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A film for every day of the year

Does this from Captain America: Civil War count?

The characters watch the footage many years after, so the scene from 16 Dec does/doesn't play out in the film, depending on which definition we're using.

Does this from Captain America: Civil War count?

The characters watch the footage many years after, so the scene from 16 Dec does/doesn't play out in the film, depending on which definition we're using.

I would say that unless we the audience see that action unfold first hand, then it doesn't count.

Do you ever see other events on the same day? Is it something about Iron Man's parents?
I would say that unless we the audience see that action unfold first hand, then it doesn't count.

Do you ever see other events on the same day? Is it something about Iron Man's parents?
It is.

In the same film you see the scene where they say goodbye to Tony before taking the car journey, but you'll probably say that 'doesn't count' either, just because it's a holographic recreation :rolleyes:


(Given the timey-wimey storylines, flashbacks, etc, I honestly can't remember if they ever portray anything from that day 'first hand', but I don't think they do)
Just watched 6 Days, which covers the Iranian embassy siege - 30th April to 5th May, in case any of those days are not taken.
There must be loads and loads of films that happen on Halloween, but just been reminded that Ginger Snaps is one of them. Maybe some stuff happens on one of the unclaimed days in October as well, I can't remember.
Ah, found one for the currently-unclaimed date of February 26 - I've never seen François Truffaut's Love on the Run/L’Amour en fuite, but apparently someone says "February 26" in it:
Ah, found one for the currently-unclaimed date of February 26 - I've never seen François Truffaut's Love on the Run/L’Amour en fuite, but apparently someone says "February 26" in it:

But it only counts if the scene takes place on the date...
Quite possibly it, or else another scene later or earlier on, does! Do we have a resident Truffaut expert and/or anyone willing to watch the whole film to clarify?
But it only counts if the scene takes place on the date...
Update, have just checked with my most nouvelle vague friend, and February 26 is the date that Antoine gets married. Obviously, as any fule kno, etc.
Although looking at wikipedia it sounds like the wedding might take place before the film starts, so I dunno if it qualifies?
Update, have just checked with my most nouvelle vague friend, and February 26 is the date that Antoine gets married. Obviously, as any fule kno, etc.
Although looking at wikipedia it sounds like the wedding might take place before the film starts, so I dunno if it qualifies?
I dare not speak for Santino, but I fear it does not 😢
Update, have just checked with my most nouvelle vague friend, and February 26 is the date that Antoine gets married. Obviously, as any fule kno, etc.
Although looking at wikipedia it sounds like the wedding might take place before the film starts, so I dunno if it qualifies?

00:09:31,845 --> 00:09:34,871
I suppose you've forgotten
our wedding date too.

00:09:34,948 --> 00:09:38,816
- We were married on February 26.
- You actually remembered?

00:09:38,885 --> 00:09:42,514
- Of course. It was St. Nestor's day.
- Of course...

The two characters apparently got married prior to a previous film, Domicile Conjugal, and in this one they are getting divorced:

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