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Viewing twitter without an account


so defeated, thinks it's funny
Maybe this is only a problem for serial lurkers like myself, but for ages I'd found that twitter was fairly easy to navigate without needing to have an account. At some point relatively recently they changed that and started putting a big stupid thing telling me to log in everywhere, which was a pain in the arse but I could get around with a bit of effort, and now I'm getting the same box but there's no way to close it, they've just made the place unusable for lurkers. Is anyone else in the same situation, and is there any way around it or should I just take this as a reminder from God that we were not put on this earth to look at twitter?
Maybe this is only a problem for serial lurkers like myself, but for ages I'd found that twitter was fairly easy to navigate without needing to have an account. At some point relatively recently they changed that and started putting a big stupid thing telling me to log in everywhere, which was a pain in the arse but I could get around with a bit of effort, and now I'm getting the same box but there's no way to close it, they've just made the place unusable for lurkers. Is anyone else in the same situation, and is there any way around it or should I just take this as a reminder from God that we were not put on this earth to look at twitter?
Maybe this is only a problem for serial lurkers like myself, but for ages I'd found that twitter was fairly easy to navigate without needing to have an account. At some point relatively recently they changed that and started putting a big stupid thing telling me to log in everywhere, which was a pain in the arse but I could get around with a bit of effort, and now I'm getting the same box but there's no way to close it, they've just made the place unusable for lurkers. Is anyone else in the same situation, and is there any way around it or should I just take this as a reminder from God that we were not put on this earth to look at twitter?

it gotten a lot nastier late with account verification

as i never needed before to login in or provide detials for years to look through twitter , since around november if you even look at twitter it requires you enter your password or sign up and will block even viewing a single tweet

it is sign up or forget about it now, it appears

legal trouble maybe

think it may depend on the account settings of whoever's doing the tweeting.

i have just gone on to a browser that's not got tweeter open and thinks i'm not logged in, and i'm having no problem reading tweets on https://twitter.com/brixtonbuzz and i've gone to two or three accounts that BB has re-tweeted, and i'm not getting any problems

i get a 'login / signup' bar across the bottom of the screen, but it's not that big a deal where i'm sitting. (using firefox on a windows PC, with an adblocker, if that makes any difference)

yyyup. a while back they made it a pain to open individual tweets, and to open re-tweets, and just today i scrolled down a little way to be slammed by that same message and no x-out option, which it used to have.
do miss where you could embeded a twitter thread without having to identify yourself and sign in

but as nasty as the place is maybe for the better post trumpage
you are better off not looking a shitebook

it bad enough on twitter with people posting dodgy shite

facebook is like "ok my grannie is a racist!"
Maybe this is only a problem for serial lurkers like myself, but for ages I'd found that twitter was fairly easy to navigate without needing to have an account. At some point relatively recently they changed that and started putting a big stupid thing telling me to log in everywhere, which was a pain in the arse but I could get around with a bit of effort, and now I'm getting the same box but there's no way to close it, they've just made the place unusable for lurkers. Is anyone else in the same situation, and is there any way around it or should I just take this as a reminder from God that we were not put on this earth to look at twitter?
That's funny, I had this happen to me recently for a couple of days but then it stopped being a problem. In that time, I found a sort-of way round by (I think) searching for a specific account rather than clicking a link. Bit of a hassle though. Wonder if your browser makes any difference.

think it may depend on the account settings of whoever's doing the tweeting.

i have just gone on to a browser that's not got tweeter open and thinks i'm not logged in, and i'm having no problem reading tweets on https://twitter.com/brixtonbuzz and i've gone to two or three accounts that BB has re-tweeted, and i'm not getting any problems

i get a 'login / signup' bar across the bottom of the screen, but it's not that big a deal where i'm sitting. (using firefox on a windows PC, with an adblocker, if that makes any difference)

View attachment 307847
Took a while and a bit of scrolling, but eventually got to:

Also on firefox/windows/adblock fwiw, although I get the same problem with my mobile browser that runs Chrome.
choose your poison really. The same thing happens to me when I try to look at Facebook. :p
Yep, I think instagram's also pretty lurker-hostile.
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Took a while and a bit of scrolling, but eventually got to:

oh bugger

never got that far.

if you really want to see stuff on there, why not set up a new hotmail (or whatever) account, create a tweeter account and log in, even if you just lurk when you're there?

farcebook and instagram (on which i don't have accounts) are more lurker hostile.

I missed the fact that a (now distant) mate was going to be a Dad cos I wasn’t on Facebook

I dropped a bit of a clanger at a family gathering a few years back. asked cousin (who had turned up without her husband) how he was (i'd thought he might be working or something) - her answer was a bit odd - turned out they had separated, she had told 'the family' via farcebook (which neither me or mum-tat do)

I deleted my Twitter account about 4 months ago and it's glorious.

a few people have said similar

i must be fairly lucky with it - i've never really had any bother on there.

i don't post much

i follow a few political accounts (but don't really go in to the comments that follow, as like comments on news articles, a fair proportion will be politically hostile)

other than that, it's friends / acquaintances, local news and travel info, cats, football, london history (the latter are the ones i most often respond to
if you really want to see stuff on there, why not set up a new hotmail (or whatever) account, create a tweeter account and log in, even if you just lurk when you're there
That's the thing I suppose, it's making me have to evaluate how much I actually want to see stuff on there and whether it's worth the effort? Plus just lurking is easy if you can't do anything else, I strongly suspect if I set up an account I'd find it hard to resist getting sucked into replying to things and then it'd be another huge time-sink.
Does this mean that when we post up a twitter link on here you can't see it? So we should post screenshots instead? (I know that's recommended anyway for tweets that might get removed.)
That's the thing I suppose, it's making me have to evaluate how much I actually want to see stuff on there and whether it's worth the effort? Plus just lurking is easy if you can't do anything else, I strongly suspect if I set up an account I'd find it hard to resist getting sucked into replying to things and then it'd be another huge time-sink.
That's why I had to delete as despite all my efforts I just couldn't help it when the Kill the bill stuff was going on and I eventually fucked it off.

It does very slightly annoy me when threads and Twitter links are posted on here so often and on other forums, but do manage to normally still read them.
Social media kills what's left of the brains. Can only handle short bursts as it seems like it's populated by monstrous derranged gaslighters bigots contrarians and edgelord trolls.

Am sure it wasn't always this way. Then again, once went for 7 or 8 years without logging in,
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