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vanessa beeley

America bad = anyone against America good:facepalm:
Trouble with the cold War over beely and friends have limited options
North korea
And the stans
Now none of those need a dose of us backed "freedom"
But can hardly be described as decent places to live.

I see Beeley's latest youtube channel subscriptions include Lauren Southern and "MHWL Productions", the (Italian) nazi who made the SS propaganda fillum that I mentioned here.

eta: Ian Fantom as well. A massive loon connected to Nick Kollerstrom.

beeley nazi youtube subs.jpg

Oh ok. Beeley spoke at a 'Keep Talking' (Fantom/Kollerstrom's conspiraloon & holocaust denier org) event in December 2018.

beeley keep talking loons deceember 2018.jpg
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...I see Beeley's latest youtube channel subscriptions include Lauren Southern and "MHWL Productions", the (Italian) nazi who made the SS propaganda fillum that I mentioned here

These people are out and out fascist - far-right, correct?
These people are out and out fascist - far-right, correct?

Aussie underground fight club’s big problem

Lads Society Tried to Recruit Brenton Tarrant

The leader of an Australian white nationalist group has made veiled threats of violence while also claiming he tried unsuccessfully to recruit the alleged Christchurch gunman Brenton Tarrant in 2017.

Lads Society president Tom Sewell said he approached Tarrant as a member of an online community, asking him to join a project to help create a "parallel society" of only white people.

beeley nazi fillum 1.jpg
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It's their quenelle. What I want to know is why that fella is wearing body building gloves with a suit and tie - also is that stefan molyneux, pretty sure he's always been bald before
I think he's called 'Stuart von Moger' which is pretty much what you'd expect an Australian nazi to be called. Molyneux not in that pic.

I cannot stress enough how awful that SS fillum is. Even loonosphere sites have crossposted a piece about its shitness.
This is a film that makes heroes out of murderers, poets out of Nazis, a film designed to distort history, in fact to erase history and recreate it so that Nazis are lovable and even desirable to have around. Yet, in Germany and Austria it is illegal to use the motto of this unit and to use it to promote Nazism, But that is what Pepe does, what Netflix does.
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These people are out and out fascist - far-right, correct?
I listed some of her other yt subscriptions earlier in the year here. Not comprehensive as there are 300+ and there's no way I'm going through them all but i did leave out plenty more in the same vein like Laurent Louis, Panamza, Alternative View, Ron Paul.

The host of Sunday's Derry event closed it out with this nonsense.
"Where is Skripal? If they were alive and Putin ordered their killing, they'd be on every tv station in Britain saying how they were attempted to be murdered. Where are they? I know for a fact it wasn't Russia. Perhaps they're not alive and if that's the case, who's done that?"
Loons take a hit.

Sandy Hook Father Awarded $450,000 from Defamation Suit - CNN

New York (CNN) - Leonard Pozner, whose son 6-year-old Noah was killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre, was awarded $450,000 in damages by a Wisconsin jury from a defamation lawsuit filed in response to conspiracy theorists claiming the Newtown tragedy never occurred.

James Fetzer and Mike Palacek, co-authors of the 2016 book titled, "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook" claimed that the shooting -- where 26 people died, among them 20 children -- was a staged political scheme, rather than a tragic massacre that took many lives on December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut.

from 2017 said:
I found a 21stcenturywire thing, where in the first 3 minutes, the host says nobody died at sandy hook and plugs a book by arch loon James Fetzer, and then Beeley says ISIS beheadings are faked in order to justify intervention in Syria. 1:52-4:35.

henningsen 21stcenturywire sandy hook.jpg

Red hot lefties choose to be led by this ghastly gaggle of nuisances.
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Found the gloating over James le Mesuriers' / White Helmets death today by some cranks, repulsive ( the odd Corbynite amongst them, no doubt, but in no numbers that I could see, despite Oz K implying otherwise - but can imagine how pissed off he was by them today ) , and am not buying into Beeley worlds ' White Helmets = Al Quaeda' bullshit, but J L M's army background is no secret, and am sure none of this is straightfwd, so any Copliker / Butchers / others pointers to useful perspectives on White Helmets wld be appreciated ( have looked ) .
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Yes she seems to have shifted it up a gear, this thread doeas a fairly useful job of exposing her and the rest of the loons.

Found the gloating over James le Mesuriers' / White Helmets death today by some cranks, repulsive ( the odd Corbynite amongst them, no doubt, but in no numbers that I could see, despite Oz K implying otherwise - but can imagine how pissed off he was by them today ) , and am not buying into Beeley worlds ' White Helmets = Al Quaeda' bullshit, but J L M's army background is no secret, and am sure none of this is straightfwd, so any Copliker / Butchers / others pointers to useful perspectives on White Helmets wld be appreciated ( have looked ) .
Chris York's article from yesterday is a decent summary. Lots of links to pieces about areas covered on this thread.

This Is Why James Le Mesurier's White Helmets Are Targets Of A Russian Disinformation Campaign

...who should fund groups rescuing civilians in areas from which the Syrian government has disengaged?

Le Mesurier told HuffPost UK: “Are they then saying that the individuals conducting those rescues should not be trained and not equipped? That it’s better those rescues take place without receiving funding or training?

“Or are they saying there are no rescues are taking place because this is a project for regime change without explaining how rescuing people from under the rubble secures regime change?”

Speaking to HuffPost UK in 2017 about the accusations levelled against him and the White Helmets, Le Mesurier said: “The allegations themselves are incongruous – what are you actually saying? What are the direct allegations?

“The White Helmets were established by Western intelligence agencies, by MI6? They’re Al Qaeda? They don’t exist and they’re a Hollywood creation? They do exist but they recycle casualties?

“It can’t be all four of them yet they consistently do say it’s all four of them.”

Another summary of issues covered here courtesy of hackneyglyn from a few months ago. Williamson, Soral, Galloway etc.

Thread by @hackneyglyn

I missed this. Beeley had been boosting the work of 'Inside Syria Media Centre' which turned out be a rubbish GRU front.

beeley ismc gru.jpg

beeley ismc gru 2.jpg

A not very exciting report about it was put out this week.

FSI | Cyber | Internet Observatory - New White Paper on GRU Online Operations Puts Spotlight on Pseudo-Think Tanks and Personas
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Beeley in Canada performing for loons. Montreal and Winnipeg universities pulled the plug on shows booked on their grounds.

Pro-Syrian Regime 'Conspiracy Theorist' On A Canada Speaking Tour
Beeley has repeatedly claimed that terrorist attacks such as 9/11 and the 2015 mass shooting on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo were “false flags” staged by the authorities.

Conférence controversée d’une complotiste annulée à l’Université de Montréal

I believe Canadian academic and head-the-ball Denis Rancourt is one of those responsible for organising the tour. Samples of his content on crank sites.

Dear Young Progressives: The White-Supremacist Anti-Immigration Anti-Political-Correctness Free-Speech Fascists Are Your Friends
Why We Love to Hate Conspiracy Theories: 911 Truth as Threat to the Intelligentsia
Paris: Who Made the Terror?
Jordan Peterson and the Threat of Working-class Intellectual and Attitudinal Liberation
The Lie of Climate Change Science

Beeley has c+p'd many of his articles onto her blog.
Henningsen the Kollerstrom pimping holocaust denier and all the rest. John Holmes - former head of SAS and purveyor of private army/spy solutions, not the dead pornman. Like Peter Ford he's a director of Assad's father in law's british syrian society.

henningsen nick waters.jpg
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There was a small piece by Norma Costello in the Sunday Times about Clare Daly and the attempt by her and Mick Wallace to bring regime scumbag Fares Shehabi to Ireland. Shehabi's uncle was head of Syrian military intelligence amongst other posts so I'd like to see his role in the state examined properly. She gets off lightly as there's nothing about her lining up with the Beeleyites. Last week in the european parliament she was wagging her finger at the EU for not letting refugees into Europe from Turkey even though she supports bombing and bombing and bombing them.

clare daly syria fares shehabi.jpg
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