
When the red comes over you?
Like it does when you're filled with love
Or whatever you call it

^ the cork is out the bottle

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ooh that's a strange link.

right. i'm off to sink into this and try spot myself in the crowd.... the manchester date in either 05 or 07 was the best nights of my life thanks to whisky, donnie darko, violins, the drummer letting me have a go on the drums, and then a lift in the van to the train station with donnie darko playing on the dvd thing , and they lent me £20 for the all night caff while i waited for my train*
i've unexpectedly spent xmas eve with loads of old friends in one way or another, and it's the best one i've ever had.

merry xmas in 13 minutes, thread x

*i might have told that story before :hmm:

e2a: i hugged my laptop at 45 minutes when i think i saw myself in front of the violinist, which was my instinctive safe space to stand nearly every time i saw them. i bought him a whisky after the first ever national gig i went to with about twelve people there :D
i'm delighted that he was my whisky gateway - i'd thought for years that it started in 05. cheers padma x
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Portalling briefly back to this century...

Can't really have sweets, so resorting to listening about them instead..

YouTube autoplay suggest thingy is my DJ and is serving me well with stuff I didn't know existed
Loops portals and Other Sams or Another Sam...

Ive been triggered into going a bit Unwell a few times offline when people called me "other <my name>" irl when there was someone else with my first name in the group :hmm:

Looping states of mind.....

DaveCinzano - this is not a malicious tag :hmm: this actually is something I DO have to be grateful to That One for - he introduced me to this band as a cure for PTSD symptoms I was experiencing because of what he was doing for years.

Flip side : this week I haven't stopped laughing at how much I swallowed over the years and how bad a gaslighter he is.

The songs good, the video is better than shrigley. :Eek:
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