The sad thing PDXM, is that this time the police activity hasn't just been notied by the protestors. This time, the actions have been noted by a whole load of other people.
I wasn't a protestor, and I'm not sure how much I agree with or disagree with what the protests were about, tbh I was a bit of a fence sitter. I know I disgaree with the bail outs and the growing gap apparent in the richh and poor, but that is all.
However after watching the live BBC news stream all afternoon, where a reporter was held in one of the kettles, and after looking at some of the photos and videos freely floating around on the internet, it seems pretty obvious to me and many of my mates (who arn't actually anti-police) that in this instance the police did nothing but aggravate the situation. It is plainly obious to any of the ordinary citizens who are savvy enough to use google, or open an e-mail. Itwas the police behaviouron the day that have made me realise that actually the protestors were right, and that no one, especially the police is there for the little man, but for protecting state ideals decided by a powerful few. The police by thier actions have shown this.
And I am not normally anti-police, I can appreicate that it is a thankless task, however on this occasion, the MET was wrong, and mean, and inhumane. And as an oridinary citizen I am appauled by the behaviour.
This time, it hasn't just been noted by smelly vegan hippies, but ordinary people. I am so shocked and appauled bu the bhaviour I have circcualted the videos and photos to my freinds, and hopefully they are sending them on too. When you start to alienate the ordinary people you run into trouble.
If I were you I would tell your police mates this, and that they should be vary careful, becasue next time you and your collegues will be watched very carefully indeed, by ordinary citizens, who are becomeing more and more aware of the police motives.
I don't intend to argue with you, I don't care how you wish to defend yourelf, becasue my mind is already made up and the police actions I saw on LIVE TV are indefensable.
All I am saying is: Behaviour Noted. IYSWIM.