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Vladimir Putin's Time is up


Well-Known Member
No idea about much that happens in the Kremlin. No idea if his security people are in a position to take him down, or his generals. He seems to have a lot of bases covered there.

Now bringing us to the ridiculously large table. Is he immunocompromised? Or just massively paranoid.

Also heard talk of him having a health condition that requires treatment by steroids which would explain his puffy face.
Evil cannot die.

But yes, I was thinking of a thread like this, but seagull beat me to it.

My guess is that Putin will win a military victory (of some sort) and quickly find that it turns to ashes in his mouth. For years to come his occupation forces in Ukraine will be plagued with IEDs, snipers, etc. He will run through his political capital very quickly.

So, I give him another ten years if he fully occupies Ukraine, months if he's fully humiliated and chased out of Ukraine (not that that is the most likely outcome in my opinion).

I don't think he's even named a successor, as Yeltsin did in his case, so who would the oligarchs and generals turn to if they tried to give him his cards?
Perhaps if he takes a well-deserved break at his holiday reteat in the next few days, some stray drone will bring him a little present.

I don't normally favour "decapitation" of political / military systems, but I think in this case, preserving World Peace might justify such an action.
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Evil cannot die.

But yes, I was thinking of a thread like this, but seagull beat me to it.

My guess is that Putin will win a military victory (of some sort) and quickly find that it turns to ashes in his mouth. For years to come his occupation forces in Ukraine will be plagued with IEDs, snipers, etc. He will run through his political capital very quickly.

So, I give him another ten years if he fully occupies Ukraine, months if he's fully humiliated and chased out of Ukraine (not that that is the most likely outcome in my opinion).

I don't think he's even named a successor, as Yeltsin did in his case, so who would the oligarchs and generals turn to if they tried to give him his cards?
i think he'd be most likely to impose a peace treaty and then have the forces retire to the regions of donetsk and lugansk. but any settlement which affects to settle the borders of the new independent republics in the east of ukraine will bring with it the possibility of nato membership for ukraine and so he might leave things a bit fudged there.

as for not naming a successor, if he does then he ensures that that man will be the focus for everyone who now fawns on him. so i think he'll not name one, and let everyone fight it out after he's ejected, resigns or is killed.
My Russian history is a bit fuzzy but isn't there a high incidence of leaders that have passed their sell by date having fairly sticky ends
Post-Stalin it was being hungover, sitting on a bench throwing bread to ducks, thinking about the glory days and complaining about the pension without the other additional perks.
No obvious best place to put this, which came up on Facebook:
Friends in Putins Russia
people are NOT hearing the truth about Russia’s brutal illegal invasion of Ukraine BUT we can help to spread the truth.

Go to Google maps. Find any Russian restaurant, shop, business premises. Leave a 5
review, so as not to affect their business or search ranking, as this isn’t their fault. Paste the message below in Russian. It tells them what Putin is doing, evading his media censorship.

Message to paste into your Google reviews.

Было хорошо! Однако, Путин испортил нам настроение, вторгшись в Украину. Восстаньте против своего диктатора, прекратите убивать невинных людей! Ваше правительство лжет вам. Восстаньте!
It was nice! However, Putin spoiled our mood by invading Ukraine. Rise up against your dictator, stop killing innocent people! Your government is lying to you. Arise!

I don't speak Russian, so ran it through Google translate, which, even allowing for awkwardness, produced this bizarre result:
Very good! On the other hand, Putin's sporting talent, he was promoted to Ukraine. Create your own dictatorship, create a new one! Your privacy is at stake. Sign up!

Needless to say, I haven't done this. Any thoughts frogwoman, either about the translation, or the whole concept?
Evil cannot die.

But yes, I was thinking of a thread like this, but seagull beat me to it.

My guess is that Putin will win a military victory (of some sort) and quickly find that it turns to ashes in his mouth. For years to come his occupation forces in Ukraine will be plagued with IEDs, snipers, etc. He will run through his political capital very quickly.

So, I give him another ten years if he fully occupies Ukraine, months if he's fully humiliated and chased out of Ukraine (not that that is the most likely outcome in my opinion).

I don't think he's even named a successor, as Yeltsin did in his case, so who would the oligarchs and generals turn to if they tried to give him his cards?
You don't have to go as far back as Yeltsin. Putin himself has previously played musical chairs with Dmitry Medvedev. iirc there's a limit to how long they can serve, and when Putin reached the limit last time Medvedev was a shoe in to take over as a sort of caretaker to keep the seat warm, and then Putin took over again. iirc.
I think he’ll go to nukes If necessary. So either Ukraine falls and the post WW2 organisations are utterly discredited or Western public opinion forces a NATO vs Russia confrontation (which leads to nukes).

The rat story.

No obvious best place to put this, which came up on Facebook:

I don't speak Russian, so ran it through Google translate, which, even allowing for awkwardness, produced this bizarre result:
Very good! On the other hand, Putin's sporting talent, he was promoted to Ukraine. Create your own dictatorship, create a new one! Your privacy is at stake. Sign up!

Needless to say, I haven't done this. Any thoughts frogwoman, either about the translation, or the whole concept?
Translation seems OK from what I can see and comes out fine on Google translate. Thing is though, all the reviews on there, without exception as far as I can see, are tourists writing in English. Not sure there will be a massive native audience.
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