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Western Vegans pricing Bolivians out of their staple diet, driving poverty

I like it. nuttier and with more texture than cous cous. it's not much on its own though and needs a dressing.
I don't know about the Bolivians but I can't afford to buy it very often
tbh i would guess your average vegans have a more sympathetic "planet view" than the average meat eater. The one I know (and i know this isnt a representative sample) has always been big on recycling, not wasting stuff etc etc.

I'm not certain that always the case. Mono-cropping grain isn't really all that friendly to the environment. Some marginal crop-land would work better if it was left to free-range animals instead of trying to grow grain on it. A sustainable agriculture is going to incorporate animal inputs at some point.
Food waste is the biggest issue in food politics. Besides if the veggie/vegan types what to put there *ahem* muscle where there mouth is they could live off food that is produced within five miles of where they live. I'd be interested to know how they got on
Food waste is the biggest issue in food politics. Besides if the veggie/vegan types what to put there *ahem* muscle where there mouth is they could live off food that is produced within five miles of where they live. I'd be interested to know how they got on

Except veganism doesn't have to have anything to do with food miles. There is overlap between the ideas, sure, but you're conflating them because it suits your argument.

edit: conflating, not conflicting.
Except veganism doesn't have to have anything to do with food miles. There is overlap between the ideas, sure, but you're conflating them because it suits your argument.

In that case they wont have any problems wasting by fuel transporting food unnecessarily. I have absolute faith that this is the case anyway
Joanna Blythman:

Have a good look at her; her job is to stoke up liberal guilt, and inculcate a feeling of helplessness.
In that case they wont have any problems wasting fuel transporting food unnecessarily. I have absolute faith that this is the case anyway

The mistake you've made here is the same as the previous one: ascribing one opinion on a diverse group of people.
It's just another form of trying to offend a minority.

Now that these people can't get their kicks from abusing people based on race, sexuality etc, they move on to another target they perceive as weak, such as vegans. It's EXACTLY the same mentality, and shows up people's true colours ime. I actually pity them, because it's obviously based upon insecurity, and inferiority complexes.
thankyou Drew :)
i wanted to say something similar but thought/presumed i'd get piled on for it
Food waste is the biggest issue in food politics. Besides if the veggie/vegan types what to put there *ahem* muscle where there mouth is they could live off food that is produced within five miles of where they live. I'd be interested to know how they got on
do you really think this is an argument?
why do you seem to want to set them up to fail? would it amuse you? would it make you feel better about your choices? why?
and learn to fuckin spel
No mistakes; put your *muscle* where your mouth is. You might even get taken seriously
I'm not vegan. I'm not claiming anything here. It's you who seems to be doing the proselytising based on the ignorant belief that all people who don't eat animals have the same politics.
Sort out the waste issue and you may even find that people listen to some aspects of this bullshit. There you go @ddraig you Welsh cunt, I even speled it right


I am Welsh and feel that it is ok to use insults in this manner
thankyou Drew :)
i wanted to say something similar but thought/presumed i'd get piled on for it

They can pile it on all they want, deep inside I think they know it's the uncomfortable truth if they think about it, and have a look at their own behaviour.

And yeah, I know I'm no Saint in this regard and have taken the piss out of hipsters, yuppies etc, but I usually try to stick to cussing them about their specific foibles, rather than throw around small-minded abuse just because they're "different"
Food miles is a pretty slippery beast. We have been importing bulk grains from the new world since at least the turn of the 19th century. Not too much CO2 produced by a sail ship. Per mile big modern ships are very very fuel efficient if moving slow. The miles from the distribution center to the retail outlet are will be hugely less efficient as it will be done by a small ICU moving at c50-60mph.

Food miles though is really a big issue with air freighted foods.
Sort out the waste issue and you may even find that people listen to some aspect of this bullshit. There you go @ddraig you Welsh cunt, I even speled it right


I am Welsh and feel that it is ok to use insults in this manner
eh? :confused: can you try that post again please?
If we are getting arsey nitrous oxide from excess nitrate fertilisation, natural gas being burned to dry crops like wheat and methane produced by grain fed stall animals all have to be thrown into the mix.
If we are getting arsey nitrous oxide from excess nitrate fertilisation, natural gas being burned to dry crops like wheat and methane produced by grain fed stall animals all have to be thrown into the mix.

Along with, among other things:

soil depletion/loss
loss of biodiversity
E-coli contamination
global warming
peak water
peak fertilizer
peak water
Water depletion is a very scary subject.

Water tables are falling rapidly in many parts of the world with very rapidly growing populations. Somewhere along the way its going to go horribly wrong for a lot of people. Middle East, North Africa and India are front and center on that issue.
Water depletion is a very scary subject.

Water tables are falling rapidly in many parts of the world with very rapidly growing populations. Somewhere along the way its going to go horribly wrong for a lot of people. Middle East, North Africa and India are front and center on that issue.

Its the reason I decided that corn-based ethanol wasn't a good option. The water inputs required are horrifying.
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