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vanessa beeley

she was on Galloway's RT show today re the gilets jaune
She's been on his show at least once before where her dad's career was presented as evidence of her credentials. On this one which was mercifully short she says Le Pen supporter Diana Johnstone, who she most likely hobnobs with, describes 1968 as 'the intellectual's revolution'. There's a peculiar edit when she goes on about violence which I suspect is to cover her whinging about antifa ejecting her far right comrades from demos, as she's done on another show - "the antifascists are often the most fascist of the lot."

In a loonsite article last month she denied that there were any instances of antisemitism, somehow ignoring Dieudonne and his fans amongst others.
I am yet to find a recording of a GJ spreading hate speech about any of the factions mentioned by Macron.
And then said this in the next one a week later, apparently accepting that her people are present. Some intra fash beef going on I suppose.
It appeared to be very difficult to identify the Casseurs. and to know whether they belonged to Antifa an alleged anti-fascist movement with suspected funding from notorious philanthrocapitalist, George Soros; or to far-right factions that have also piggy-backed the GJ marches to promote their agendas; or whether they were agents provocateurs despatched by the French state to discredit the GJ movement, guilt by association.
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Beeley and the loonosphere having a quadruple meltdown over Williamson, the OPCW's Douma report, the HuffPost piece and the outing of creepy Kevork Almassian. She has linked to a petition supporting Williamson on her patreon and added her own bit about the 'zionist lobby'. That'll do it.
The image that accompanied the Beeley's blogpost that I mentioned on the other thread is quite something. Posted the day after a translated cut and paste from Atzmon's site.

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A UK Thinktank That Examines Propaganda Just Recruited A Pro-Russian Propagandist

A British thinktank established to investigate propaganda has recruited a blogger accused of disseminating Russian disinformation about the war in Syria.

The Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media counts a number of UK academics as members and claims to conduct “rigorous and independent research” and “provide a source of reliable, informed and timely analysis”.

The group has so far reported on the poisoning of Sergei Skripal, chemical attacks in Syria and a British organisation that counters Russian propaganda but its findings have been described by experts as “speculation”, “distortion” and “in the realm of conspiracy theorists”....

...The group has recently added a number of new “independent researchers”, all of whom have no journalistic or relevant academic qualifications but do have a history of echoing Russian disinformation narratives. One of them is a British blogger called Vanessa Beeley.

She has been described by the Guardian’s former middle east editor Brian Whitaker, as “the Syria conflict’s goddess of propaganda”, and has played a central role in Russia’s attempt to discredit humanitarian workers in the country....
The Beeley cult is having a do in Derry on March 21st. They couldn't get more than a handful to show up when they were there last year with Bartlett and Galloway and this shower is even less of a draw. Renting the Guildhall can't be cheap.

Some of the topics that will be covered at the event will include: ‘Russiagate’- allegations of Russian meddling, hacking and collusion with Trump; False narrative on the war on Syria; The Magnitsky Act; Iran, Saudi Arabia, and what’s not been reported on Yemen; Venezuela, and the Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes); Media & false consciousness,” The speakers are Craig Murray, Former UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan, Ray McGovern, Former CIA Analyst, Patrick Henningsen, 21st Century Wire, Catherine Shakdam, Writer & Commentator and John Wight, Journalist.

Imperialism on Trial: 'Fake News - Establishment Media & War On Journalism'

RV said:
Catherine Shakdam, a writer for Mint Press News, The Duran, American Herald Tribune, Foreign Policy Journal, the New Eastern Outlook journal, all far-right conspiracist websites, and a sample of her writing there reveals a fondness for quoting fascists and conspiracy theorists such as Kevin Barrett, James Fetzer, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya and Michel Chossudovsky. Shakdam is a Katehon contributor, has been hosted on Holocaust denier Kevin Barrett’s show more than once and has contributed to Barrett’s book.
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There's an article on Libcom about a loon conference in Oslo last month which featured Henningsen/Bartlett/Beeley.

Bonzo goes to Oslo: Christian fundamentalists and the far-right strike a new pose

Although there’s not much English-language material on Pål Steigan and the Mot Dag conference he organised, it is documented that Steigan has a long history on the anti-imperialist left, including having met with Pol Pot and Enver Hoxha. His current project appears to be a sort of “red-brown convergence squared”, as his conference brought the anti-trans axis represented by Keen-Minshull together with Eva Bartlett, Vanessa Beeley and Patrick Henningsen, three figures who’ve played a high-profile role in the international pro-Assad conspiracy theorist milieu.

All three have extensive connections to the far-right: Eva Bartlett has done interviews with holocaust deniers such as Kevin Barrett and Ryan Dawson, and writes for Global Research, a major red-brown website which also promotes the views of Lyndon LaRouche, Alexander Dugin and Infowars. Patrick Henningsen started out as an Associate Editor on Infowars, and has been a contributor to Red Ice, a Swedish alt-right project with extremely antisemitic politics. Henningsen has also interviewed Nick Kollerstrom, another Holocaust denier who used the interview to promote his book, “Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust: Myth & Reality”. Henningsen now runs a website called 21st Century Wire, which Vanessa Beeley is a frequent contributor to; other than writing articles praising Hungary’s far-right Prime Minister Orban for standing up to George Soros on a website run by an Infowars/nazi-linked conspiracy theorist,

Screenies of Beeley's mad youtube subs before she cops on or the feature is phased out. I can't be arsed to do more than a couple.

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Beeley's Egalite Et Reconciliation mate and regular 21stcenturywire and RT contributor Gearoid O'Colmain just put a screed on his blog about the Valley Of The Fallen monstrosity, satanic Madrid feminists with their "Dr.Marten boots and nose piercings" and of course the joos. He really really likes General Franco.

The problem of working-class militancy today is not that they are Fascists, but rather that they are not!

Learning about José Antonio Primo de Rivera, the Fasci Siciliani and other movements have made me realise that perhaps I am in many respects a “fascist” or falangist. I have often been accused of being a fascist. Henceforth, I will consider the appellation to be a compliment for which I am most unworthy!

The Old Testament is matriarchal, violent and irrational. Is it any wonder that the Jews behave in the way they do, having veiled their hearts from the truth of the New Testament? Is it any wonder that they would promote feminism, homosexuality and every kind of pseudo-science and moral perversion in the world? For if Mary remained the Old Testament, would she not rather have been Mary Magdelene before her repentance, the Whore of Babylon? And is that not the ideal of eco-feminism, of the European Union, our New Babylon?
The O'Colmain Franco worship thing is here if anyone feels like a dip in Beeley's sewer. Europe’s Valley of the Fallen: Reflections on Franco, Feminism and the End of Man.

David Toube in the Jewish Chronicle claiming that Beeley is a leftist, a far leftist even. Outright lies from the Quilliam bigwig. Lies he can get away with tbf since so many leftists are happy to take cues from the loonosphere, especially if there's a palestine tshirt involved.

A few days ago, Vanessa Beeley - a Left wing Assad supporter - recently argued that by opposing Assad, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar “effectively supports the Zionist ... neocolonialist project in Syria”. Beeley’s claims are not motivated by a racist or fascist ideology but rather a far Left ‘anti-imperialist’ worldview. She is a member of the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media which regularly defends Assad.

The quote refers to Ilhan Omar marking the anniversary of the beginning of the uprising in Syria and then getting spammed by Beeley, Henningsen and their loon army, the day after the christchurch massacre.

On Ilhan Omar, Assad Fetishism, and the Danger of Red-Brown “Anti-Imperialism”

The CP piece above was written by the same person who has produced this kind of grotesque stuff. The Douma Market Attack: a Fabricated Pretext for Intervention?
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The Henningsen/Beeley site has featured holocaust denier Juri Lina in addition to all their other holocaust deniers and professional antisemites. Nessa Webster is referenced frequently in the one bit of the one ravinglunatictastic book of his that I looked at. Coincidentally, Beeley's background and obsessions are not dissimilar to hers.

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Henningsen recently tweeted an 'infographic' which if nothing else was an illustration of the loon mind. 13 bloodlines, secret off planet technology, ancient occult magic, luciferian rituals, antivaxx, false flaaaags, Soros, and all the rest. Danny Morrison appeared alongside this prick in Belfast a couple of weeks ago.
Henningsen likes that holocaust denier a lot. He put out a piece linking to that shit doc in 2011 as well. Archived here and screenie here.

Juri Lina Patrick Henningsen Holocaust Denial.jpg

1995 NYT piece on Nesta Webster's influence on Pat Robertson and the wider loonosphere.

Abroad at Home; The Crackpot Factor

Now Mr. Lind and Jacob Heilbrunn of Georgetown University, in the April 20 New York Review, point out what Mr. Robertson did not mention: that his book relied heavily on a British anti-Semitic writer of the 1920's, Nesta H. Webster. Indeed, one sometimes thinks of plagiarism.

Thus Ms. Webster wrote that Weishaupt, supposed founder of the Illuminati, was "indoctrinated into Egyptian cultism by a certain merchant of unknown origin from Jutland, named Kolmer. . . ." Mr. Robertson wrote: "Weishaupt had been indoctrinated into Egyptian occultism in 1771 by a merchant of unknown origin named Kolmer."

Ms. Webster wrote that "a power" sought to destroy "all ordered government in every country. . . . What is this power? A large body of opinion replies: the Jewish power."
No, it's not. It's a semi-rhetorical question inasmuch as it's been observed by more than one person that 'anti imperialism' is a term that gets used selectively and is mainly directed at the US. The likes of Russia and China though very much engaged in their own imperialist activities, get a free pass. One has only to look at Ukraine and Syria with the former and the internal persecution of the Uighurs and their various projects in Africa with the latter. So no, I don't think it's cowardice more selective blindness and wilful ignorance.

For want of a better place to put this, I'll post this here:

Call for the Formation of a Transnational Socialist-Humanist Solidarity Network
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One of the Beeleyites got sacked for loonery. Bastani had been boosting him.

HuffPost is now part of Oath

A controversial professor at the University of Sheffield who promoted 9/11 conspiracy theories and wrote papers that critics claimed “whitewashed” the war crimes of the Syrian government has left his post.

Professor Piers Robinson was the chair in politics, society and political journalism at the university and taught a course in “contemporary propaganda, with a particular focus on the current war in Syria”.

His presence on the teaching staff drew intense criticism from some fellow academics. His work was described as “conspiracy-theory driven”, “completely insulting” and of having “no interest in truth or justice” by lecturers speaking to HuffPost UK last year.
bit of a shame the shitty Sheffield student rage chose to concentrate on the things none of his students or colleagues had complained about,before finally getting to the meat of those complaints. Still, the fuckers gone, so hurrah. I imagine we'll be seeing nonsense about the evils of fascist students all over the internet any time now.
you always have evidence for this stuff, and suspect this will be no different, but ...just searched Bastos twitt t/l for 'Piers Robinson', no results, any other pointers ?
He has retweeted Robinson but that doesn't show up in searches. He follows him and Tim Hayward on the twitter machine. Based on his shitty record it's reasonable to assume he does so because he approves of at least some their ideology and content. Eg. He has pushed conspiraloon talking points on Assad's use of chemical weapons which had already been debunked.

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He has retweeted Robinson but that doesn't show up in searches. He follows him and Tim Hayward on the twitter machine. Based on his shitty record it's reasonable to assume he does so because he approves of at least some their ideology and content. Eg. He has pushed conspiraloon talking points on Assad's use of chemical weapons which had already been debunked.

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I missed this at the time. Beeley at Dublin's Desmond Greaves summer school do in 2017. CPI probably responsible.

Greaves School 2017

Desmond Greaves Weekend Summer School 2017

Sunday 10 September 11.00 am

4. The conflict in Syria, the mainstream media and Russia – a saga of lies and propaganda

Vanessa Beeley, investigative journalist focused on the Middle East; critic of media coverage of the Syrian conflict; author of influential reports from Aleppo when it was under siege

Chair: Roger Cole, Chairman, Peace and Neutrality Alliance (PANA)
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One of the leading members of the Loon Central no we're not getting any Russian/syrian etc help Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media (as detailed earlier in this thread and elsewhere) is behind the fundraising for Chris Williamson to sue the labour party. They have raised more than 20 grand in under 24 hours.

(Do click on the write in stone research link at the end as well, may be useful to some)
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The person running the sue labour fund for Chris 'pfi' Williamson - David Miller - used to run a site called Necon Europe (now closed) that at one point had an article that used Kevin Macdonald. That name may not mean much to some, but he is anti-semite no1, the einstein of anti-semitism, the most important person in the revival of scientific anti-semitism and a massive voice in the new far right.

So first off, good work Chris Williamson - really helping labour shake off the friendly to anti-semitism accusations, secondly, did anyone keep copies of the original article? I have the summary from the wankers at HUH with now deleted screenshots but not the actual piece.
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It says here he's been invited by to do a talk by Lewisham West & Penge CLP. The eventbrite blurb claimed, falsely I assume, that he was its vice chair.

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But at least there are moves to get it pulled.

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He and Beeley and her camp followers have been banging on about 9/11 and the virtues of conspiraloonery for the last couple of days. Beeley is also spreading allegations that Max Blumenthal is CIA or state which is great.
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