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US Leftwing Magazine 'Current Affairs' fires staff for attempting to trying to establish co-op

Jeff Robinson

Marxist-Lentilist: Jackboots and Jackfruit
Dear comrades,

We, the former full and part-time staff, write to you with deep sadness and disappointment about recent events that have occurred at Current Affairs. On August 8th, editor-in-chief Nathan J. Robinson (author of Why You Should Be A Socialist) unilaterally fired most of the workforce to avoid an organizational restructuring that would limit his personal power. Yes, we were fired by the editor-in-chief of a socialist magazine for trying to start a worker co-op.

Full letter here:

Robinson's response (not great) can be found here:

I mean, given his sartorial sensibilities, I guess nobody should be that surprised?

Yeah I’m sad about this. I picked their little magazine more or less at random as my one piece of paid for subscription journalism so feel pissed off. Paid a years subs up front too. :(
Yeah I’m sad about this. I picked their little magazine more or less at random as my one piece of paid for subscription journalism so feel pissed off. Paid a years subs up front too. :(

Yeah, I enjoyed much of their output too. This is a real shame. Can probably only be salvaged now if Nathan resigns and it becomes a co-op.
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