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Undercover policing enquiry

I know lots of people approached by the cops to become informers, but they were all previously involved in things esp round the time of the maydays back in '01-'04. Outside the six counties never heard of people being asked so nicely if they'd do this, but the being treated like shit is common to pretty much all informant narratives I've read

Yeah I think it's a mug's game, obviously - just wondering whether they did in fact appeal to some kind of "heroic" capacity within him or whether they had some dirt on him for leverage.
BNP infiltrator seeks police admission of covert operation

Pretty grim reading and raises loads of questions.

How many people who had nothing to do with the cops or the far right would be happy to infiltrate the BNP for 40 quid a week. :confused:
Interesting that they have in this instance decided to use rather than one of their own, a private individual. Unlike the times they have infiltrated groups on the left of the political spectrum.


a. Why is one group blacked out? (Or it could be two groups with very short names I guess :)). Is it because they are still around?
b. Does this mean that UCOs who infiltrated other groups are not at physical risk? (And so all their details should be made available?)

Probably worth sticking this in the Beating The Fascists thread. (ETA: done)
But the Irish groups a puzzle. Could be isrp but they barely organise in England. Could be Wolfe Tone Society. But says groups... Connolly Society?
Interesting that they have in this instance decided to use rather than one of their own, a private individual. Unlike the times they have infiltrated groups on the left of the political spectrum.

Nope, they use both paid informants and undercover police (both short and long term) in the left and right.
Met now sending legal rottweilers after Helen Steel demanding £7k in legal costs for daring to face up to the organisation that sent a spycop into her life!



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The costs order relates to the case fought by Helen Steel (targeted by John Dines), Belinda Harvey (targeted by Bob Lambert), ‘Alison’ (targeted by Mark Jenner), ‘Penny’/‘Ruth’ and ‘Rosa’ (both targeted by Jim Boyling). Mr Justice Bean handed down his judgment in July 2014. In it the Met's stance was entirely “we neither confirm nor deny that ‘x’ was a police officer, but even if ‘x’ was a police officer it was a long time ago and, like, she can't prove nuffink, guv.”

In his judgment Mr Justice Bean noted how MPS and its lawyers had failed to properly and transparently lay out its full defence of the claims laid before it. His judgment also dismantled the claimed blanket defence of NCND; “I do not accept that there is now, in 2014, any legitimate public interest entitling the Commissioner to maintain the stance of NCND in respect of this general allegation...I therefore rule that the defendant cannot rely on NCND to avoid answering the general allegation to which I have referred above.” In other words, it was this case which undermined the very defences of Citadel Spycop: Bean brushed aside the Met's objections, and formally accepted that Boyling and Lambert had been “Jim Sutton” and “Bob Robinson”, Metroplitan Police officers sent out to infiltrate themselves into the lives of political activists and others, regardless of criminal activity.

Whilst he upheld NCND in the cases of “John Barker” (Dines) and “Mark Cassidy” (Jenner), the world has moved on since then - Helen Steel was able to dramatically confront John Dines and elicit a confession from him, and the circumstantial case against Jenner is ever more compelling and overwhelming.
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The latter, I think, or possibly some dibble recently promoted to quite a high level, and trying to make a quick reputation.
And Helen will tell them to fuck off. I know her, and the whole mclibel thing gave her balls of steel
pure intimidation then. Cuntish behaviour of the highest order. She is a legend and thank god for women like her prepared to fight and fight again and again. It's a massive burden.
Individuals have had their lives and bodies violated by the state in the most extreme way imaginable - are you suggesting that that is on a par with blocking a road,occupying a corporate office or lobbing a placard stick at a riot cop?
No, no I'm not. My comment was somewhat flippant, and was a 'general' comment, rather than in the context of this specific subject.

It is not acceptable for people to form relationships, and indeed have children, with an individual who was using them as a means of access to a group.

If the matters were real threats to the realm, then maybe different standards would apply, but this is chickenshit stuff, an irritation to authority, not a real threat to the security of the nation.
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