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vanessa beeley

Someone liking this old post just popped up in my notifications. I think the fact she's gone down the 'covid conspiracy' route answers my question!
There's been no descent as such though. And there can be no return to normality since she's a disgusting longtime loon. The question is whether there's any way back for those on the left who've been suckered by her and her fellow swamp dwelling freaks.
another member of the Working group on Syria, propaganda & media caught out. even more proof (if it were needed) that the members of the aforementioned group are absolutely desperate for even the slightest proof, from however unbelievable the source. of anything to back up their lies & disinfo
Longer piece on this from Chloe Hadjimatheou. The UK professor and the fake Russian agent

It contains this titbit.
A couple of months into their exchange the professor claimed that his co-author, Piers Robinson, and the Damascus-based blogger, Vanessa Beeley, could be reached through a Russian diplomat in Geneva, Sergey Krutskikh. The BBC approached the diplomat for comment, but got no reply. Vanessa Beeley didn't respond either. She has always maintained she's independent, not incentivised by any government and that her concern is getting to the truth.
Her email address is publicly available so why tell anyone to go through russian diplomats/agents.

re: normality. Apparently she had deleted all mention of her horsey set life while leaving a video of herself with France's leading antisemites on her linkedin profile. I'm guessing that this is her. From her insta, it looks like she's getting back into it.

beeley horsey loon.jpg
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‘Vanessa Beeley thinks Kristalnacht was a false flag’

Surely that must be the death knoll for her an her idiot supporters

Same for Morning Star, but it won't be, as they've been doing stuff like that for ages and people still defend them and think they're politically sound.
Yeah, covered a bit on the previous page but turns out it was actually 2014 that she was sharing THE TRUTH about Kristalnacht and the sinking of the Lusitania were all Mossad operations:
I have no idea how I missed that one when I went through her loonline way back when.

I think she's doing a lot of rting of other loon accounts to avoid being twitter binned.

beeley icke coronavirus loon.jpg

She claimed that an israeli missile landed 100 metres from her as she was walking her dog in a restricted military area the other day.

beeley missile lies.jpg

Civilians having a do in a military area. Ok.
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Someone sent me a YouTube link to a video about HnH being dodgy (which I agree with obviously) but it's from something called "Resistance TV" featuring David Miller and Tony Greenstein. My loon-alert went off as I'm sure I've heard them mentioned in threads like this one. I'm going to take a wild guess based on the video and say tankies/red brown fash/antisemites or a mixture.
Someone sent me a YouTube link to a video about HnH being dodgy (which I agree with obviously) but it's from something called "Resistance TV" featuring David Miller and Tony Greenstein. My loon-alert went off as I'm sure I've heard them mentioned in threads like this one. I'm going to take a wild guess based on the video and say tankies/red brown fash/antisemites or a mixture.
Miller appears in this thread a few times:

Times article:

Leading universities have provided academic status to a group led by proponents of conspiracy theories, an investigation by The Times shows.

The Organisation for Propaganda Studies (OPS) has promoted theories about the September 11 terrorist attacks, the shooting down of an airliner over Ukraine in 2014, the White Helmets humanitarian rescue group in Syria, the antivax movement and the origins of the coronavirus.

David Miller, a controversial professor, was suspended from the Labour Party last month and has been threatened with disciplinary action for bringing his university into disrepute.

Bristol and Sheffield universities, both in the elite Russell Group, have owned the OPS domain since it was formed as a private, not-for-profit company in 2018, it has emerged. They provided the organisation with an academic website address ending in .ac.uk, an honour formally restricted to distinguished bodies.

Someone sent me a YouTube link to a video about HnH being dodgy (which I agree with obviously) but it's from something called "Resistance TV" featuring David Miller and Tony Greenstein. My loon-alert went off as I'm sure I've heard them mentioned in threads like this one. I'm going to take a wild guess based on the video and say tankies/red brown fash/antisemites or a mixture.
It's Chris Williamson's crankovision project. This kind of content.
Dr Piers Robinson & Prof Fabio Vighi, The Unspoken truth behind the Covid crisis

Plus israel israel israel.
It's Chris Williamson's crankovision project. This kind of content.

Plus israel israel israel.
I pointed this out on a minor fb group which had posted the link to the vid krink mentions - Class Action ('an advocate for working class ideas and action'). Have now been kicked out. Not that I'm arsed; I can't remember but probably only joined for a meme or something.

Noted Steve Hedley is also taking anti-vaxxers side in the name of being anti-discrimination.

Statement and his replies (and his likes for posts describing being vaxxed as like what happened in the concentration camps):

I pointed this out on a minor fb group which had posted the link to the vid krink mentions - Class Action ('an advocate for working class ideas and action'). Have now been kicked out. Not that I'm arsed; I can't remember but probably only joined for a meme or something.

Noted Steve Hedley is also taking anti-vaxxers side in the name of being anti-discrimination.

Statement and his replies (and his likes for posts describing being vaxxed as like what happened in the concentration camps):

He isn’t really siding with anti-vaxxers there. He’s protecting people from losing their jobs for not having the vaccine. As you’d hope to expect from a senior trades Union official.
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He isn’t really taking a pro anti-vaccine position. He’s protecting jobs.
Yeh I get that's what he's saying; he says he's vaxxed and boosted himself. Being pro antivax is kind of where he's ended up though. He went quiet when someone pointed out smallpox vaccination was mandatory at one point and that hep b still is for Drs (or is it just recommended?) He's also ended up liking posts like "This is about civil liberties and the right to choose regardless of whether you have had a jab or not. Reminds me of forcing people in the concentration camps"
Yeh I get that's what he's saying; he says he's vaxxed and boosted himself. Being pro antivax is kind of where he's ended up though. He went quiet when someone pointed out smallpox vaccination was mandatory at one point and that hep b still is for Drs (or is it just recommended?) He's also ended up liking posts like "This is about civil liberties and the right to choose regardless of whether you have had a jab or not. Reminds me of forcing people in the concentration camps"

Reminds me of a mate who leans heavily towards pro mandate personally but has to write much more nuanced press releases as he represents the mixed views of the membership.
Bringing up the 'relatively untested' line is a very poor argument that is a big green light for anti-vaxxers. It has been tested every bit as fully, more so, than any other new vaccine. By definition no new vaccine has been fully tested for long-term effects. So it's not surprising it will be taken by anti-vaxxers as a nod and a wink in their direction.

(Though I agree, he is just sticking up for his members' rights, its just badly phrased)
Tbh she’d be a perfect MI5 asset, a trusted shill for the worst sort of people is very good cover.
Tbh she’d be a perfect MI5 asset, a trusted shill for the worst sort of people is very good cover.
Don't think so. She's very thick in addition to being mental. I doubt that the Syrian intelligence agencies trust her very much at all. Through gritted teeth, eyes and ears, I watched her account of being detained. Bearing in mind that she's a pathological liar, it appears that she was blabbing away to the cops without even having a lawyer present, ranting about the UK being the real terrorist and so on.

I'm loath to link to a loon channel but files are files.

‘Vanessa Beeley thinks Kristalnacht was a false flag’

Surely that must be the death knoll for her an her idiot supporters
See post #25 for how this stuff, perfect examples of her character, get waved away, not just by loons of mr brown's ilk, but also by people who should know better.

She managed to RT a slovenian nazi (kevin macdonald and hitler stuff throughout the tl) the other day. He had quote tweeted her banging on about israel bombing syria.
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