Pyjamas, indoor and outdoor variants.
Pyjamas, indoor and outdoor variants.
I am wearing one of my Totoro T-shirts - it's the evolution of man series ending in a Totoro.
Like that.
ancient favourite grey hoody with loads of holes
Burgundy mini dress
Black disco leggings
Black cardy
Autumn fruits and leaves scarf
Dark blue vintage ankle boots
Top knot
Pyramid ring
Yu_Gi_Oh said:Hot water bottle up my dress
Jesus is it that bad over there already?
Yu_Gi_Oh said:It snowed on Monday! Today we have a high of 8 C with a low of 1 C. No heating until November so the flat has got quite cold over the last few days. It looks like it'll warm up a little bit soon though.
I won't tell you about this Indian Summer we're still having over our side of the planet then.
Yu_Gi_Oh said:
On Sunday it was 22 C. Then we got up the next day and the weather was broken. At least the insects must have all died though.
Aw well if it's any consolation we've had an inundation of flies here lately so you can outsmug me there if you like. I'm just getting over an operation atm and I woke up yesterday to find one of the fucking things trying to get into my stitches. Fucking gross.
Ta. Yeah, I'm fine and on the mend, thanks.Oh god, that is gross. I hope you're OK and taking it easy, Voley. x