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vanessa beeley

It's a convo with one of her nutjob Larouche cult mates who put it out after they fell out because he felt she wasn't Assadist enough.

The virus has driven her loonosphere into an even greater frenzy of quackery and contradictory positions than usual. It's a hoax, except in Iran because of sanctions, it's a nwo plot, China, Russia and Syria do everything right while pubs closing for a bit is communism and so on.

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Beeley has multiple contradictory covid19 takes but she's going for 'plandemic' here. She's referring to a video of Anthony Fauci from 2017 where he spends nearly an hour explaining why virus outbreaks are inevitable. Apparently, and this is how the brains of verminous loons like Beeley work, he makes the schoolboy supervillain error of announcing his caper at a filmed public lecture in georgetown university.

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The Larouche weirdo who grassed her up for not being assadist enough for him has been at her about it as well.

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George Galloway has turned on Beeley for her 5G/virus conspiracism - he has blocked her and and Hennignsen. Funny that it took this rather than say holocaust denialism and open collaboration with fascists to reach this stage.
Galloway saying the virus is a US bioweapon today in the just asking questions format. He needs his RT gig. Mark Curtis has also blocked Beeley. Hes not a big enough loon for her and even posted a NYT piece on regime prisons.

Galloway saying the virus is a US bioweapon today in the just asking questions format. He needs his RT gig. Mark Curtis has also blocked Beeley. Hes not a big enough loon for her and even posted a NYT piece on regime prisons.

Is Curtis a loon?
This Beeley/Galloway beef is great. Long way it continue and escalate to a bloody finale.

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She posted that Mikovits vid on her blog.

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Henningsen and Crane's annual loonfest is on this weekend. They can only livestream each maniac speaker but they're still charging £80 (!) for access.
This was in the Morning Star a few weeks back:

Bartlett is now on the plandemic train - alongside beeley.

I thought she'd have been given a nice big stolen house or something but she lives in the 5 star Beit Al Wali Hotel when she's in Syria which seems like all the time. Bartlett as well probably. There's a pic of them in the hotel's facebook gallery. Evil priest Andrew Ashdown is also in there.

The person running the sue labour fund for Chris 'pfi' Williamson - David Miller - used to run a site called Necon Europe (now closed) that at one point had an article that used Kevin Macdonald. That name may not mean much to some, but he is anti-semite no1, the einstein of anti-semitism, the most important person in the revival of scientific anti-semitism and a massive voice in the new far right.

So first off, good work Chris Williamson - really helping labour shake off the friendly to anti-semitism accusations, secondly, did anyone keep copies of the original article? I have the summary from the wankers at HUH with now deleted screenshots but not the actual piece.
This rabid beeley-ette has now had his labour party membership suspended.
Who are the real holocaust deniers eh?

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She deleted this "Musings on Zionism" thing from her blog. I don't know who Daniel Mabsout is. No likes.

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She was still gibbering into the void at that point.

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Previously...on Planet Beeley. Covid-19 was a global crisis and sanctions against the regime needed to be dropped urgently so it could be combated, then it was no worse than a bit of mild flu, and now it's all an imperialist "mind virus" plot and human bioweapons are being sent to infect Syria.

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e2a: I just skimmed a video she did with a ponytailed cunt called Jason Liosatos who is surprise surprise a raving antisemite and whose youtube channel is full of interviews with a seemingly bottomless pit of freaks - Atzmon, Icke, Paul Craig Roberts being the most well known ones i suppose. All the usual shit about false flags and neither left nor right blah but yet somehow she finds that "the right have been the most sensible over imperialism, interventionism, and Syria".

HNH did a piece on Liosatos a few weeks ago. John Kitson and Jason Liosatos: Anti- 5G activists in Totnes hold deeply antisemitic views. – HOPE not hate

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Times has a big looking piece on these loons today, haven't got round to finding the full piece, will try later if someone else doesn't first:

Here you go

The Times said:
Conspiracy theories spread by academics with university help

Leading universities have provided academic status to a group led by proponents of conspiracy theories, an investigation by The Times shows.

The Organisation for Propaganda Studies (OPS) has promoted theories about the September 11 terrorist attacks, the shooting down of an airliner over Ukraine in 2014, the White Helmets humanitarian rescue group in Syria, the antivax movement and the origins of the coronavirus.

David Miller, a controversial professor, was suspended from the Labour Party last month and has been threatened with disciplinary action for bringing his university into disrepute.

Bristol and Sheffield universities, both in the elite Russell Group, have owned the OPS domain since it was formed as a private, not-for-profit company in 2018, it has emerged. They provided the organisation with an academic website address ending in .ac.uk, an honour formally restricted to distinguished bodies.

Lord Mann, a former Labour MP, said: “The growth of conspiracy theories is a huge risk to public health. Any support for such pernicious nonsense has no place whatsoever in a British university.”

The founders of the OPS include Piers Robinson, a former journalism professor at Sheffield, and Mark Crispin Miller, a media professor at New York University. Both are 9/11 “Truthers” who challenge the official explanation of the World Trade Center attacks. Professor Crispin Miller has shown his students the film Vaxxed, made by Andrew Wakefield, the disgraced British doctor struck off for falsely linking the MMR jab to autism.

The OPS website leads to an article by Dr Robinson in which he claims that critics of the White Helmets “argue that the group is largely a propaganda construct” to overthrow President Assad of Syria. Footnotes show his sources are two fringe bloggers.

The bloggers are also cited by a Russian spokeswoman when querying the humanitarian nature of the White Helmets. Dr Robinson points readers to research by the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media, which he founded with Professor Miller. The group’s briefing notes claim that the White Helmets massacred civilians for use in propaganda videos in complicity with James Le Mesurier, a former former British Army officer who died in November. Another briefing note points the blame for the 2018 Salisbury poisonings away from Russia.
The OPS also lists an essay which suggests that the Russians were being framed for the shooting down of Flight MH17 over Ukraine.

Acceptance of .ac.uk domain names by Jisc, the academic digital support organisation, is supposed to indicate “a high quality of provision”. Jisc originally rejected an application by “Institute for Propaganda Analysis”, a group that could not be validated. But it granted approval when the applicants registered at Companies House as the OPS.

Professor Miller, who has accused Sir Keir Starmer of taking money from the “Zionist movement”, was suspended by Labour last month. It is understood that the party has made no mention of any complaints about antisemitism in its correspondence with him.

Bristol University said: “For legal reasons, we are unable to comment on HR matters which relate to individual members of staff. We will be looking into thrwebsite domain for the OPS . . . given OPS is a private company. Its views and opinions are not supported by the university.” Sheffield University said that the OPS proposal “was to foster academic engagement”.
Dr Robinson said that the OPS was an independent organisation led by academics with substantial research records . . . that “reflect a range of opinions”. Dr Miller did not respond to requests for comment.

Claims made by the OPS:
9/11 was a false flag

Dr Robinson said on a video promoted by the OPS Twitter feed that the official story of the World Trade Center attacks was incorrect. “The question is who was involved in influencing, arranging, and which states, including from within the US political system.”

Piers Robinson said on the same video: “Some people have talked about bioweapons and so on. All of that is possible. The US has been building facilities.”

Russia was being framed over MH17
Oliver Boyd-Barrett, of the OPS, wrote a paper claiming that the shooting down of the Malaysia Airlines plane killing 298 passengers in 2014 was exploited by the US and its allies “as part of a broader campaign to demonise Russia”. He called his paper: “MH17 as free-floating atrocity propaganda.”

White Helmets are terrorists
A paper by Dr Robinson cites a blog which claims that the civilian rescue group had committed acts of terrorism across Syria.

Russia framed over the Salisbury poisonings
Dr Robinson’s paper refers readers to a website he produced with others which claims that Russia had no motive to attack Sergei Skripal, its former spy.

This leader as well. I used up my limit.

The Times view on universities and baseless conspiracy theories: Academic Abuses

The universities involved should crack down hard rather than allow these theories to circulate unchecked
Saturday June 13 2020, 12.01am, The Times
Higher education should instil habits of critical thinking. Yet in practice some leading British universities are inadvertently providing notional respectability to a small group of academics sharing baseless conspiracy theories about global events. Members of a network calling itself the Organisation for Propaganda Studies (OPS) are promoting fringe beliefs about the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Salisbury poisonings, President Assad’s atrocities against Syrians and the origins of the coronavirus crisis, among other momentous issues.

Proponents of such fantastical notions, which coincide with disinformation spread by Russia and other autocracies, have been provided with an online domain by the universities of Sheffield and Bristol. These institutions have allowed OPS to operate under a prestigious “ac.uk” domain name, which is meant to designate high standards of research. In the interests not least of their own reputations, the universities should crack down hard and discipline the organisation’s members.

Founders of OPS, established as a private company in 2018, include Piers Robinson, a former journalism academic at Sheffield University, and Mark Crispin Miller, a professor of media studies at New York University. Both have advanced the preposterous idea that the 9/11 attacks were a “false flag” operation by the US government. Professor Crispin Miller has shown students a film made by Andrew Wakefield, the former doctor who falsified research purporting to demonstrate a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.
In 2018 we reported that Dr Robinson and his associates were claiming that the chemical attacks by the Assad regime at Douma and elsewhere had been fabricated by rebel groups. The academics were operating under the auspices of an organisation called the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and the Media. None of its members had any scholarly expertise in chemical weaponry, Middle East studies or international relations.
Some of the academics have since coalesced under the auspices of OPS to share this and other calumnious notions, such as that the humanitarian White Helmets organisation in Syria is responsible for massacres of civilians. Members additionally allege that President Putin’s regime has been framed for the attempted murder of the Skripals in Salisbury by use of a nerve agent, and for the downing of Flight MH17 over Ukraine. Dr Robinson has also speculated that the coronavirus might be an American bioweapon.

In turbulent times, fringe theories multiply. The remedy is scrupulous investigation of the facts. To its credit, in correspondence seen by The Times, Bristol University has challenged David Miller, a professor of sociology and a director of OPS, on his use of the university’s name as a formal address for the group. Professor Miller has apologised for “not realising this was inappropriate”.
The organisation’s activities are not merely inappropriate. Its output is not research at all but propaganda of a type normally found on obscure extremist websites. To give it the imprimatur of respectable universities is like allowing the notions that the Earth is flat or that the Holocaust is a hoax perpetrated by international Jewry to circulate unchallenged. The OPS’s currency is intellectually disreputable falsehood. Any university whose staff publish this guff should state clearly, to the public and to its faculty, that it disavows and condemns it.
How COVID and Syria Conspiracies Introduce Fascism to the Left:

Why is a supposedly US veteran’s organization, co-founded by someone active with the National Socialist Movement, spreading conspiracies about COVID-19 and Syria? Why is that same organization in collaboration with multiple foreign intelligence agencies while trying to frame it so as to appeal to western anti-imperialists? Welcome to the weird and, at times, shocking world of “red-brown” (fascist movements with left-right crossover) media ecosystems!

It’s no secret that white supremacists and fascists more broadly flock towards conspiracy theories. It is also well known that many white supremacists flock to supporting Assad and pro-Russian conspiracies. What is less studied and far more strange is how fascism is able to mutate to adopt left-wing aesthetics to engage in entryism. While alternative media forms the critical backbone of any robust society, it is also an area ripe for political manipulation from a range of state and non-state actors. The simultaneity of various alternative media organizations collaborating with fascists while posting COVID-19 and Syria conspiracies shines a light on this semi-coordinated disinformation and hate network. Even amongst good-faith leftist organizations, the overlap with these networks can spread pro-fascist talking points in a way that muddles the discourse and protects various right-wing geopolitical interests.

Part the First

Part the Second

Has Beeley made a comment about the anti-mask staff? Her supporting it would (I imagine) alienate her disabled fan base.
Given she's full on loon - one of the proper nasty ones - it's hardly surprising to find she thinks that masks are in fact a muzzle and that the virus was killed months ago.
did any of the folk who know their Beeley onions read this ? A 'long read', and immersive one, but weirdly lacking in details somehow - no mention of Beeley and acolytes, barely dug in re : the vicious disinfo campaign, but did leave the questions of just how generously renumerated Le Mesurier etc were, and highlighted just how much money was flowing in the direction of the White Helmets from invested Western sources. = helped me understand a bit better how Beeley + co's grift gets so much traction amongst her constituency.

did any of the folk who know their Beeley onions read this ? A 'long read', and immersive one, but weirdly lacking in details somehow - no mention of Beeley and acolytes, barely dug in re : the vicious disinfo campaign, but did leave the questions of just how generously renumerated Le Mesurier etc were, and highlighted just how much money was flowing in the direction of the White Helmets from invested Western sources. = helped me understand a bit better how Beeley + co's grift gets so much traction amongst her constituency.

Yeah I just posted it on the Syria thread. I thought it should have named and shamed his detracors. Beeley seems to have gone rather quiet of late.
did any of the folk who know their Beeley onions read this ? A 'long read', and immersive one, but weirdly lacking in details somehow - no mention of Beeley and acolytes, barely dug in re : the vicious disinfo campaign, but did leave the questions of just how generously renumerated Le Mesurier etc were, and highlighted just how much money was flowing in the direction of the White Helmets from invested Western sources. = helped me understand a bit better how Beeley + co's grift gets so much traction amongst her constituency.

Beeley isn't really a figure outside of a small group of conspiraloons and the far left, so why give here the publicity? And, while I agree there is an annoying lack of info I'd be interested in, I thought it did deal with the 'generous remuneration'
did any of the folk who know their Beeley onions read this ? A 'long read', and immersive one, but weirdly lacking in details somehow - no mention of Beeley and acolytes, barely dug in re : the vicious disinfo campaign, but did leave the questions of just how generously renumerated Le Mesurier etc were, and highlighted just how much money was flowing in the direction of the White Helmets from invested Western sources. = helped me understand a bit better how Beeley + co's grift gets so much traction amongst her constituency.

I was very surprised by the claim there that Boris Johnson was foreign secretary in 2014, when he wasn't even an MP at the time but mayor of London

Didn't fill me with confidence in the rest of the article tbh
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