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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

just a sacrificial RBS branch left open to attack, with a police photographer stationed inside.
The photographer was not stationed inside, he entered through the great big hole in the front doors.

http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2009/04/426199.html - before RBS was smashed
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2009/04/426274.html - photographer outside RBS (16th image)
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2009/04/426091.html - the hole
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2009/04/426006.html - the same photographer inside RBS

Thing is, the media have tried to make much of those pictures of a lone protester in an entire outfit of brand new clothes :)D)
He does not have an outfit of brand new clothes, as is very clear in the other photos of him that day.
He does not have an outfit of brand new clothes, as is very clear in the other photos of him that day.
You keep saying that, but have you actually looked?


None of that stuff hes been through a wash. There's no wear and tear on any of it. The hat looks like it doesn't quite fit. The scarf is clearly brand new - whenever did you see a bandana that looked like that? The denim jacket is trendily ripped off at the sleeves, but it's not been worn much. A black T-shirt looking that black?

Who goes out to riot in their best designer protest gear? :D
When did a protester last die at the hands of cops in the UK? Blair Peach is the most recent example I've heard quoted. 1974. No cameras. No prosecution.

We've had citizen journalism for a few years now, and it's made no sustained difference to the mainstream media coverage. The policing of Geno in 2001 and the murder of Carlos Guiliani put over 70 cops on trial. The media here were mildly interested in police violence towards the Countryside Alliance, but only because it seemed so incongruous (or because their mates were on the march), but it didn't lead to a huge scandal like this.

I dunno, the growth of social media certainly has enabled the spread of information and citizen journalism.
I remember Genoa.. the cops raided and tried to disrupt the indymedia centre asap.. There weren't any camera phones.. Most of the images we took whilst there was uploaded to websites on our return, there wasn't that immediate reporting that has occurred subsequently.. There was a sustained international campaign to ensure that the murderers of Carlos were brought to some sort of justice..

There is a maturity and experience now within the 'movement' who utilise the resources available to get the message out.. If we make enough noise they cant ignore us for ever..

I also think it is of significance that as of Monday past, the major ISPs now collect and keep ALL data under European 'anti-terror' laws. Whereby for example records exist on everybody who may have emailed/posted/received material that questions the police accounts of Ian T's death... (thread)

I also believe that now technology has been made more available and affordable to some of us, that we use this as best we can. For example over the last year there has been a police operation (operation poncho thread) in place that harasses, assaults and intimidates homeless peeps in London. Due to the absence of resources available to homeless peeps this has gone by largely under-reported. I am very sure Ian T was very aware of these police actions...

Matt Wells and the panel discuss Twitter and the new forms of digital journalism at G20. Guardian Podcast

Moldova forces regain control of parliament after 'Twitter revolution':
Sorry for the C&P but this is from the Times.


I wonder what the next line of disinformation will be from the Metropolitan police over the death of Ian Tomlinson during the G20 protests 10 or so days ago. That they firmly believed the deceased to be Brazilian? That they have subsequently “discovered” a stash of kiddie porn in Tomlinson’s home – a ploy they tried out before, remember, when they were in a spot of trouble having shot an entirely innocent Muslim bloke at his home in Forest Gate, London?

You have to hand it to them: for an institution which seems to be run by serial incompetents and cretins, they are at least extraordinarily creative when it comes to telling porkie pies. At dissembling, obfuscating and smearing wholly innocent people whom they have egregiously wronged, either by shooting them or, in their less vigorous moments, just knocking them about a bit.

At first, the case of poor Tomlinson did not seem to be much of an issue: chap dies of a heart attack during a “riot” while the police try heroically and selflessly to revive him, all the while being subjected to the most appalling provocation and indeed violence from the demonstrators. The first statement from the Met came on the day of Tomlinson’s death, April 1; the Met reported sadly that they had come under attack from the protesters, being pelted with bottles, while they tried to help him.

Further, an ambulance was delayed in reaching the chap because protesters had deliberately blocked the way.

And then the witness statements emerged and, more crucially – because who would believe the word of one of those lentil-eating, unwashed anarcho-syndicalist hippies? – the filmed evidence. The police didn’t try to help Tomlinson at all; instead they twice attacked him, both with bare hands and with batons. It was instead the demonstrators who tried to help the man and were prevented from doing so largely by the police. Nor was it the demonstrators who stopped the ambulance getting through, but – it has since been revealed – a police cordon. There were no bottles; just medical students trying to help who were told to clear off by the plod.


It goes on.
You keep saying that, but have you actually looked?


None of that stuff hes been through a wash. There's no wear and tear on any of it. The hat looks like it doesn't quite fit. The scarf is clearly brand new - whenever did you see a bandana that looked like that? The denim jacket is trendily ripped off at the sleeves, but it's not been worn much. A black T-shirt looking that black?

Who goes out to riot in their best designer protest gear? :D

moreover and proably worth noting which anarchist or indeed left leaning type would leave the offical sticker on the baseball cap which is a sign of an offical NBL merchendise and only left on by people who think it has some 'street' cred...

it's a conflageration of two seperate a distinctive youth cultures in an attempt to downplay the significantly older bloke in yoot gear lobbying a pc monitor...

cos he's a plant, but whether he'sa meejah plant (set up to provide pictures) after the actually event or a met plant is unclear.

they are however clearly a plant...

which anarchist would in their right mind want to keep the kudous of having an offical NBL baseball cap and would feel the need to show it off as an item of 'value' in our current societies value structure...
which anarchist would in their right mind want to keep the kudous of having an offical NBL baseball cap and would feel the need to show it off as an item of 'value' in our current societies value structure...

Nah that cap's got an 'A' on it, he's definitely an anarchist.
There's another shot floating around where you can see he's not part of the main group that got in first, who bore none of the suspect clothing issues that are being raised. The photos were already there, the 'story' already established, before this guy started. If he *was* a provocateur, he was a bit crap. Not convinced at the moment.
Why can't he be a dumb fuck having a day out? There were plenty of those there - pissed kids, ODing on the adrenaline of being famous in front of all the cameras to stop and think about their faces being all over the papers. Never underestimate people's stupidity.

One day you G20 conspiraloons will be shunted in the dustbin with the 7/7 and 9/11 ones.
Why can't he be a dumb fuck having a day out? There were plenty of those there - pissed kids, ODing on the adrenaline of being famous in front of all the cameras to stop and think about their faces being all over the papers. Never underestimate people's stupidity.

One day you G20 conspiraloons will be shunted in the dustbin with the 7/7 and 9/11 ones.

What you suggest isn't impossible. I assume that you were there at the time? The police readily conceded the frontage to the RBS unboarded windows. Who he was bears little relevance in my opinion.
What you suggest isn't impossible. I assume that you were there at the time? The police readily conceded the frontage to the RBS unboarded windows. Who he was bears little relevance in my opinion.

Anarcho-Denim Man isn't a single person, he's an idea, a call to arms, he is Hope. Whenever there's a window or two to break but signs of a kettle forming, just think of his neatly pressed T-Shirt and he will be with you. In fact, everybody who is nicely turned out by his Mum is Denim Man. FACT
I assume that you were there at the time? The police readily conceded the frontage to the RBS unboarded windows.
I was. They readily conceded nothing.
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2009/04/426199.html - before RBS was smashed
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2009/04/426274.html - photographer outside RBS (16th image)
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2009/04/426091.html - the hole
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2009/04/426006.html - the same photographer inside RBS
More police brutality ...From 3:25 onwards....Sickening back-hander and baton whack
on a defenseless woman. Who is this nasty bastard copper? He needs to be identified
and charged with assault.
From all that has been posted in the last hour or so, nothing has altered my opinion. I've looked at all of the pictures and the police action in that area appears minimal compared to other parts of the kettle that were surrounded by 50ft walls of concrete blocks. People were 'forcibly removed' from numerous areas of concrete yet were allowed access to the 'one primary grievance point' for about an hour, one of the very limited places to not be boarded up. The only other place that i seen unboarded was HSBC, that didn't have standard street level windows and was heavily guarded.
More police brutality ...From 3:25 onwards....Sickening back-hander and baton whack
on a defenseless woman. Who is this nasty bastard copper? He needs to be identified
and charged with assault.

That's appalling.

A bit of push and shove I can deal with, but that's dreadful.

(And yes, I'd put it over the line, as assault. Since when are back handers part of reasonable force?)
More police brutality ...From 3:25 onwards....Sickening back-hander and baton whack
on a defenseless woman. Who is this nasty bastard copper? He needs to be identified
and charged with assault.

That is fucking sickening.
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