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Urban boaties where are you?


diminished responsibilty
Sigh - missing twentythreedom again. Daughter has bought a boat. Only a little mirror dinghy but moored just along the river (Yare) from our wood. £300 and another £100 for an outboard. £30 a month for mooring fees and we have an option to build a little jetty on an inlet on my neighbour's land so we can get it in dry dock. Swallows and fucking Amazons, innit. I used to sail as a kid (on Hollingworth Lake) and have done a bit of coastal sailing, but not for years. We have a canoe which I refuse to get into, but grand-daughter has been harping on about river-life since she learned to swim (they both swim in the Yare in all bloody weathers). Think it must be Covid which has given us a sense of urgency - to wring everything possible from life. - that and a dramatic river rescue of a flailing pigeon on the Wensum in the pouring rain. I find I am quite excited at the prospect of tacking up the Yare, (which is infested with those giant floating £100,000 toilets, usually crewed by some twat with a skipper's cap). We are not going to be those people.
Funnily enough I was thinking about twentythreedom today too. I want to do my day skipper ticket, and have been looking at small day boats. I was wishing he was around to ask about things like chart suppliers, etc.

I plan to do the Spanish licence beginning of next year. I'm waiting because I've a friend who fancies doing it with me.
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Funnily enough I was thinking about twenty twentythreedom today too. I want to do my day skipper ticket, and have been looking at small day boats. I was wishing he was around to ask about things like chart suppliers, etc.
Yep, when I lived in Brighton, I thought about doing a bit of sea fishing and asked around. Back in the day, no-one needed tickets and I balked at spending money on a day skipper ticket so never bothered...but getting really quite excited at being on the water again. And it is a useful skill for kids - self-reliance and being comfortable outdoors and all that - the sort of things freely available to the privately schooled and monied but not usually an option for council estate proles like us..
Yep, when I lived in Brighton, I thought about doing a bit of sea fishing and asked around. Back in the day, no-one needed tickets and I balked at spending money on a day skipper ticket so never bothered...but getting really quite excited at being on the water again. And it is a useful skill for kids - self-reliance and being comfortable outdoors and all that - the sort of things freely available to the privately schooled and monied but not usually an option for council estate proles like us..
I can do the Spanish navigation course for about 150€. It's basic. But it does allow me to have a boat up to 6m although it restricts me to daylight and no more than 6km off shore. It's a cheap start. If I like it enough I'll do the full day skipper ticket.

I'm tempted to do the RYA navigation and radio courses regardless. I think they could be invaluable.
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Same here. Boat's moored in Whitehaven and 23dom was offering pointers for sailing etc.

We've just wrapped her up for the winter. Thanks to the plague, we've not been out at all this year and only been over three or four times in total since mid-March.
I miss the visits ...
All my sailing plans have been ruined this year too. Not even been out once.

I did used to have a Mirror dinghy and sailed them on the sea when I was a kid, keep it dry and well painted.
Same here. Boat's moored in Whitehaven and 23dom was offering pointers for sailing etc.
I did my yacht master course at the Ravenglass Boating Association...including a residential weekend at Sellafield.

I don’t get out in small boats much now. This is where I’ll be working next week..


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Daughter took the boat out for its first sail of the year (because Covid). If I could figure out how to upload pics from my phone, I could put some on here. It's actually almost 20foot and called Tarishta. I have enrolled my grand-daughters in the Norfolk Sailing Club. As they are 3 young hooligans, I sincerely hope the club is prepared. Daughter and one of the girls went for a swim (ffs) today, in the bloody freezing rain - they are made of tougher stuff than I am (although I did once swim across Torbay at night so...) The mad kelpie pup barked the whole time...but my cowardly collie simply will not entertain the idea of being on the water - she literally howls when made to get in the canoe. As this new boat actually has a decent galley, the collie might just suck it up. We shall see. Hopefully, I will take it for a sail next weekend (excited).
I dunno. It's not a Mirror either (have only seen wobbly pics)
Sailing Yacht Boat | in Norwich, Norfolk | Gumtree desperate to have a good look - daughter has sent a bunch of pics and says it is perfectly water-worthy. She has been off down the Yare. Got a trailer too and somehow got the lot for £400 (I think)...so we will be towing it to our wood next week. Looks like a good little family boat.
Now having a bit of a worry about just how windy it has been (and still is) ...

(although wor boat is in a marina and the staff do check moorings etc every day and more frequently when the weather is grotty)
Very nice, little clinker dinghy. No idea if it is a specific breed, looks a bit like some of the inter-war Lake District or Norfolk Broads types (but I'm not an expert)
However, it needs turning over, or a new cover.

You should have seen the state of it before I cleaned it out! It's been lying neglected somewhere for God knows how long. I volunteer at a traditional boatbuilding project and we're going to do her up.
You should have seen the state of it before I cleaned it out! It's been lying neglected somewhere for God knows how long. I volunteer at a traditional boatbuilding project and we're going to do her up.

Splendid idea, have fun.
I do similar but with slightly larger objects (mostly railway vehicles).

But you should have seen n smelt "William Riley" when I first saw her, the poor thing. You'll need to click the link, for some reason I can't paste it in here (and it's a small image)

ipernity: WR - William Riley at Barnstaple - by StoneRoad2013
I have no idea why, but have been following this youtube channel whilst WFH - bloke wants to abandon his life of misery and conformity, buy a big old catamaran and sail the world, except he has never been sailing. He is flogging all his chattels, buying it and sailing off in 200 days ( up to day 100 or so). Yachty types give give him a hard time on the sailing anarchy forum late on. curiously watchable. Oh, and he is a gary numan fanatic. and an anti vaxxer. posts a few minutes each day

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I have no idea why, but have been following this youtube channel whilst WFH - bloke wants to abandon his life of misery and conformity, buy a big old catamaran and sail the world, except he has never been sailing. He is flogging all his chattels, buying it and sailing off in 200 days ( up to day 100 or so). Yachty types give give him a hard time on the sailing anarchy forum late on. curiously watchable. Oh, and he is a gary numan fanatic. and an anti vaxxer. posts a few minutes each day

That's very brave of him. You can learn to sail in 200 days. You can do your VHF, radar, navigation, and meteorology tickets in that time. But you will not have enough experience to go round the world, IMO of course.
He not thinking about anything as practical as getting tickets or experience, just wants a big catamaran to entertain guests. It’s a rather deluded set of vids though, almost a heart of darkness journey into delusion
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