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Watch every episode of The Simpsons & Futurama online - (link)

DJ Squelch

King Of Insides
Watch every episode from all 18 series of The Simpsons at this place -
Its an embedded Youtube like thingy so should be watchable by most.

All 5 series of Futurama can be seen at -

:D Enjoy

Has any got any recomendations for good episodes to watch? Whats the title/series of the "chilli cookoff" episode, thats one of my favourites.

Im sure this isn't entirely legal so get it while you can, before Fox get it taken down.

While Im at it, heres the link for the South Park & Family Guy episodes (posted by Loud 1 & RaverDrew previously). Apols if the above links are repeats.
http://www.piczo.com/allaboutsouthpark?g=11323462&cr=3 (under construction at the moment)
The chilli one is something like 'El viaje mysterioso de nuestro Jomer'.

One of my favourite Futurama episodes is 'Fear of a bot planet' in the first series. Lots of Bender goodness.
Also, Fox can't get the sites taken down as they are only link in from sites that host the videos, which are usually big sites like youtube. They can get individual episodes taken down, but they'll only go back up elsewhere shortly afterwards.
Sorry, have I missed something? Since when there has been a Futurama Series 5? I'm pretty sure only series 1-4 have ever been released in the UK.
T & P said:
Sorry, have I missed something? Since when there has been a Futurama Series 5? I'm pretty sure only series 1-4 have ever been released in the UK.

For some reason, the Americans split the episodes in to 5 seperate chunks and we got 4.

Same episodes though.

Don't worry, you are not missing anything!
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