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What’s good to stream? Any platform. Newer programmes.

danny la rouge

More like *fanny* la rouge!
Mrs LR and I are looking for something to binge together. But we can’t find anything. Maybe it’s choice paralysis, but there’s nothing we fancy together. We will consider getting a subscription if it’s a service we don’t have.

She doesn’t like sci fi or fantasy (although she loved Poor Things). She thought the Sopranos was the best thing she’d ever watched (I loved it too).

We recently watched and loved Mr Inbetween (Soprano vibes there - the family life of a hitman).

We tried Domino Day, although it’s not really her kind of thing, but it didn’t really catch our imagination.

We loved series one of Ted Lasso, series two was a huge disappointment, series three regained the magic to begin with, but then started dragging again with overlong episodes and too much schmaltz.

We watched Yellowjackets first season - I’d give it a 6 - but gave up on the second season. It wasn’t going to go anywhere.

There’s nothing really clicking. So what are we missing? Slow Horses was the last thing we both loved.
Have you watched Beef (Netflix)? Very much enjoyed that. I also got a bit bored of Yellowjackets but it did pick up again as the second season went on. Have you seen both seasons of White Lotus? (Now TV)
Yep the Americans is my all-time favourite series. And surprisingly appears to be free to stream on All4 right now!

Oh well, there you go Danny. The last three series are some of the sharpest writing about families and how they work ever on telly, never mind the spy drama context.
Mrs LR and I are looking for something to binge together. But we can’t find anything. Maybe it’s choice paralysis, but there’s nothing we fancy together. We will consider getting a subscription if it’s a service we don’t have.

She doesn’t like sci fi or fantasy (although she loved Poor Things). She thought the Sopranos was the best thing she’d ever watched (I loved it too).

We recently watched and loved Mr Inbetween (Soprano vibes there - the family life of a hitman).

We tried Domino Day, although it’s not really her kind of thing, but it didn’t really catch our imagination.

We loved series one of Ted Lasso, series two was a huge disappointment, series three regained the magic to begin with, but then started dragging again with overlong episodes and too much schmaltz.

We watched Yellowjackets first season - I’d give it a 6 - but gave up on the second season. It wasn’t going to go anywhere.

There’s nothing really clicking. So what are we missing? Slow Horses was the last thing we both loved.
You seen Fargo season 5? Or any of the Fargo's

I really enjoyed Perpetual Grace with Ben Kingsley in it

OK, thanks. We’ll give that a go.
Give it a few episodes. From memory, it doesn't seem that hot to begin with, and the set up is so ludicrous (Russian spy living next door to an FBI agent) that it's easy to think it's a load of nonsense. But if you ignore the more fantastical elements, it really ramps up, and the characters are incredible. You'll be blaming Phillip for the collapse of the Soviet Union before long. I'm so jealous of people who have yet to see this masterpiece.
“BB jumped the shark” is a weird take, though. I think Gilligan is great at pacing, and the last series had some sublime moments. Walter’s rant at Skylar on the bugged phone, for instance.
“BB jumped the shark” is a weird take, though. I think Gilligan is great at pacing, and the last series had some sublime moments. Walter’s rant at Skylar on the bugged phone, for instance.
No, it got ridiculous. From memory it should have stopped after season 4.
Maybe you just don’t like telly. Why don’t you get your children to put on a glove puppet show for you both?
it does get better. But I rarely like TV dramas from the first episode, they always take a bit of perseverance.
You can usually tell if it’s a genre you like though. This was really terrible. Like bad 80s action TV. Bad acting, bad situation, bad lighting even! I’m sorry, it’s not for me.
Did you watch Boat Story on BBC earlier this year?
No, I might give that a go.

One we both loved from episode one was Happy Valley. Right from the first scene. It did have its ridiculous moments the escape from the court, for example, but by then the fantastic character acting and writing had been set up.

We loved Slow Horses. Again, great character acting.

I am personally enjoying Invasion on Apple TV, although it’s not top tier, but it’s got enough going to keep me interested. But it’s absolutely not Mrs LR’s thing. She reads when I put it on.

We might try Boat Story. But she’s not giving anything else ago this evening after the disappointment of the Americans. lol.
You can usually tell if it’s a genre you like though. This was really terrible. Like bad 80s action TV. Bad acting, bad situation, bad lighting even! I’m sorry, it’s not for me.

No, I might give that a go.

One we both loved from episode one was Happy Valley. Right from the first scene. It did have its ridiculous moments the escape from the court, for example, but by then the fantastic character acting and writing had been set up.

We loved Slow Horses. Again, great character acting.

I am personally enjoying Invasion on Apple TV, although it’s not top tier, but it’s got enough going to keep me interested. But it’s absolutely not Mrs LR’s thing. She reads when I put it on.

We might try Boat Story. But she’s not giving anything else ago this evening after the disappointment of the Americans. lol.
I also thought the Americans was shit when I watched the first episode, and abandoned it. Then some time later read how good it is and went back to it. And honestly, it really improves.

Something else I watched recently and loved - The Curse (Paramount). But I hesitate to recommend it, because it's definitely not for everyone - a cringey, sometimes difficult to watch satire - and if you hate it there's fuck all else worth watching on Paramount.

I'm also finding it quite hard to find things to watch these days though. Seems to be a real drought of high quality drama.
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