Nice fucking work people! Love it. Love it, I like it more than the original but that maybe because I've so utterly overheard it now, your versions raw and a little bit more... romantic. Like the echoey sound, synthesizer and the guitar solo, gives it a very different feel. Niceness!
FYI We didn't use the Ike's rap sample...
Instead I DI'd a Jazz Bass into an ART tube pre, compressed with an 1176 and Logic's EQ, used an ES175 for the rhythm guitar and a Les Paul for the lead, strings were from Absynth, Drums were recorded by a friend in France (in his pill-box in the garden -at least one person has a
good use for old military gun enplacements
Mic was a U87 clone into an ART tube preamp (the same one we used for bass) then into an 1176, then Audioease's Speakerphone, then into Logic's Chan EQ (all reverbs were Lexicon)
I also had a large loop I'd made of a nice rough old piece of vinyl (and the "stylus lift off" at the end), and I added a bit of noise (which was a bit more complex than it sounds (I love to try things, and geek about when I get the chance, and this "noise thing" is something I've been refining over a few years now
I mixed some pink and white noise together in a ratio about 3:2, added an octaver to generate some lower frequencies, that got mixed with the vinyl sample, and squashed a bit with an 1176 to make it sound like one thing rather than 4 joined together, and then just faded it in and out throughout the track as required, it's not exactly audible, but it adds a "feel" to the overall track that works for me
BTW The stereo buss had Cytonic's Glue and PSP's Vintage Warmer (with one of my presets) and a Logic limiter just to stop it making it into nasty digital distortion ;-)
If I was going to remix, I'd attenuate the fret squeak (by inversion but not kill it completely 'cos it'd sound unnatural) on the ES 175, and prolly give the Les Paul a bit more bottom end, but it was a vehicle for Stacy, and certainly not me trying to be a guitar-hero in any way sense or form
Glad you liked it