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A film for every day of the year

Have you read it?

I've looked at it, yes. There's not a lot of reading to do. It's just a list of movies so that we can go oh well, game over, bye! As if nobody else could just google the same things you did rather than try to actually think of movies.
I've looked at it, yes. There's not a lot of reading to do. It's just a list of movies so that we can go oh well, game over, bye! As if nobody else could just google the same things you did rather than try to actually think of movies.
it’s very informative though. I don’t think we’re expected to watch all of these films again to identify dates being mentioned. That’s a hard ask. We’ve watched a bunch of films over the years and can’t be expected to remember exact dates, though we do remember certain scenes, so need the internet to aid our memory sometimes. Not everyone has a photographic memory.
Think they’ve got them all here - fill your boots: On This Day
I found that site and nicked a load of dates from it, but it answers a slightly different question to the one Santino asks in the OP.

This thread is about scenes in films that happen on a specific date. That site lists specific dates in films, whether a scene happens then or not.

eg. For 8th January it gives Roy Batty's inception in Bladerunner. This appears in the film here:

Screenshot_20230328_074407_Samsung Internet.jpg

It's years since I've seen Bladerunner but I don’t remember a flashback to Roy's inception day and I don't remember him celebrating his birthday (happy to be proved wrong, but he doesn't seem the party hats and cake type; bet he's great at pinata).

If someone wants to go through all the films listed and check if a scene actually happens on that date, that'd be grand.
Could someone watch the Watchmen and let us know what dates Dr Manhattan mentions in his origin story?
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