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Wales V Iran

I meant he didn't make contact with his boot. He did with his knee.

Probably a tournament too far for some of the squad but tactically I struggle to understand some of the choices. Why we set up differently to in qualification, why Ampadu was left so isolated, why Allen came on so late, why Ramsey and Bale weren't used more as power subs. Ramsey should have been off well before the obvious red card, and I love Ramsey.

It still doesn't take away from the achievement of getting there, that'll be the long term feeling, but today I'm feeling the soreness of what might have been. Hope they go out and give it everything in the final game.
why Ramsey and Bale weren't used more as power subs. Ramsey should have been off well before the obvious red card, and I love Ramsey.

I've seen a bit of talk this afternoon about how Bale and Ramsay are past it now but to be fair I think it would be a hell of a brave call to start without them. For all they might be a bit past their best who is more likely to come up with a goal, those two even as they are now or whoever the backups would have been? I'm a big fan of Brennan Johnson as he was a massive part of Lincoln's run to the League One playoffs a couple of seasons ago but he's never going to be a Bale.
I've seen a bit of talk this afternoon about how Bale and Ramsay are past it now but to be fair I think it would be a hell of a brave call to start without them. For all they might be a bit past their best who is more likely to come up with a goal, those two even as they are now or whoever the backups would have been? I'm a big fan of Brennan Johnson as he was a massive part of Lincoln's run to the League One playoffs a couple of seasons ago but he's never going to be a Bale.
They've come on at half time / as subs before, albeit because of injury. It's arguable given their lack of match fitness that would be a better use of their still massive talents. I want Bale to stay on for the next Euros campaign, but I'm not sure we should expect constant 90 min shifts from him anymore.
They've come on at half time / as subs before, albeit because of injury. It's arguable given their lack of match fitness that would be a better use of their still massive talents. I want Bale to stay on for the next Euros campaign, but I'm not sure we should expect constant 90 min shifts from him anymore.

Not in a World Cup finals game though tbf. I mean obviously with the benefit of hindsight Wales lost so it didn't work, but I can see why the manager would want to stick to the formula that's worked so well for them over the last few tournaments - essentially 9 solid hard workers plus one world class player up front and one very good player just behind him. Maybe using them as subs might have worked better but equally it could have ended up in the same place with people going 'why wouldn't you start Bale' IMO.
Not in a World Cup finals game though tbf. I mean obviously with the benefit of hindsight Wales lost so it didn't work, but I can see why the manager would want to stick to the formula that's worked so well for them over the last few tournaments - essentially 9 solid hard workers plus one world class player up front and one very good player just behind him. Maybe using them as subs might have worked better but equally it could have ended up
with people going 'why wouldn't you start Bale' IMO.
They were both used more sparingly in qualification matches, to better effect. I would have started Bale vs USA, but arguably he should have been subbed today. I don't think they're passed it, but it isn't 2016.
As a neutral, it was a superb game even if the quality of the football was obvs not high standard given the teams involved. But that goalkeeper. It wasn't just a foul. It was the foul of the tournament, unlikely to be bettered.
So we'll have to settle for Best Foul and Best Anthem.
So we'll have to settle for Best Foul and Best Anthem.
That reminds me, Italy are not there. I miss them though given the current state of their government it's not a country that should get a nationalistic boost at the moment.
I've never really liked the World Cup that much as it's really just a bunch of sports washing by pretty shit countries trying to deflect things through moneyball, the sport of the people.
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