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vanessa beeley

Vanessa Beeley Descends on Daraa

The conclusion suggests something I've suspected for a while, that she is fed material by people directly or indirectly connected to the regime as she, a skill-free out-of-her-depth loon, would not be able to function otherwise. She has previously thanked a person called Khaled Iskef from Al-Mayadeen for all his 'help'.
I wonder what motivates her. Why build yourself up into this thing- I mean, even if she were right (she isn’t) what motivates an ordinary English middle manager to set themselves up as the obsessive defender of the leader of a foreign power?
I wonder what motivates her. Why build yourself up into this thing- I mean, even if she were right (she isn’t) what motivates an ordinary English middle manager to set themselves up as the obsessive defender of the leader of a foreign power?
A cast iron sense of entitlement due to a privileged upbringing and her daddy's career, fortified by lashings of antisemitism. She's having a gleeful gloat about the murder of Raed Fares, just as she did after the attack on "piece of shit Zio media" charlie hebdo.
The one where Henningsen plugs Kollerstrom's book (Breaking The Spell - The Holocaust Myth And Reality) and indulges the most fanatical levels of holocaust denial for 45 minutes or so. 'Only 70000 deaths in Auschwitz and they were caused by typhus and allied bombing, Irving is great, no plan to exterminate the jews and they should be pleased to hear it' etc.

henningsen kollerstrom holocaust denial show.jpg

I wasted a morning on these cunts.
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Twitter thread summarising this thread. Thankyou @hackneyglyn

Some on the Left think those who hang out with fascists and racists and antisemites are ok. They're not.

I would suggest that he should link to the clips of her discussing her direct involvement with Dieudonne and Alain Soral and his Egalite Et Reconciliation org. I think we're doing a bit more on him after the appeal process in the Clement Meric case.

The clip of creepy Max Igan has been reported by one or more people, either by his lot trying to hide it, or by a rightfully disgusted normal person, so the link won't work.
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The clip of Assad's weasely holocaust denial and negationism during an interview with Charlie Rose was reported as well. Busy bees.
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Beeley linking to a loon analysis of the gilets jaunes by one of her mates (Irish unfortunately) on loon site American Herald Tribune.

beeley aht gilets jaunes.jpg

Organized labor is largely absent from the movement. The reason for that is simple: The French Confederation of Labour (CGT) is completely co-opted by the oligarchy; it defends mass immigration; global warmism; ecologism, homosexualism and just about every over elite-power, anti-labor obsession.

Leftists have almost no influence over this movement -- which is a good thing! For there is no greater enemy of the working man than the petty bourgeois leftist.

There are two important points to bear in mind here, considering the absence of any left-wing response to the rebellion. Leftists -and I even include Marxist-Leninists - all fanatically believe in anthropogenic global warming. Their disinterest in and outright contempt for the facts about climate is a symptom of their lack of faith in the working class.

Most Marxists believe ‘Big Capital’ is behind climate change ‘denial’. They fail to realize that it is precisely Big Capital which is behind climate change propaganda! And it doesn’t matter how well one explains that ‘inconvenient truth ‘to them, they will not hear. Global warmists tend to be about as rational as Al Qaida suicide bombers!

President Donald Trump is the only world leader who understands what climate change nonsense would do to the working man: It would cripple him with taxes and charges, grinding the US economy to a halt. His rejection of the Paris Climate Accord was the single most anti-imperialist act of any American president in US history. Yet leftists denounce him for it!

As I have said before, leftists are useful idiots of the oligarchy’s three key agendas:

1 Mass immigration and population replacement to turn human beings into capital.
2 The normalization of sexual perversion so as to break down the resistance capacities of the human individual.
3 Global warmingism which will provide the basis for a centralized global state apparatus controlling every aspect of our lives.

It’s the Cursed Trinity of the New World Order: Human capital is the Father, gender confusion is the Son and Co2 is the Diabolical Spirit. In Christianity God becomes Man; in Luciferianism God becomes Money.

And so on. RV has a linktastic section on the author.

Another example of a red-brown PRCF member is Gearóid Ó Colmáin, a member of the PRCF[archive] who openly voices out the vilest anti-Semitic conspiracy theories [archive], considers the IMF to be a “tool of Zionism” (which is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory) and praises Hungarian far-right Prime Minister Viktor Orban as anti-imperialist bulwark against it [archive], believes in fascist conspiracy theories claiming the Arab Spring is a plot to flood Europe with refugees[archive], is virulently [archive] homophobic [archive], and promotes conspiracy theories about the 2016 Nice attacks [archive]. In one of his conspiratorial ramblings against the Nuit Debout movement [archive], Ó Colmáin claims that the United States adopted the tactic of “color revolutions” from Leon Trotsky, and at the same time promotes MetaTV (which is in the ideological orbit of Alain Soral), the Cercle des Volontaires, the Voltaire Network (for which he writes [archive]), the reactionary royalist Sylvain Baron, the URCF, the Stalinist Organisation des Communistes en France and the right-wing UPR, and accuses anti-fascists who don’t buy into conspiracy theories of “being the real fascists” (Where did I hear similar rhetoric again? Right [archive], on actual fascist-owned outlets [archive]). Ó Colmáin regularly appears on the [archive] Richie [archive] Allen [archive] show [archive], has been on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad [archive], and has of course been featured [archive] and quoted[archive] as expert on RT regularly [archive].

The theatre Beeley mentioned being involved in in one of the clips above is probably Theatre De Le Main D'Or which pops up in this piece on far right personalities who have appeared on the gilets jaunes demos.

beeley theatre de la main dor.jpg

It had been leased by Dieudonne until he was forced out by the owners this year. Jean-Yves Camus described it as being the "epicentre of Paris's entire anti-jewish nebula."
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Actually tweeted that piece to Chris Williamson / asked for some feedback - doubt I'll get it
I would step back in amazement. Like I said, O'Colmain is a friend of Beeley and is a regular on the same loon shows and sites, often alongside her and she has posted several of his screeds on her shit blog, including one slagging Nuit Debout which he kicks off by quoting Celine. I had a look at his twitter machine and site and I think it's fair to say that his breakdown of the pittsburgh synagogue massacre is as unhinged as can be.

Jews have played a leading role in the effort to oust President Trump from the White House and it is certainly true that the majority of American Jews veer towards the globalist Democratic Party. Yet, there are a minority of Jews who support Trump as they fear immigrants from Third World countries may not have seen Spielberg films about their history and may, therefore, lack guidance in their research on the Jews – with unpredictable results.

I have argued that Trump’s pro-Israeli policies may kill the colony with kindness. The reason for this is simple: Jewish elites never wanted a nation-state they could call their own. Once they got control of finance and the global media, their aspirations were international. Jewish global domination is the entire basis of their religion and there is no such thing as a secular, atheistic Jew. If you identify as Jewish, you are a member of the cult.

Those ignorant of Jewish history, that is to say, most people will now point the finger at writers critical of political Judaism. They will say, “ Now, look at what you are contributing towards!” But I have argued that 2000 years of Western civilisation based on Roman Catholic doctrine have explicitly and categorically defined the attitude we must adopt towards the Jews. As Jews, they are the enemies of humanity who carry the heavy burden of decide. We must, therefore, pray for their conversion to Christianity so that their souls may be saved. We must NEVER under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES advocate violence or hatred towards them.

An anti-Semite is, therefore, someone opposed to political Judaism and its ideology of violence and hatred. In its current usage, an anti-Semite is simply a traditional Roman Catholic, someone who believes in the 12th-century papal doctrine issued by Pope Callixtus II ‘Sicut Judeis Non’ – a doctrine formulated to protect Jews from Gentile violence, which was often brought on as a result of Jewish crimes against Gentiles. In 1 Thessalonians, II.14 St Paul says of the Jews, ‘ Deo non placunt, et omnibus hominibus adversantur’- they are displeasing to God and hostile to all men.’ An anti-Semite is simply an educated and faithful Roman Catholic. Anti-Semites therefore never physically or verbally abuse Jews. In fact, anti-Semites love Jews!

Anti-Semitism is opposition to Semitism, understood as opposition to a political system where an ethno-religious oligarchy claims the right to enslave the masses and replace the Christian social doctrine of love with the Satanic anti-social doctrine of hate.

The Pittsburgh murderer should be executed and violent crimes against Jews should be combated with the full rigour of the law. However, as much as we desire to see the Jews cured of the spiritual malaise that has afflicted them from the very beginning of Judaism’s entry into human affairs, we reserve the right to criticise them and to oppose those activities on their part which are ‘displeasing to God and hostile to all men’. Catholics love and pray for their enemies; will Jews love and pray for their enemies too?
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A cast iron sense of entitlement due to a privileged upbringing and her daddy's career, fortified by lashings of antisemitism. She's having a gleeful gloat about the murder of Raed Fares, just as she did after the attack on "piece of shit Zio media" charlie hebdo.
I know quite a few massively entitled people, but none have set them up to defend a deranged dictator. And anti-semitism is all too common.... it just seems a leap. She has no real connection to the country, so how did she end up as the regime’s propaganda arm? Is it something to do with the fact Daddy’s job gives her a sense of entitlement but her personal failures meant she faced a life a mediocrity? But now seems to be famous at least in part by leveraging his status...and his connections?

I just don’t get it
I know quite a few massively entitled people, but none have set them up to defend a deranged dictator. And anti-semitism is all too common.... it just seems a leap. She has no real connection to the country, so how did she end up as the regime’s propaganda arm? Is it something to do with the fact Daddy’s job gives her a sense of entitlement but her personal failures meant she faced a life a mediocrity? But now seems to be famous at least in part by leveraging his status...and his connections?

I just don’t get it
Daddy issues in play. See also Max Blumenthal. Obviously she's exploiting her dead father's career as much as she can but I suspect she was linked to the regime through the French far right figures she has talked about being involved with and who have connections in Syria.
O'Colmain is clearly into some particularly away-with-the-fairies branch of catholic fundieism but in 2015 he was claiming to be a communist according to a fb rant of his that Beeley posted on her blog. But not just any old communist.

We believe that the transition to communism requires the dictatorship of the proletariat and the peasantry. We call this proletarian democracy. We support all national liberation struggles in colonial and semi-colonial countries but are not interested in the independence struggles of imperialist countries such as Scotland or Catalonia, agendas promoted by EU imperialism in order to divide the British and Spanish working classes.

Oh no you don't you mad little fucker.
O'Colmain is clearly into some particularly away-with-the-fairies branch of catholic fundieism but in 2015 he was claiming to be a communist according to a fb rant of his that Beeley posted on her blog. But not just any old communist.

Oh no you don't you mad little fucker.

Not a form of Proletarian Democracy that I recognise or support. Not in my name.
Some more Gearoid O'Colmain quotes from 3 or 4 of his articles.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon is an imperialist, a war monger and a class traitor.But he speaks well and masks his reaction in eloquent, rabble-rousing left phraseology. It does not surprise me, therefore, to see Pole de Renaissance Communiste (PRCF), a Brezhneviste dissident group, supporting him; they failed to make a concrete scientific analysis of the USSR over thirty years of catastrophic revisionism and now the same anti-dialectical political posturing is evident in their support for Mélenchon.

In France, there is a genuine grass-roots movement which is creating the platform for a popular front against financial oligarchy, against the New World Order, against fascism- the Popular Republican Movement. With François Asselineau as president, France would become not just a nation once again, but a force for radical, progressive change in the world.

Beeley spoke at an Asselineau election rally. He got 0.92% in the first round.

Trump’s victory in the United States has weakened and divided US imperialism. It is, however, as I predicted, very little, almost nothing. A Le Pen victory would also give us very little. But two “very littles” would constitute a much, two ‘almost nothings’ would be something. That is why I am hoping for a Le Pen victory in tomorrow’s election.

French intellectual Alain Soral has had a major influence in pushing the National Front to the left. Soral is a Clouscardian Marxist and former PCF member who understands the primary and secondary contradictions of class struggle. Many communists have maligned Soral for supporting the FN but he has, through his books and videos, done far more to educate the French working class than any of his critics.

The focus of much of the Black Lives activism is to attack the police. Police brutality is the catchword of the movement. This slogan is a subterfuge for the real agenda, which is to emasculate the emancipatory potential of the black liberation movement by replacing it with a homosexual movement which reinforces ruling-class ideology rather than challenges it.

Black Lives matter was set up by homosexuals who have made it clear their purpose is to 'quer' the black liberation movement in the United States, thus ensuring the further denigration and destruction of the black male and black family.

Roman Catholics do not want a multi-polar world; we want a divine world order which is the mystical body of Christ. Russian Orthodox Christianity is vital to that unification but only if Russia is consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Mary, according to the vision of Fatima.

Catholic doctrine is crystal clear that the supreme crime of history is deicide: the crucifixion of Christ; and the Jews were responsible for that crime. It is our duty as Roman Catholics to politely remind our Jewish friends that this and only this can count as history’s greatest murder.

Only a Catholic revolution will save Europe from ‘the occupation’. The social cohesion promoted by Iran’s Islamic Revolution; its particular form of theocratic democracy or religious politics; its humility and quest for knowledge, has made it the centre of a global movement against Zionism and political Judaism.

Who is afraid of being called anti-Semitic? What a noble thing it is to be against Semitism, against Jewish racist supremacy! It is a compliment to be called anti-Semitic!

Palestine is crawling with NGOs and well-meaning ‘activists’ who bravely stand before tanks and gunfire, organise conferences and events but who have no knowledge of the Jews and their history.

What we need is a virile response to the Jewish occupation of our formerly Christian minds, of our schools, media, courts and universities.

The Western mind is an Israeli-occupied territory. We are are living under Jewish occupation. But in these dark, end times, a new horizon has opened in Persia where imams are calling for the return of Christ and an end to the global, Satanic propaganda machine, an end once and for all to the occupation.

The elections today prove to the world once more that Syria IS a democracy, and that it is far more democratic than any of the countries waging war against it. The will of its people is sovereign, inalienable and inviolable. Most importantly, the elections cogently illustrate the triumph of national liberation over neocolonialism, of people-power over tyranny.

He *liked* this Celine quote from Bagatelles Pour Un Massacre so is Assad's 'democracy' a screen for joo dictatorship as well or what.

gearoid ocolmain celine.jpg
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He *liked* this Celine quote from Bagatelles Pour Un Massacre so is Assad's 'democracy' a screen for joo dictatorship as well or what.

View attachment 154380[/QUOTE]

sorry, mangled quote attempt
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For those unsure about what the quote in forrin means, it says "Democracy everywhere and always is nothing but the screen of jewish dictatorship."

Huff Post piece about Piers Robinson, a member of Beeley's travelling freakshow who is somehow employed by the university of Sheffield.

Revealed: This Professor Teaches Journalism At A Top UK University. He’s Also A 9/11 Truther

Professor Piers Robinson is the chair in politics, society and political journalism at the University of Sheffield, specialising in “contemporary propaganda, with a particular focus on the current war in Syria”, according to the University’s website.

One of Robinson’s latest published works is a glowing review of a book titled ‘9/11 Unmasked’ by David Ray Griffin, a leading figure in the so-called 9/11 truther movement.
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For those unsure about what the quote in forrin means, it says "Democracy everywhere and always is nothing but the screen of jewish dictatorship."

Huff Post piece about Piers Robinson, a member of Beeley's travelling freakshow who is somehow employed by the university of Sheffield.

Revealed: This Professor Teaches Journalism At A Top UK University. He’s Also A 9/11 Truther

another crank, obvs, but do you contest the below ? ( can't say I've looked hard at evidence, but I did see some data that seemed to completely undermine the idea that there was any significant Russian backed soc media interference / manipulation, as widely claimed )

" He told the host that allegations Russia had engaged in a campaign of disinformation and fake news to influence the US 2016 Presidential Election were part of “propaganda activities” aimed at “shifting attention onto Russia”.

In the email to HuffPost UK, Robinson said: “I have not seen any compelling analysis or evidence to show that there was any significant propaganda campaign to influence the US 2016 presidential election.” "
another crank, obvs, but do you contest the below ? ( can't say I've looked hard at evidence, but I did see some data that seemed to completely undermine the idea that there was any significant Russian backed soc media interference / manipulation, as widely claimed )
Too much shit to wade through in that area so I don't have the time or inclination to follow it properly tbh, apart from occasional catchups like this NYT piece, but an academic claiming to specialise in propaganda should probably be making an effort to analyse how even states he regards as the goodies conduct information and image management operations and whatnot.
Some more Gearoid O'Colmain quotes from 3 or 4 of his articles.

Beeley spoke at an Asselineau election rally. He got 0.92% in the first round.

He *liked* this Celine quote from Bagatelles Pour Un Massacre so is Assad's 'democracy' a screen for joo dictatorship as well or what.

View attachment 154380

People that rabidly homophobic are often closeted.
People that rabidly homophobic are often closeted.
Not an avenue I'd like to wander down at this time but he's certainly got some issues.

gearoid o'colmain tiny loon.jpg

gearoid o'colmain said:
I visited Iran last week for the Sixth International New Horizons Conference in the religious city of Mashad. The New Horizons conference is organised by an Iranian NGO and invites writers and intellectuals from all over the world to debate and discuss problems in international relations.
Is there a list of attendees for this year's annual holocaust denial festival anywhere?

Why is a BBC journo using this headbanger as a source. I had to check if she's real. Apparently she is.
I present and produce on the World Today/ World Briefing at the BBC World Service. sunita.nahar@bbc.co.uk

bbc sunita nahar.jpg


e2a: I had a peek at Mr.Slip's twitter machine and it appears that there is a high level of mutual interest in loon shit, eg "the kalergi plan" and everything being a false flag.
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Some good solid work from Bellingcat on the attempts to smear the white helmets, which beeley, of course, has been one of the main conduits of. Bascially

If one were to take the word of the Russian or Syrian governments, there is a vast network of different groups, many of whom are currently fighting against each other, working together to carry out these attacks which didn’t actually happen.

Chemical Weapons and Absurdity: The Disinformation Campaign Against the White Helmets#

The disinformation campaign waged against the SCD has been brutal and unrelenting. It has attempted to cast doubt on their ability to provide evidence, painted them as “terrorists” and ultimately tried to transform them into “legitimate targets.” It is clear that Russia and Syria believe that associating the SCD with chemical weapons is a key part of this narrative. Despite claiming to have “irrefutable information” neither the Russian nor Syrian governments appear to have produced any verifiable evidence that actually supports their accusations.

The extraordinarily low level of evidence supporting these accusations, the absurdity of some of the claims and the continual failure to predict a chemical attack exposes these accusations for what they are: a continuation of a deliberate and planned disinformation campaign against a humanitarian organisation operating in the most difficult of circumstances.
Remember the olden times (2014) when bombing first responders was bad.

Ambulance/Gaza (2016) - IMDb

For the benefit of The Levellers, Chris Williamson, Clare Daly, Mick Wallace, Aaron Bastani, the man from Madness or anyone else getting led by the nose by Beeley and company, here's audio of Patrick Henningsen promoting holocaust denier Nick Kollerstrom and his holocaust denial buke on 21st century wire a couple of years ago for about 45 minutes.

And not condemned by his party, and (unsurprisingly) supported by scum like Galloway and Asa Winstanley
Atzmon at the 2015 edition of Dieudonne's annual loonfest. "Once you tell the truth, the only person who can give you a trophy is Mr.Dieudonne."

He has been featured regularly on 21st century wire, most recently directly following the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre. The description of that episode on his site - "Gilad Atzmon discusses J Power with Patrick Henningsen (21st Century Wire)". Apart from Henningsen trying to deny that Gab (or gun availability, can't remember which) was a factor,
Henningsen said:
"If he's wearing nike sneakers, when he's running to go do the shooting does that mean nike should have its operation shut down because they sold him the shoes that he ran to do the shooting with."
discussion of the actual massacre essentially consisted of this pathetic rationalisation -
Atzmon said:
"I think that the fact that this person probably couldn't explore his anger of let's say I assume this is the case, of jews, of Soros or whatever, on twitter on youtube, on facebook, that actually pushed I'm guessing I don't know I'm offering an explanation, that could offer a guy like him and other people to do some horrible things"
then there was two hours of "jewish power is the power to suppress criticism of jewish power", "we are under jerusalemite domination" and Soros, false flags and 'globalism'.

Chris Williamson has still refused to comment on his endorsement of Vanessa Beeley who has boasted of her involvement with Dieudonne and Alain Soral who is a longtime confrere of Serge Ayoub whose proteges killed Clement Meric.

e2a: Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton getting sued by Sulome Anderson. Why I’m Suing Max Blumenthal and Benjamin Norton – Sulome Anderson – Medium
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