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Water Tower for sale...

I just saw a trailer for this, and google brought me here, looking forward to see what happened to that project, I was the designer for the initial planning application, always wondered what that tower would be like. I doubt they stuck to the original layout design.
Heres a render from the computer model;

You sign up, and it takes you exactly 5 years an 1 month to post? and then all you can do is brag about a building you apparently haven't designed? :hmm:
Fuck off, Jon.

Wasn't tryna slag the guy. I realise that this was a slightly ill-considered post made after several beers at 3am, but in the grand scheme of Urban, its not exactly the most offensive thing anyones ever said to an innocent noob. More than anything, I was just commenting on the fact that he signed up 5 years ago, then said nothing until now.

Anyway, apologies to cgireal if I offended you. Stick around! Posting on here can be fun.
Careless kid, leaving their bike lying around like that.
I did wonder if the bike lying on the grass was also part of the computer graphic creation that made up the proposed buildings surrounding the the tower. That is to say just put in to add credibility to the image.
Wasn't tryna slag the guy. I realise that this was a slightly ill-considered post made after several beers at 3am, but in the grand scheme of Urban, its not exactly the most offensive thing anyones ever said to an innocent noob. More than anything, I was just commenting on the fact that he signed up 5 years ago, then said nothing until now.

Anyway, apologies to cgireal if I offended you. Stick around! Posting on here can be fun.

Good of you to post that. :)
No I idea why I signed up 5yrs ago my memory doesnt go back that far ;) Came here via google..

The bikes just a prop (it is CG the whole pic is CG no photoshop).

Looking forward to the show, very surprised, had no idea about that.

Another CG shot here (tiny bit of PS);
http://support.nextlimit.com/display/maxwelldocs/Constant Dome
HI , I bought the Tower , and have developed it. I love it ..there are slight tweeks to i guess what you have designed ..all to enhance it i hope.... check it out on 17th October , Grand Design 100 episode. Thanks for designing such a fabulous building for me !!!
I just saw a trailer for this, and google brought me here, looking forward to see what happened to that project, I was the designer for the initial planning application, always wondered what that tower would be like. I doubt they stuck to the original layout design.
Heres a render from the computer model;

i prefer this to what was built.
looking forward to this, with added spice of the owner and original designer posting, fair play.

let's hope you come out of it better than the crap (some) gave the folk who built that place in Brixton the other week :D
looking forward to this, with added spice of the owner and original designer posting, fair play.

let's hope you come out of it better than the crap (some) gave the folk who built that place in Brixton the other week :D
I was at a grand designs party last night, the BRixton couple like all the others and me ! Are nice- its all down to the editing unfortuantly - however wasn't keen on the design of there house
I was at a grand designs party last night, the BRixton couple like all the others and me ! Are nice- its all down to the editing unfortuantly - however wasn't keen on the design of there house

my wife has a massive crush on Kevin, so i hope he is as nice in real life!

at the risk of opening a can of worms, i liked that place as a bit of architecture, but i couldn't live in it.
Loved the one the other night, the woman got her architect ex-husband to design the house, he waited until they demolished their gaff then announced he was dropping out of the project, leaving them right in the shit and the design came in nearly £1/2 million more than he'd said.

A dish best served cold ;)
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