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Water Tower for sale...

Is that now? They were over the river from friends of ours, the way they went about that was awful.

I missed this so watched it on the train this afternoon. I found it utterly depressing.

The guy was a total moron. No plan, no budget, no moorings, no idea. As McLeod said that should've been on Scrapheap Challenge, not Grand Designs.

Eighty thousand pounds converted into a heap of floating junk. :(

I missed this so watched it on the train this afternoon. I found it utterly depressing.

The guy was a total moron. No plan, no budget, no moorings, no idea. As McLeod said that should've been on Scrapheap Challenge, not Grand Designs.

Eighty thousand pounds converted into a heap of floating junk. :(


There are so many people like them in boaty land, you see them coming a mile off. Few months after the initial excited spurt they're often sunk on the canal.
There are so many people like them in boaty land, you see them coming a mile off. Few months after the initial excited spurt they're often sunk on the canal.

Here's it's fate:

They abandoned it for 3 years, then ...

Bill Allen, owner of the mooring at Hadleigh Ray near Southend, where The Medway Eco-barge was homed, told the newspaper that the boat had fallen victim to squatters in recent months and that youngsters had used it to throw parties.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1352749/Grand-Designs--80k-Channel-4-makeover-barge-turns-Essex-beach-vandalised.html#ixzz29fd6cSlq

With a little thought they could now be living in a reasonable home. Instead ...

The eco-barge, as the TV programme Grand Designs - which featured the build - dubbed her, now lies abandoned a mile off the Essex coast

I feel sorry for the wife and kids.

She should divorce him and get as far away from the incompetent bell-end as possible. :mad:
all of you fans of the slightly bonkers self build types, should check out a couple of the episodes of Grand Designs Australia. The presenter gets on my tits a bit sometimes, but there have been some good builds.

This last episode is good from an engineering point of view - some really inventive stuff in it

and if you can find these online anywhere, they are good

retired eccentric engineer doing a proper self build

couple buys church on whim
It makes me go a bit :mad: when he says "it's amazing what you've achieved"

I realise he made his money himself but he hardly achieved the finished project himself.
I agree it's been embarrassing - I didn't do anything - I never said " what have I achieved " I only paid for it
Agree with all of this but that "somebody" was the project manager.

Lee is quite clearly an exceptionally driven and successful young man and deserves a lot of credit for that. I also found him quite engaging and the kind of bloke I'd like to have a drink with. Anyone who can get their hands on over 2 million quid in that space of time gets my respect. But that's respect for what he's done in the past rather than for this project. The build itself wasn't exceptionally conceived or executed, imo, and came in massively over budget. Lee hadn't even been in to the tank before they bought the building! If you can keep chucking cash in, most things are achievable.

For me, the best GD's are the ones where the ultimate owners have conceived, designed, and managed/built the property, at or close to the allocated budget. These guys basically got people to interior design and renovate a tower, build a cube and a lift shaft, and join them up with glass at HUGE cost. Their involvement seemed to be picking the fixtures and fittings, and most of the scenes with Lee in them were him talking about the financials.

Maybe the production of the program failed to give them due credit for input that we didn't see.

I'd also liked to have seen more of the engineering aspects; how much structural renovation went in; the plumbing system to the upper floors (what did they replace the tank with?); fire safety measures etc,.

As you say they've finished-up with a landmark building with peerless views which they thoroughly deserve. It just wasn't what I find most appealing about Grand Designs.
I agree !! I wasn't happy with so much money focus , there were amazing people doing amazing things - I don't want credit for building it - I didn't . All I set out to do was save a wonderful London building , which I hope I have done
Hi why did I look like a prick ? Only because of my jaunty hat ? Any other reasons ?

The jumper was pretty bad too ;)

Ignore me, I was pre menstrual yesterday, pissed the other half off sniping at EVERYTHING on the telly last night.

I live in a dreary semi just outside MK. You live in a lovely tower. 'nuff said :cool:
I agree !! I wasn't happy with so much money focus , there were amazing people doing amazing things - I don't want credit for building it - I didn't . All I set out to do was save a wonderful London building , which I hope I have done

Hi Leigh. You've certainly done that and I hope my comments didn't offend.

Couple of questions:

a) I realise that the tower would have been engineered to carry a fulll water tank, but did you replace the support structuring that you removed somehow? Wouldn't removing it weaken the building overall?
b) Do you have a water tank in the roof?
c) Have you paid off your credit cards yet? :)
Hi Leigh. You've certainly done that and I hope my comments didn't offend.

Couple of questions:

a) I realise that the tower would have been engineered to carry a fulll water tank, but did you replace the support structuring that you removed somehow? Wouldn't removing it weaken the building overall?

The support structure inside the tank was to restrain it from bursting outwards with the pressure of the water in it. No need for it if there's no longer water in it.
Hi Leigh. You've certainly done that and I hope my comments didn't offend.

Couple of questions:

a) I realise that the tower would have been engineered to carry a fulll water tank, but did you replace the support structuring that you removed somehow? Wouldn't removing it weaken the building overall?
b) Do you have a water tank in the roof?
c) Have you paid off your credit cards yet? :)
HI...there , 99% of what has been written about me has been very supportive, I assure you no offence taken.
a) A lot of the supporting internal structure was removed , simply because it was there original to hold up a tank with 380,000 gallons of water ...all thats in there now is a sofa tv and us !
b) no we have a rain water harvesting system in the sub basement
c) NO !!!!!!

we were the most watched GD ever , by more than a million viewers , i never thought the Tower woud be so popular , SO SO many amazing craftsman were sadly exclued from the 45 min film, over 400 hours of filming was done.
I'd love to see what the view's really like from up the top of that - the TV shots were interesting, but there must be some great views when cloud formations are right and everything. Share pics!!! :)

Nice to see the old architecture being really well restored btw.
Hello leigho. That's really quite some house you have - I am very jealous. Were you recognised at all today?
HI...there , 99% of what has been written about me has been very supportive, I assure you no offence taken.
a) A lot of the supporting internal structure was removed , simply because it was there original to hold up a tank with 380,000 gallons of water ...all thats in there now is a sofa tv and us !
b) no we have a rain water harvesting system in the sub basement
c) NO !!!!!!

we were the most watched GD ever , by more than a million viewers , i never thought the Tower woud be so popular , SO SO many amazing craftsman were sadly exclued from the 45 min film, over 400 hours of filming was done.

Have you had any thunderstorms to watch yet? Friend of mine lived in a high rise in Wolverhampton, shitty flat but thunderstorms were amazing from up there :cool:
Hi Leigho
I dont have much time to spend on the computer but found this site from google after trying to find out a bit more about your tower, I must admit that firstly how disgusted i am to some peoples comments and although every one has the right to voice there opinions, quite frankly I think that to waste time slagging people off is such a waste of time, if something not of interest to someone eles then why bother reading and why bother posting, its beyond me, To be honest i would presume its a mix of jealousy and bordom. Anyway, as i said at the begining I dont have much time for these forums but felt the need to sign up in support of you, your vision and your achievments, youve put together all the neccessary resorces one way or another to put together this fantastic project that has resulted in what is probably the most unusual and spectacular home in London, who cares how much it cost because the value now has no ceiling, you will prob have some rock god or Arab Sheik waving 10 million under your nose before Easter, Anyway Leigh, Well done mate, Theres a water tower in my village that ive had my eye for a while, its not for sale and i aint got the money but if those two equations ever change ill be snapping it up and exchanging tips with you. All the best mate Take care and enjoy your Castle. Yorkie. yorkiesdiner on Face book if you want to inbox feel free. Cya.
Hi Leigho
I dont have much time to spend on the computer but found this site from google after trying to find out a bit more about your tower, I must admit that firstly how disgusted i am to some peoples comments and although every one has the right to voice there opinions, quite frankly I think that to waste time slagging people off is such a waste of time, if something not of interest to someone eles then why bother reading and why bother posting, its beyond me, To be honest i would presume its a mix of jealousy and bordom. Anyway, as i said at the begining I dont have much time for these forums but felt the need to sign up in support of you, your vision and your achievments, youve put together all the neccessary resorces one way or another to put together this fantastic project that has resulted in what is probably the most unusual and spectacular home in London, who cares how much it cost because the value now has no ceiling, you will prob have some rock god or Arab Sheik waving 10 million under your nose before Easter, Anyway Leigh, Well done mate, Theres a water tower in my village that ive had my eye for a while, its not for sale and i aint got the money but if those two equations ever change ill be snapping it up and exchanging tips with you. All the best mate Take care and enjoy your Castle. Yorkie. yorkiesdiner on Face book if you want to inbox feel free. Cya.

Hi there.
I am not really into typing , and dont have much time....life has been crazy , all i wanted to do was rescue an amazing building . I have been inundated with support , which has been amazing , only a small percentage of nutters... However many thanks for the time, and for finding me !!.... life is about risk taking , go out and get your water tower.. and worry about the rest another day.
good luck !!!
Hi there.
I am not really into typing , and dont have much time....life has been crazy , all i wanted to do was rescue an amazing building . I have been inundated with support , which has been amazing , only a small percentage of nutters... However many thanks for the time, and for finding me !!.... life is about risk taking , go out and get your water tower.. and worry about the rest another day.
good luck !!!
Just watched (after Caitlin Moran reviewed in the Times). Wow- what an amazing building and how stunning
Hi there.
I am not really into typing , and dont have much time....life has been crazy , all i wanted to do was rescue an amazing building . I have been inundated with support , which has been amazing , only a small percentage of nutters... However many thanks for the time, and for finding me !!.... life is about risk taking , go out and get your water tower.. and worry about the rest another day.
good luck !!!
Thanks for the reply Leigho, Do you know, I may just take your advice, If your not living life on the edge then your taking up to much room, Ha ha, Just jump in with both feet and worry about things after, follow your heart and dreams. Well done, Yorkie.
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