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What are you listening to right now? v2.0

I'm TRYING to listen to my new Saxon record (that the stall holder laughed at me for buying last Sunday) but the record player is doing that annoying thing of thinking the record is over when I try to put the needle to the start of the record. Why do record players do that? My old one didn't. This one must have a knack I don't know about. It played side one for me. It was ace not duff, like that stall guy suggested it would be.

Earlier on today I listened to Altar of Plagues for the first time and thought they were brilliant, and Anaal Nathrakh. Candlefest in Camden in three weeks time is going to be faberooney.
crossed my path for the first time last night/this morning, and proper proper liked it :)
going to have a little youtubefest for breakfast :)
for steph - look! i'm on telly! (mine are the hands clutching the monitor in front of uncle steve :D)

and the tiny jumping person in front of him on this one

Blimey, that must be hella good coffee! ;)
£1.99 for 200g of a polish brand called 'family' :D

it's rocket fuel, and i really should warn people that i'm on it. or possibly start out just having half, seeing how i feel an hour or two later, and then necking the other half if it's all ok :D
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