Summaries of some of the youtube channels that Beeley subscribes to. Her activity feed is visible because she is a very stupid person.
Richard Hall: UFOs, Kollerstrom, the protocols, free tommy, false flags etc.
Anthony Lawson: Dead holocaust denier, 9/11.
Fenton Bevan: Random nazi. Hitler, false flags, anti-vax, chemtrails, "nuclear weapons do not exist", holocaust denial (David McCalden docus)
Jacques Cheminade: Head of French wing of LaRouche cult.
Banjo Marla: Random elderly crank. Fan of Icke, Beeley, Bartlett. Claims to be a Corbyn supporter. Composed a song that mocks the white helmets.
Christoph Hörstel: Negationist/holocaust denier. Founder of conspiraloon micro party 'Deutsche Mitte' which is associated with bonkers hip hop group Die Bandbreite (9/11, moon landings faked, anti-vaxxers etc)
Gearoid O'Colmain: 21st Century Wire regular. Egalite Et Reconciliation contributor/member and supernaturally deranged antisemite and catholic fundie.
Jean Bricmont: Belgian physicist. Robert Faurisson and François Asselineau (UPR, conspiraloon party) supporter. Participant at 'Axis for Peace' conference which was organised by Voltaire Network and featured a roll call of nutters.
Galloway: Lol.
Young Philosopher: Antisemitism (Soros, Rothschilds, protocols etc) false flags ( 9/11, Paris, Orlando), Icke, NWO, Ebola, Pro Hitler/Gadaffi/Assad, 90 minute 'Ernst Zundle' (sic) vid. In the middle of all this there's a 2015 Corbyn speech which garnered 2 comments. 'Marchs1' says "This man is too good to be true" while 'Revisionist' disagrees and makes the controversial claim that Corbyn is "another Jewish fraud. In the jewish so-called 'Labour' Party" and goes on to declare that nukes are a "jewish hoax".
Schiller Institute: LaRouche thinktank.
British Constitution Group: Fotl headbangers.
LaRouchePAC Videos: More LaRouche.
Fort Russ News: Far right. Dugin.
Apophenia: Antisemitism, Soral, Atzmon.
UPR TV: Asselineau. Beeley spoke at his election rally.
VoltairenetTv: Voltaire Network. Far right, pro-Iran, pro-Assad, 9/11 conspiraloonery.
Syrie : quand le général dissident était l’ami de Dieudonné
Tyranny Unmasked: Conspiraloonery, pro-Assad.
X22Report: Pro-Trump gibberish.
The Next News Network: More pro-Trump gibberish.
Lionel Nation.
Dicky bowed mentalist.
Loads of pro-Assad war porn channels.