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Walking Across Wales in a Straight Line (trespassing)

The youtube algorithm is great isn't it. Loads of people have mentioned this.

AI worked out that its what people want.

That and a bald guy visiting ex soviet counties.
You’d have thought gloves would’ve been an obvious choice. I really don’t get why he didn’t pack any.

Other than that, I like his style. He seems like someone I’d get along with.
I'm looking forward to Ep 3 when I get some wifi

I thought if him today when i took my boots off to wade through a small burn at embleton bay and the trepidation I felt not knowing how deep it was (it was just over my knees :oldthumbsup:) - kudos for him swimming a lake!:eek:
This is a great laugh. The sort of thing I did a lot as a kid, sneaking around other peoples land, making dens and fires, rumours of farmers with shotguns etc.

Made me wonder what I'd have put on Youtube if it was about then. Garden hopping probably.
Some real thick Welsh jungle and mountain cliffs in Ep 4. Its one thing being able to climb a cliff face when you are a climber, fully skilled, fed and rested and quite another when it comes in bad weather and you are malnourished in the middle of a very tough multi-day yomp and you are carry a backpack.
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Funny as it is...unless he's putting it on, at times I think he might just be a bit of an idiot. The canoeing across the lake without a life jacket and the climb in those conditions are pretty reckless. I did wonder who'd have to pick up the pieces of he'd got into trouble in the lake or fell and seriously injured himself.

Still, as he said, more views.
Funny as it is...unless he's putting it on, at times I think he might just be a bit of an idiot. The canoeing across the lake without a life jacket and the climb in those conditions are pretty reckless. I did wonder who'd have to pick up the pieces of he'd got into trouble in the lake or fell and seriously injured himself.

Still, as he said, more views.
He is also filming himself busting through farmer's fences and hedges? (no doubt Welsh farmers are a charitable lot so they probably wouldn't see that as er criminal-damage or anything.:thumbs:)
He is also filming himself busting through farmer's fences and hedges? (no doubt Welsh farmers are a charitable lot so they probably wouldn't see that as er criminal-damage or anything.:thumbs:)
TBF, he's filming himself being quite careful not to damage or destroy, in particular, fences. His biggest worry with wobbly fences seems to be not that he might fall off them, but that he might break them.
TBF, he's filming himself being quite careful not to damage or destroy, in particular, fences. His biggest worry with wobbly fences seems to be not that he might fall off them, but that he might break them.
Yes I agree-the real problem is the parlous state of farmer's gates ,fences and hedges which very frequently won't sustain even the most careful intruder clambering on top of them.I know this from extensive personal experience btw.
Bit of an anticlimax.

The whole thing seemed to hang on possibly getting caught and I was just thinking 'well if you get caught tell them you're doing your daft challenge then they'll look at you and tell you it's private property and get off the land....and you'll have to walk round, there that's it'.

And he was right, he was making himself far more suspicious by running.
Bit of an anticlimax.

The whole thing seemed to hang on possibly getting caught and I was just thinking 'well if you get caught tell them you're doing your daft challenge then they'll look at you and tell you it's private property and get off the land....and you'll have to walk round, there that's it'.

And he was right, he was making himself far more suspicious by running.
Well, he admitted that several times - began to talk about the being chased for crossing people's yards thing as something he was actively wanting to have happen...

I'm sure there were all kinds of ways it could have been done better, both in terms of his own planning, and how it was presented, but I enjoyed it as a little escapade. I was half hoping there'd be some kind of reception committee to greet him at the end, although his solitary pint by the estuary was a nice way to round it all off.
Aye I suppose I was expecting a bit much, like being shot at or chased by a dog or something. :D

On the back of this I've fallen down a Youtube rabbit hole involving freighthopping and sneaking into hotels. The lad who does this seems ony a little better prepared but has plenty of viewers.

Just finished it. I agree with the YT comment that it's one of the best things I've seen on there. This comment made me lol-
Part 5.5 He gets pissed at the bar and pulled over on the way home. "Can you walk in a straight line sir?" the Police Officer said..
Just caught up with episode three. Fantastic stuff. You couldn't write better coincidences :D
This has inspired me. Though I think if I was going to walk across an entire country in a straight line I’d pick Vatican City.
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