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A film for every day of the year

I checked Citizen Kane for dates and despite all those newspaper front pages filling up the big screen none of them have a date on. They call this the greatest film ever made? In what kind of a world do newspapers not have the date on the front page? You've let yourself down, Mr Wells, and you've let all of us down.
An apology to Mr Orson Welles: it seems the Washington Inquirer does have the date on the cover:

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Which means that Susan Alexander's standing ovation must have happened on 3rd December, if it's in the next day's paper.
Updated with closest and furthest to completion:

January - 15 done, 16 to go
February - 22 done, 7 to go
March - 15 done, 16 to go
April - 20 done, 10 to go
May - 21 done, 10 to go
June - 22 done, 8 to go
July - 16 done, 15 to go
August - 21 done, 10 to go
September - 15 done, 15 to go
October - 20 done, 11 to go
November - 18 done, 12 to go
December - 15 done, 16 to go
The Hunger Games’ Katniss Everdeen’s birthday is on May 8th
Katniss doesn't celebrate her birthday in the films, however...

The prequel book The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes gives the date of the 10th Reaping as 4th July and implies it happens the same day every year. Although the film doesn't give the date we could assume this is the date of the Reaping.

But 4th July is taken.

After the Reaping Katniss and Peeta are taken to an overnight train to the Capitol and there is a scene of breakfast the next morning, which would be 5th July.
oookay, in Rocky 4, Rocky Balboa gives his corner man Paulie a robot for his birthday, much to his chagrin. I can’t remember if the date is specified in the film, but in the Rocky Balboa instalment of the franchise, Rocky visits his grave on his birthday. Does that count?
The date is November 19th.
oookay, in Rocky 4, Rocky Balboa gives his corner man Paulie a robot for his birthday, much to his chagrin. I can’t remember if the date is specified in the film, but in the Rocky Balboa instalment of the franchise, Rocky visits his grave on his birthday. Does that count?
The date is November 19th.
Whose grave on whose birthday? If you know from diegetic evidence that the day being portrayed on screen is 19 November then yes that counts.
Forrest Gump’s girlfriend Jenny says she was born in the day of the first nuclear explosion by the US, which was July 16th 1945
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