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vanessa beeley

I was very surprised by the claim there that Boris Johnson was foreign secretary in 2014, when he wasn't even an MP at the time but mayor of London

Didn't fill me with confidence in the rest of the article tbh
Well spotted, and Chulov usually writes reall well researched stuff too (at least imo). He does actually say 'foriegn minister' wtf is that about?
It appears Emily Thornberry was receiving briefings from conspiracy nut and well paid chemical attack denier Peter Ford whilst shadow foreign secretary. At least that's what Eliot Higgins says episode 7 of this bbc Radio 4 podcast claims (i shall listen tonight). As well as Corbyn weighing in supporting beeeleyite positions on the while helmets. Great.

edit: yes, she confirmed it to the program makers.
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EP 4 of the above series deals specifically with Beeley and does a reasonable job of nailing her. Opens with her links to U75's fav holocaust-denier Nick Kollerstrom, suggest Bartlett actually originally radicalised her and then she in turn pushed bartlett even further into the sewer, emphasises how her ego is caught up in driving her to further extremes. Leaves out a lot because it's got a diff/wider target and doesn't really show just how disgusting-nutty she is nor her far-far-right views. Worth a listen.
EP 4 of the above series deals specifically with Beeley and does a reasonable job of nailing her. Opens with her links to U75's fav holocaust-denier Nick Kollerstrom, suggest Bartlett actually originally radicalised her and then she in turn pushed bartlett even further into the sewer, emphasises how her ego is caught up in driving her to further extremes. Leaves out a lot because it's got a diff/wider target and doesn't really show just how disgusting-nutty she is nor her far-far-right views. Worth a listen.

I've caught a lot of these while having my lunch in the van at work; as you say worth a listen. It's good to have something that takes time to work it's way through a complex set of tangled histories. The people who made it also did the excellent Tunnel 29 (link is to the background story...podcast is available elsewhere on the BBC).

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Beeley turned up very briefly in this Hope Not Hate podcast on Kollerstrom's red-brown crossover Keep Talking (holocaust deniers/piers corbyn/labour-left-loons/pro-covid etc) where she manages to accuses the white helmets of cross border organ smuggling.
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I see her as a plant to associate anti NATO war policy opinions with the far right and Russia

Let's be absolutely clear the west, the Arab states, and Jordan were arming, training, supplying, funding jihadis to fight their proxy wars again

Britain has long been a safe haven for the most violent jihadi groups such as the gia, Al Qaeda, Al jihad, the GCIM, al-gamaa al-islamiyya, see Paul Stott's phd study on the subject

The Dutch, the Israelis, the British have all admitted using jihadis to fight their proxy wars because the evidence is overwhelming

The covert supply of Eastern European weapons left a trail of paper behind it that points back to ISIS and Al-Qaeda being massively supplied with Eastern European weapons ordered under US army export licenses

Feel free to call me an assadist or a russian but honestly I'd like to strap the pair of them to a nuke and drop it on the pentagon tbh

My issue is demonizing Muslims for twenty years across every media channel 24 hours a day in a way that no other community has been attacked and then continuing to covertly arm and fund monstrous jihadi militias (this ain't about Islam it's about geopolitics, the militias provide a useful kamikaze strategy that's impossible to defeat on the battlefield) it ain't new it's been going on since Thatcher and Reagan armed the mudge. The west sees Muslims as disposable humans.

Human life means nothing to any of these psychopaths, NATO, the pentagon, the cia, the khaleejis, the Russians, Assad, they're scum the lot of them mass murdering psychopaths
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I see her as a plant to associate anti NATO war policy opinions with the far right and Russia

Let's be absolutely clear the west, the Arab states, and Jordan were arming, training, supplying, funding jihadis to fight their proxy wars again

Britain has long been a safe haven for the most violent jihadi groups such as the gia, Al Qaeda, Al jihad, the GCIM, al-gamaa al-islamiyya, see Paul Stott's phd study on the subject

The Dutch, the Israelis, the British have all admitted using jihadis to fight their proxy wars because the evidence is overwhelming

The covert supply of Eastern European weapons left a trail of paper behind it that points back to ISIS and Al-Qaeda being massively supplied with Eastern European weapons ordered under US army export licenses

Feel free to call me an assadist or a russian but honestly I'd like to strap the pair of them to a nuke and drop it on the pentagon tbh

My issue is demonizing Muslims for twenty years across every media channel 24 hours a day in a way that no other community has been attacked and then continuing to covertly arm and fund monstrous jihadi militias (this ain't about Islam it's about geopolitics, the militias provide a useful kamikaze strategy that's impossible to defeat on the battlefield) it ain't new it's been going on since Thatcher and Reagan armed the mudge. The west sees Muslims as disposable humans.

Human life means nothing to any of these psychopaths, NATO, the pentagon, the cia, the khaleejis, the Russians, Assad, they're scum the lot of them mass murdering psychopaths
Probably doesn't help that demonisation when people completely ignore non-Jihadi Muslims along with the rest of a population both suffering and battling repression in the midst of a war but manage to list what seems like every fucker else.
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It appears Emily Thornberry was receiving briefings from conspiracy nut and well paid chemical attack denier Peter Ford whilst shadow foreign secretary. At least that's what Eliot Higgins says episode 7 of this bbc Radio 4 podcast claims (i shall listen tonight). As well as Corbyn weighing in supporting beeeleyite positions on the while helmets. Great.

edit: yes, she confirmed it to the program makers.

Can't remember what it was exactly, but Corbyn's final / inevitable contribution to the series, tho predictably sh*te (will never trust him on this stuff), was mercifully brief iirc ( listened to whole thing a couple of weeks back) , ie : one mention / line / crappy thing ? (And looking online, can find nothing quotable from him re: White Helmets / Syria , ie : it's all anti air strikes / chemical attack scepticism ? )

Not hanging out the bunting or anything, but, there's no actual recorded Beeleyism from JC ?
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Was Clare Daly MEP hanging around these nutjobs for a while?
She and Wallace still do yes. She previously had credibility amongst normal people for trade union and womens rights work.

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Beeley and her freakshow still @ing Chloe Hadjimatheou the BBC journo who did the Le Mesurier thing. She sent the email exchanges all over the crankosphere apparently believing this would be some sort of gotcha but all she's done is provide yet more evidence that she's a coward and raving nutter.
If the BBC infers in any way that I receive funding from any government, in particular Syria or Russia, I will be taking legal action. Equally if the BBC seeks to discredit me with inaccurate or slanderous information, I will be seeking legal advice. Your list reads like a Gestapo charge sheet, it does not warrant respect.

I would not be surprised if there are omissions or tampering but Hadjimatheou did describe Beeley as an "anti-establishment activist" which is far too complimentary. Her daddy's trust is mentioned but I dunno what it did or whether she had anything to do with it.

Posting gibberish on her shitty blog by a loon called "Makia Freeman" who naturally turns out to be a holocaust denier.

vanessa beeley makia freeman loon holocaust denier.jpg

vanessa beeley makia freeman loon holocaust denier 2.jpg

vanessa beeley makia freeman loon holocaust denier 3.jpg

I expect most people have seen the articles about this fellow becoming a loon, Beeley, 21wire and so on in his follows on twitter, and how it got him killed.

‘About two or three years ago he became very concerned about the conflict in Syria from a humanitarian point of view,’ added Tristan. ‘I think he read a few stories which led him to distrust the media. Eventually that led him to some climate change denial groups which he started posting on.

Patrick Henningsen posted this famously shit AIDS denial documentary on his site in August. No surprise that there's a covid/aids denial overlap.
henningsen aids covid loon.jpg

NYT 2009 said:
Couched as a “personal journey” through the history of H.I.V. and AIDS, “House of Numbers” is actually a weaselly support pamphlet for AIDS denialists. Trafficking in irresponsible inferences and unsupported conclusions, the filmmaker Brent Leung offers himself as suave docent through a globe-trotting pseudo-investigation that should raise the hackles of anyone with even a glancing knowledge of the basic rules of reasoning. Assembled from interview fragments with doctors, scientists, journalists and others, the film cobbles together an insinuating argument against the existence of H.I.V. as a virus and AIDS as the resulting disease.
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I expect most people have seen the articles about this fellow becoming a loon, Beeley, 21wire and so on in his follows on twitter, and how it got him killed.

I've wondered how this happens to what seem reasonably balanced people, and I've watched in dismay as some go down this road online, and one in real life.

This article offers some insights:

It's written by a designer of live action games and puzzles. He describes how Q anon uses similar techniques to draw people deeper into their world.

tldr: The key is to provide questions and clues rather than fully formed theories. When people work out the answers for themselves they have a stronger response than when they just read the answer. Q was just the best at this of several competing anons.
Some exciting new historical research from the Beeley crowd (oh, just spotted that her post is from 2014 so not actually new, just that people are talking about it now):
Raving anti-semitic conspiraloon reacts to finally getting booted off youtube.

beeley loon youtube ban.jpg

I dunno what the final straw was. Probably covid denial. I'd given up going through loon shit for my own sanity. It's not healthy.

Funny enough, she didn't think youtube was very fascist when she was subscribing to all them neo-nazi channels.

beeley antisemite youtube sub 3.jpg

beeley antisemite youtube sub 12.jpg
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After all that the youtube fascists have uncancelled her channel. So I was able to check if she still subscribes to holocaust denial channels and the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler propaganda fillum one. Yeah she does.

Meanwhile she apparently believes the people at the sarah everard vigil were crisis actors and the police were in on it.
After all that the youtube fascists have uncancelled her channel. So I was able to check if she still subscribes to holocaust denial channels and the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler propaganda fillum one. Yeah she does.

Meanwhile she apparently believes the people at the sarah everard vigil were crisis actors and the police were in on it.
What’s a crisis actor? Someone who falls over at the perfect moment?
another member of the Working group on Syria, propaganda & media caught out. even more proof (if it were needed) that the members of the aforementioned group are absolutely desperate for even the slightest proof, from however unbelievable the source. of anything to back up their lies & disinfo

"Prof McKeigue had been trying to unearth details about the Commission for International Justice and Accountability (Cija) - an organisation that gathers Syrian government documents for war crimes trials - when he struck up the email exchange.
Cija documents are currently being used in a war crimes trial, in which a former Syrian military intelligence officer stands accused on 4,000 counts of torture.
The Edinburgh University professor wanted information about a woman Cija's director might have slept with and asked whether he was a cocaine user."

Just vaguely musing whilst bored on what will happen to Beeley longer term. Like think she'll keep vanishing down ever more increasingly bonkers paths until she ends up like David Icke or David Shayler? Is there any comeback to normality from this kind of fucked-up-ness she's in anyone think?

Someone liking this old post just popped up in my notifications. I think the fact she's gone down the 'covid conspiracy' route answers my question!
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